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The	impact	of	Science	Literacy	delivery	methods	-	what	works?	
Single	mechanism	analysis	report	
Makerspaces	|	Group	4.	Activities	and	services	
V	1.0	|	10	December	2018	
Team	members	
Valentina	De	Col	|	Lead	Researcher,	NIDA	
Kamran	Naim	|	Executive	Director,	NIDA	
Carol	Priestley	|	Senior	Advisor,	NIDA	
Carol	Usher	|	Manager,	Publicity	&	Dissemination,	NIDA	
Attribution	4.0	International	(CC	BY	4.0)	
Co-financed	by	Evergreen	Education	Foundation	(EEF)	and	NIDA
Executive	Summary	
1.	Introduction	
1.1	 This	report	presents	a	synthesis	of	the	proven	impact,	strengths	and	weaknesses	of	
makerspaces	in	delivering	science	literacy.	
1.2		 This	individual	analysis	is	situated	within	the	framework	of	a	broad	study	of	science	literacy	
aimed	to	establish	what	has	been	proven	successful	in	the	field;	with	the	objective	to	
promote	and	adapt	good	practices	and	fill	gaps	in	knowledge	about	‘what	works’.	
1.3		 The	full	study	identified	42	single-mechanism	approaches,	2	composite	approaches	and	1	
related	approach.	‘Makerspaces’	is	categorized	within	Group	4	relating	to	‘Activities	and	
2.	Methodology	for	resource	discovery	and	analysis	
2.1		 From	October	2017	to	May	2018,	the	research	team	surveyed	existing	resources	through	
retrieval	via	research	databases,	subject	databases,	open	access	repositories	and	through	
contact	with	interested	organisations,	institutions	and	individuals.	
2.2		 The	resources	were	divided	into	impact	assessments	(IAs)	and	descriptive	resources.	For	the	
purposes	of	analysis,	only	those	published	during	the	years	2013	-2018	were	utilised.	Each	
resource	was	read	in	detail,	significant	data	was	extracted	and	entered	into	a	specifically	
developed	database.	An	example	of	the	database	mask	is	included	in	Appendix	A.	
2.3		 Although	the	total	number	of	resources	located	was	not	designed	to	be	exhaustive	or	
definitive,	the	resources	captured	in	this	research	are	limited	to	those	available	in	the	
English	language	and	to	translations	that	had	already	been	made	from	other	languages	into	
3.	Overview	of	results	
3.1		 Over	2,100	IA	studies	and	descriptive	resources	were	identified	in	the	full	research	process,	
of	which	27	relate	specifically	to	‘makerspaces’;	of	which	21	were	published	between	2013-	
2018	(May).	In	view	of	the	potential	importance	of	makerspaces	in	delivery	of	science	
literacy,	consideration	is	now	being	given	to	an	updated	search	to	cover	March	to	December	
3.2		 The	subject	coverage	included	science,	technology,	engineering	and	mathematics	(STEM),	
mathematics	and	broadly	science	education.	The	countries	included	in	the	studies	were	
United	States	of	America	(16),	but	also	with	examples	from	Australia	(4),	Canada	(1),	Estonia	
(1),	Indonesia	(1),	Mexico	(1)	and	New	Zealand	(1).	
3.3		 The	delivery	models	involved	were	implemented	for	two-thirds	in	formal	education	(66.7%)	
and	or	one-third	in	non-formal	education	(33.3%).	The	target	audiences	were	66.7%	
education	and	training,	29.6%	population	groups	and	3.7%	workers.	The	audiences	were	
reached	through	educational	institutions	(85.7%),	‘others’	(9.5%)	and	‘various’	(4.8%).	
3.4		 The	approaches	to	conducting	assessment	within	the	resources	were	found	to	be	equally	
mixed-method	and	qualitative,	followed	by	quantitative.	The	most	common	data	collection	
approaches	involved	written	or	online	surveys.
4.	Discussion	
4.1		 The	makerspace	phenomenon	has	morphed	into	three	readily	identifiable	types	
characterised	by	accessibility:	dedicated,	distributed,	and	mobile.	Initially	emerging	from	
universities,	makerspaces	are	now	found	in	locations	ranging	from	industrial	estates	to	high	
streets,	schools,	museums	and	libraries.	
4.2		 Despite	increased	interest	by	educators	of	the	potential	of	makerspaces	in	engaging	
students	in	active	learning,	there	is	a	lack	of	empirical	evidence	to	demonstrate	the	
effectiveness,	content	and	processes	of	learning	in	makerspaces.	
4.3		 The	resources	presented	in	this	analysis	offer	a	selection	of	current	studies	and	impact	
assessments	involving	makerspaces	based	on	resources	published	from	January	2013	to	
March	2018.	This	report	will	be	subsequently	updated	to	include	studies	published	between	
April	to	December	2018.	
4.4		 The	apparent	dearth	of	recent	impact	assessments	may	indicate	an	urgent	need	for	further	
research	on	approaches	to	assess	learning	in	makerspaces.	
4.5		 The	reviewed	studies	range	from	primary	school	STEM-related	studies	(in	Indonesia	and	
Australia),	contextualized	mathematics	education	for	African	American	elementary	and	
middle-school	students	in	the	United	States,	through	to	university	settings,	most	frequently	
for	undergraduate	engineering	students,	but	also	pre-nursing	and	pre-professional	health	
contexts.	Makerspaces	were	also	used	in	professional	development	activities	in	STEM	for	
teachers	and	campus	administrators	in	the	United	States.	
4.6		 Studies	related	to	library	makerspaces	included	experiences	in	the	United	States,	New	
Zealand	and	Estonia,	as	well	as	studies	of	makerspaces	in	museums,	and	mobile	
makerspaces	in	the	United	States	and	rural	Australia.	
4.7		 Studies	have	also	been	conducted	surveying	the	makerspace	landscape	(specifically	in	the	
United	States),	as	well	as	assessments	of	makerspaces	and	FabLabs	across	multiple	
countries,	and	a	wide	and	current	literature	on	a	variety	of	facets	of	makerspaces.	
4.8		 The	majority	of	studies	reported	positive	impacts	of	makerspaces	on	awareness,	knowledge	
or	understanding,	which	included	knowledge	on	niche	topics	(for	engineering	students),	
increased	creativity	and	skills	acquisition,	competence	in	the	use	and	application	of	new	
technologies,	and	an	overall	gain	in	mathematical	test	scores.	
4.9		 Increased	interest	and	engagement	was	reported	in	studies	using	makerspaces	among	
participants	in	a	professional	development	program	(in	the	United	States),	among	
Indonesian	primary	students	in	STEM	related	activities,	and	for	participants	with	mobile	
4.10		 Positive	attitude	changes	were	reported	by	makerspace	participants,	ranging	from	medical	
and	biomedical	engineering	undergraduate	students,	to	minority	elementary	and	middle	
school	students	attitudes	towards	STEM.	Studies	reported	positive	attitudes	among	STEM	
teachers	in	professional	development	programs,	as	well	as	multiple	reports	of	increased	
confidence,	self-confidence	and	motivation	in	makerspace	related	tasks,	technology	use,	
proficiency	and	application.	
4.11		 Studies	further	reported	positive	behavioural	changes,	with	increased	willingness	to	
participate	in	more	makerspace	activities,	increased	motivation	and	reduced	anxiety	in	
engineering	and	design	related	tasks.
4.12		 Skill	development	in	makerspace	related	activities	(particularly	related	to	design,	
manufacturing	and	teamwork)	were	reported,	as	well	as	improved	problem	solving	and	
group	communication	skills.	
4.13		 A	range	of	other	multifaceted	impacts	were	reported	that	included	enjoyment,	personal	and	
professional	development,	and	socialisation.	
4.14		 Makerspaces	have	a	range	of	reported	strengths,	particularly	related	to	increased	
engagement	with	STEM	knowledge,	and	the	development	and	demonstration	of	21st-
century	skills	such	as	problem-solving,	critical	and	creative	thinking,	collaboration	and	
4.15		 Studies	further	highlighted	the	potential	for	makerspaces	in	advancing	interest	in	STEM	
careers,	in	particular	for	underrepresented	populations	(namely	people	of	colour	and	
women)	in	STEM.	
4.16		 Makerspaces	also	have	the	reported	potential	to	cultivate	creativity	and	innovation	in	
universities,	as	well	as	recasting	the	role	of	libraries	and	the	impact	they	can	have	on	local	
4.17		 Makerspaces	provide	an	opportunity	for	meaningful	community	engagement:	acting	as	
social	spaces;	supporting	wellbeing;	serving	the	needs	of	the	communities	in	which	they	are	
located;	and	providing	outreach	centers	for	excluded	groups.	
4.18		 The	reported	weaknesses	of	makerspaces	primarily	relate	to	the	lack	of	teacher	preparation,	
skill	sets,	expertise	regarding	how	to	use	technology,	pedagogical	knowledge	and	limited	
access	to	technology	and	resources,	that	can	limit	students’	potential	to	be	positively	
impacted	by	the	experience.	
4.19		 Student	anxiety	in	participating	in	makerspaces	was	further	highlighted	as	a	significant	
barrier	for	students.	
4.20		 Despite	the	open	nature	of	makerspaces,	the	fact	that	most	early	adopters	of	makerspaces	
were	affluent	males,	the	benefits	available	through	these	facilities	might	not	be	evenly	
4.21		 Improving	STEM	education	through	makerspaces	in	developed	and	developing	countries	
remains	a	challenge	due	to	resource	constraints.	
4.22	 The	process	of	learning	through	makerspace	require	the	development	of	appropriate	tools	
of	assessment	and	analysis,	in	line	with	the	challenges	that	still	exist	in	measuring	the	impact	
of	informal	learning	environments.	Mixed	method	approaches	may	help	in	this	regard.	
5.	Conclusions	
5.1		 Makerspaces	are	having	a	transformative	impact	on	STEM	education,	and	have	grown	
rapidly	in	universities,	schools,	libraries	and	museums	with	the	aim	to	encourage	deep	
engagement	with	STEM-integrated	content,	critical	thinking,	problem-solving	and	
5.2		 Makerspaces	reveal	a	huge	potential	to	benefit	individuals	but	also	entire	communities,	
acting	as	a	community	hub,	where	people	come	to	work	together,	learn	from	each	other	or	
simply	socialise,	imparting	value	in	a	range	of	ways.	
5.3		 There	remains	a	paucity	of	empirical	research	evaluating	makerspaces	and	making,	and	
makerspaces	and	learning.	The	form	of	complex	interdisciplinary	learning	taking	place	in	
makerspaces	demands	new	forms	of	assessments.
5.4		 There	is	growing	interest	to	understand	the	outcomes	of	makerspace	programmes,	to	
improve	current	practices,	and	overcome	current	and	future	STEM-education	related	
Executive	Summary	.........................................................................................................................	ii	
Acronyms	......................................................................................................................................	vii	
	 Mechanisms,	groups	and	approaches	........................................................................................	4	1.
	 Methodology	for	resource	discovery	and	analysis	.....................................................................	5	2.
	 Search	method	.......................................................................................................................	5	2.1.
	 Data	extraction	for	the	analysis	.............................................................................................	6	2.2.
	 Limitations	of	the	resource	discovery	....................................................................................	6	2.3.
	 Overview	of	results	...................................................................................................................	6	3.
	 Total	number	of	resources	discovered	..................................................................................	6	3.1.
	 Scientific	subjects	..................................................................................................................	6	3.2.
	 Countries	involved	in	the	studies	...........................................................................................	7	3.3.
	 Educational	delivery	models	..................................................................................................	8	3.4.
	 Target	sectors	........................................................................................................................	8	3.5.
	 Delivery	institutions	...............................................................................................................	9	3.6.
	 Approach	to	data	collection	...................................................................................................	9	3.7.
	 Sampling	technique	and	sample	size	...................................................................................	10	3.8.
	 Discussion	................................................................................................................................	10	4.
	 Contexts	of	use	....................................................................................................................	10	4.1.
	 Impacts	................................................................................................................................	17	4.2.
4.2.1.	Awareness,	knowledge	or	understanding	............................................................................	17	
4.2.2.	Engagement	or	interest	........................................................................................................	17	
4.2.3.	Attitude	................................................................................................................................	18	
4.2.4.	Behaviour	.............................................................................................................................	18	
4.2.5.	Skills	......................................................................................................................................	19	
4.2.6.	Others	...................................................................................................................................	19	
	 Strengths	..............................................................................................................................	20	4.3.
	 Weaknesses	.........................................................................................................................	21	4.4.
	 Costs	and	feasibility	.............................................................................................................	22	4.5.
	 Suggestions	for	improved	methodologies	and	for	future	studies	.......................................	22	4.6.
	 Conclusions	and	overview	........................................................................................................	25	5.
APPENDIX	A:	Example	of	data	input	mask	.....................................................................................	26	
APPENDIX	B:	Selected	bibliography	...............................................................................................	28
3D	 	 three-dimensional	
AM	 	 additive	manufacturing	
DIY	 	 do	it	yourself	
EFT	 	 exploration	and	fabrication	technologies	
GPA		 grade	point	average	
ME	 	 multidisciplinary	education	
STEAM	 science,	technology,	engineering,	art	and	mathematics	
STEM	 science,	technology,	engineering	and	mathematics
Mechanisms,	groups	and	approaches	1.
During	the	first	part	of	the	Desk	Research	phase	of	this	project	(i.e.	Task	1),	the	research	team	
identified	42	single-mechanism	approaches,	2	composite	approaches	and	1	related	approach	that	
were	relevant	to	the	delivery	and	dissemination	of	scientific	information.	The	list	of	single	
mechanisms	was	further	organised	into	7	thematic	groups,	as	presented	in	Table	1.		
The	subject	of	this	report	is	‘Makerspaces’,	included	in	Group	4	relating	to	‘Activities	and	
Single	mechanism	approach		 Group		
Exhibitions,	Expo,	Festivals,	Movies,	Picnics,	
Science	fairs,	Seminars,	Talks,	TED	Talks,	Theatre,	
1.	Events,	meetings,	performances	
Colloquia,	Courses,	Curricula,	E-learning,	Webinars	
2.	Education	and	training	–	including	online		
Animations,	Books,	Brochures,	Cartoons,	Comics,	
Games,	Graphics,	Posters,	Publications,	Radio,	
Reports,	TV,	Videos	
3.	Traditional	publishing	and	journalism	–	
print	and	broadcast		
Competitions,	Experiments,	Makerspaces,	Mobile	
classrooms,	Mobile	laboratories	
4.	Activities	and	services		
Blogs,	E-books,	E-zines,	Mobile	Apps,	Podcasts,	Social	
media,	Websites,	Wikis	
5.	Online	interactions		
Composite	approaches	 	
Related	approach	 	
Citizen	Science	
Table	1.	Organisation	of	the	delivery	approaches	of	science	literacy	adopted	in	this	research.	
For	the	purposes	of	this	study,	the	definition	of	‘Makerspaces’	broadly	refers	to	‘a	place	in	which	
people	with	shared	interests,	especially	in	computing	or	technology,	can	gather	to	work	on	projects	
while	sharing	ideas,	equipment,	and	knowledge’1
	and	‘spaces	that	enable	participants	to	create	a	
range	of	artefacts	using	specialist	tools	and	resources,	such	as	electronics,	laser	cutters,	3D	printers,	
in	addition	to	everyday	resources,	both	digital	and	non-digital’	(Marsh	et	al.	2017).	A	more	
comprehensive	description	of	this	mechanism	is	presented	in	chapter	4.1.	
	“Makerspaces”,	Oxford	Dictionaries,	Accessed	28	December	2018,
Methodology	for	resource	discovery	and	analysis	2.
Search	method	2.1.
From	October	2017	to	May	2018,	the	research	team	carried	out	an	extensive	process	of	resource	
discovery	to	survey	existing	works	and	impact	studies	that	could	provide	valuable	evidence	on	the	
impact	of	the	identified	science	delivery	approaches	and	mechanisms.		
The	search	was	carried	out	by	retrieving	documents	and	articles	from	a	wide	range	of	sources,	
including	research	databases,	Google	Scholar,	ResearchGate,	subject	databases	and	open	access	
repositories.	The	use	of	non-boolean	keyword	combinations	returned	a	consistent	number	of	
relevant	results	from	prominent	academic	journals	and	online	library	databases	(e.g.	ERIC,	Frontiers,	
JCOM,	MedLine/PubMed,	Nature,	NCBI,	Wiley	Online	Library,	PLOS,	SAGE,	ScienceDirect,	Springer,	
Web	of	Science).	Moreover,	the	findings	were	complemented	by	relevant	resources	such	as	theses	
and	manuscripts	retrieved	from	university	repositories,	reports	and	case	studies	from	different	
organisations	and	NGOs.	In	addition,	contact	was	made	with	researchers	via	the	ResearchGate	
community	and	single	individuals	from	NIDA’s	Facebook	and	LinkedIn	pages	who	expressed	interest	
in	the	research	and	directly	contributed	by	providing	annotated	bibliographies	for	their	fields	of	
The	resource	discovery	was	performed	by	combining	the	mechanism	name	with	1	of	the	5	
keywords/synonyms	for	‘impact’	and	1	of	the	10	literacies	and	sub-sector	literacies	identified	by	the	
Team,	one	combination	at	a	time.	The	search	strategy	is	exemplified	in	Table	2.	
Approach	 Terms	for	impact	 Literacy	and	sub-sector	literacies	
[mechanism	name]	
e.g.	theatre	
Impact	assessment	
Performance	measurement	
Agricultural	Literacy	
Chemistry	Literacy	
Climate	Literacy		
Computer	Literacy	
Earth	Science	Literacy	
Food	safety	Literacy	
Health	Literacy	
Nutrition	Literacy	
Science	Literacy	
Statistical	Literacy	
Table	2.	Search	strategy	using	keywords	combinations.	
This	method	generated	a	total	number	of	50-word	combinations	(to	illustrate	one	single	
example:	‘theatre	impact	science	literacy’)	for	each	of	the	science	delivery	mechanisms	investigated.	
The	articles	and	materials	selected	for	the	analysis	span	between	2013	and	2018	and	were	
initially	sorted	into	two	main	groups:	one	containing	impact	assessments	that	provide	a	qualitative,	
quantitative	or	mixed	method	(both	qualitative	and	quantitative)	research	approaches	to	data	
collection;	and	a	second	including	different	typologies	of	descriptive	resources,	e.g.	reviews,	guides,	
handbooks,	reports.	Resources	were	organised	by	mechanism	and	the	principal	metadata	(e.g.	title,	
author,	date,	scientific	subject)	saved	on	a	Microsoft	Excel®	spreadsheet	prior	to	database	import.
Data	extraction	for	the	analysis	2.2.
The	identified	impact	assessments	were	subsequently	uploaded	to	a	Microsoft	Access®	database,	
developed	by	the	Team	to	collect	relevant	information	from	each	study.	An	example	of	the	database	
mask	for	data	entry	is	included	in	Appendix	A.	Each	article	was	read	in	detail,	and	significant	data	
were	extracted,	entered	into	the	database	and	used	as	core	information	to	carry	out	the	analysis.	
Limitations	of	the	resource	discovery	2.3.
The	resource	discovery	was	limited	to	resources	available	in	English	language,	and	studies	in	other	
languages	were	only	included	where	translations	had	already	been	made	to	English2
.	Another	
intrinsic	limitation	may	lie	within	the	search	methodology,	particularly	on	the	keyword	
combinations,	and	may	explain	a	low	number	of	articles	for	some	of	the	mechanisms	investigated.	
Moreover,	the	total	number	of	resources	located	is	not	meant	to	be	exhaustive	or	definitive.	It	is	
a	work	in	progress	that	attempts	to	offer	a	synthesis	of	examples	spanning	across	different	literacies	
and	sub-sector	literacies,	with	no	geographical	limitations,	with	the	aim	to	contribute	to	the	
understanding	of	science,	its	applications,	and	to	the	promotion	of	science	literacy.	
Overview	of	results	3.
Total	number	of	resources	discovered	3.1.
Over	2,100	impact	assessment	studies	and	descriptive	resources	were	identified	in	the	full	research	
process,	of	which	27	relate	specifically	to	‘Makerspaces’.	However,	for	the	purposes	of	analysis	a	
decision	was	taken	to	concentrate	on	those	published	between	2013-2018,	as	presented	in	Table	3,	
to	provide	more	current	information.		
Resources	(2013-2018)	 Number	
Impact	assessments	 21	
Descriptive	resources	 33	
Total	no.	of	resources	analysed	 54	
Table	3.	Total	number	of	resources	analysed.	
Scientific	subjects	3.2.
The	main	subjects	of	the	impact	assessments	are	synthesized	in	Table	4.	The	systematic	
categorisation	of	science	branches	was	retrieved	from	Wikipedia3
	and	customised	for	the	purpose	of	
the	research.	
	The	research	and	analysis	methodologies	will,	however,	be	available	from	NIDA	in	English,	French	and	Spanish	in	order	
that	others	may	utilise	and/or	translate	and	adapt,	replicate	and	extend	the	coverage.	
	“Branches	of	science”,	Wikipedia,	Accessed	January	26,	2018,
Main	subject	area	 Detailed	subject	 References	
Applied	/	STEM
Forest	et	al.	2014;	Foth,	
Lankester,	and	Hughes	
2016;	Morocz	et	al.	2016;	
Lagoudas	et	al.	2016;	
Blackley	et	al.	2017;	
Blikstein	et	al.	2017;	
Galaleldin	et	al.	2017;	
Ludwig,	Nagel,	and	Lewis	
2017;	Sheffield	et	al.	2017;	
Sinha	et	al.	2017;	Tomko	et	
al.	2017;	Blackley	et	al.	2018	
Formal	 Mathematics	 Tillman	et	al.	2014	
Social	 Science	education
Sheridan	et	al.	2014;	Litts	2015;	
Gahagan	2016;	Lille	2016;	
Marshall	2016;	McCubbins	
2016;	Miller	2016;	Miller,	
Christensen,	and	Knezek	2017	
Table	4.	Main	scientific	subjects	of	the	resources	analysed.	
Countries	involved	in	the	studies	3.3.
The	countries	where	the	studies	have	taken	place	are	listed	in	Table	5	and	can	be	visualized	on	the	
world	map	in	Figure	1.	
Countries	 No.	of	studies	for	each	country	
United	States	of	America	(US)	 16	
Australia	 4	
Canada,	Estonia,	Indonesia,	Mexico,	New	Zealand	 1	
Table	5.	Number	of	impact	assessment	studies	for	each	country.	
	Science,	technology,	engineering	mathematics	(STEM).	
	Including	assessment	methodologies	in	makerspaces.
Figure	1.	Geographic	distribution	of	the	impact	assessment	studies	[Map	generated	with].	
Educational	delivery	models	3.4.
The	educational	delivery	models	employed	in	each	study	are	presented	in	Table	6.	The	Team	
summarised	specific	models	of	delivery,	whether	formal,	non-formal	or	programmatic	(namely,	
embedded	in	a	programme)	and	included,	for	convenience	of	future	discussion,	a	distinction	
towards	examples	related	to	health	literacy.	The	relative	percentage	displayed	in	the	Table	is	
expressed	over	the	total	number	of	impact	assessment	analysed	(n=21).	
Model	of	delivery	 Sector	 References	
Formal	education	
(14)	66.7%	
Pure	&	Applied	
Forest	et	al.	2014;	Tillman	et	al.	2014;	Lagoudas	et	al.	
2016;	Marshall	2016;	Miller	2016;	Blackley	et	al.	2017;	
Blikstein	et	al.	2017;	Galaleldin	et	al.	2017;	Ludwig,	Nagel,	
and	Lewis	2017;	Miller,	Christensen,	and	Knezek	2017;	
Sheffield	et	al.	2017;	Sinha	et	al.	2017;	Tomko	et	al.	2017;	
Blackley	et	al.	2018	
Non-formal	education	
(7)	33.3%	
Pure	&	Applied	
Sheridan	et	al.	2014;	Litts	2015;	Foth,	Lankester,	and	
Hughes	2016;	Gahagan	2016;	Lille	2016;	McCubbins	2016;	
Morocz	et	al.	2016	
Table	6.	Models	of	delivery	and	relative	percentage	over	the	total	number	of	resources	discovered	analysed	
Target	sectors	3.5.
The	target	sector(s)	addressed	by	each	individual	study	is	presented	in	Table	7.	The	categorisation	
used	was	drawn	from	the	ILO	(International	Labour	Organisation)	Taxonomy6
	list,	which	was	reduced	
and	simplified.	Some	articles	were	attributed	to	more	than	one	target	sector.	
	“ILO	Taxonomy”,	Accessed	January	26,	2018,
Main	target	sector	 Sub-divided	target	sector	 References	
Education	&	Training	
(18)	66.7	%	
Primary	education	
Tillman	et	al.	2014;	Blackley	et	al.	2017;	
Blikstein	et	al.	2017;	Sheffield	et	al.	2017;	
Blackley	et	al.	2018	
Secondary	education	 Marshall	2016,	Blikstein	et	al.	2017	
Bachelor’s	or	equivalent	level	
Forest	et	al.	2014;	Lagoudas	et	al.	2016;	
Morocz	et	al.	2016;	Blackley	et	al.	2017;	
Galaleldin	et	al.	2017;	Ludwig,	Nagel,	and	
Lewis	2017;	Sinha	et	al.	2017;	Tomko	et	al.	
Not	elsewhere	classified	 Miller	2016	
(Not	specified)	 Gahagan	2016	
Population	groups	
(8)	29.6	%	
Adults	 Sheridan	et	al.	2014	
Children	 Sheridan	et	al.	2014;	McCubbins	2016	
Sheridan	et	al.	2014;	Litts	2015;	Sheffield	
et	al.	2017	
(Not	specified)	
Foth,	Lankester,	and	Hughes	2016;	
Galaleldin	et	al.	2017	
(1)	3.7	%	
	 Lille	2016	
Table	7.	Target	sectors	and	relative	percentage	over	the	total	number	of	instances.	
Delivery	institutions	3.6.
The	delivery	institutions	promoting	‘Makerspaces’	are	presented	in	Table	8	as	identified	within	a	
wide	categorisation	identified	by	the	research	team.	
Approach	to	data	collection	3.7.
Of	the	21	impact	assessment	studies,	8	used	a	mixed-method	approach,	8	were	primarily	qualitative	
and	5	quantitative.	
For	these	studies,	data	collection	approaches	involved	written	or	online	surveys	(17	studies),	
interviews	(9),	observations	(8),	experiment	(4),	case	studies	(3),	focus	groups/discussions	groups	
documentation	review/archival	(2)	and	email	(1).	
Among	the	data	collection	tools	or	scales	employed	there	were	Likert	scales	(9	studies),	
questionnaires	(7)	and	tests	(1).	
The	statistical	approaches	used	involved	hypothesis	testing	such	as	t-tests	(4	studies),	ANOVA	(3)	
and	chi-squared	(1).	Some	studies	specified	the	software	tool	or	app	used	for	analysis:	Microsoft	
Excel	(1),	SPSS	(1),	SPSS	16	(1),	SPSS	24	(1)	or	others	(3).
Delivery	institution	 	 References	
Educational	institution	
(18)	85,7	%	
School	 Blackley	et	al.	2018	
Forest	et	al.	2014;	Tillman	et	al.	2014;	
Litts	2015;	Lagoudas	et	al.	2016;	Gahagan	
2016;	Marshall	2016;	McCubbins	2016;	
Miller	2016;	Morocz	et	al.	2016;	Blackley	
et	al.	2017;	Blikstein	et	al.	2017;	
Galaleldin	et	al.	2017;	Miller,	Christensen,	
and	Knezek	2017;	Ludwig,	Nagel,	and	
Lewis	2017;	Sheffield	et	al.	2017;	Sinha	et	
al.	2017;	Tomko	et	al.	2017	
(1)	4,8	%	
	 Foth,	Lankester,	and	Hughes	2016	
(2)	9,5	%	
	 Sheridan	et	al.	2014;	Lille	2016	
Table	8.	Delivery	institutions	and	relative	percentage	over	the	total	number	of	instances.	
Sampling	technique	and	sample	size	3.8.
Amongst	the	sampling	techniques	employed	in	the	studies	under	consideration,	there	were	
convenience	sampling	(17	studies),	random	(1)	and	systematic	sampling	(3).	
Sample	sizes	ranged	from	5	to	105	(147	mean;	52	median),	15	studies	have	a	sample	size	under	
100	participants	and	2	do	not	specify	the	sample	size.	
Discussion	4.
Contexts	of	use	4.1.
Makerspaces,	by	any	name,	are	fundamentally	places	to	design,	explore	and	create.	Despite	its	
continued	growth	as	a	search	term,	‘makerspace’	has	only	recently	officially	entered	the	dictionary	
,	in	comparison	to	the	related	term	‘hackerspace’	has	(Davee,	Regalla,	and	Chang	2015).	
The	first	use	of	the	term	‘makerspace’	dates	back	to	the	publication	of	‘Make	magazine’	in	2005	
and	by	the	subsequent	launch	of	Maker	Faire,	an	event	that	demonstrated	the	popularity	of	making	
and	showcasing	of	new	technologies	(Wong	and	Partridge	2016).	
Started	as	a	grassroots	movement,	makerspace	is	particularly	challenging	to	cohesively	define	
(Litts	2015)	and,	as	a	more	generic	and	inclusive	term,	it	has	increasingly	represented	an	extremely	
wide	variety	of	creative	endeavours,	tools,	demographics,	specializations	and	types	of	places	where	
making	occurs	(Davee,	Regalla,	and	Chang	2015).	
	“Makerspace”,	Oxford	Dictionary,	Accessed	28	December	2018,;	“Makerspace”,	Cambridge	Dictionary,	Accessed	28	December	
Other	terms	often	associated	with	making	and	spaces	include	‘FabLabs’	and	‘hackerspaces’	
(Davee,	Regalla,	and	Chang	2015;	Taylor,	Hurley,	and	Connolly	2016),	which	both	emphasize	forms	
of	making	that	utilize	digital	technology.	While	‘FabLabs’	are	spaces	that	commonly	share	a	core	set	
of	digital	fabrication	and	prototyping	tools,	‘hackerspaces’	are	largely	associated	with	adult,	
computationally-focused	making	(Davee,	Regalla,	and	Chang	2015).	
Different	names	also	reveal	a	diverse	range	of	focus	and	making	forms	(e.g.	robotics,	music,	
media,	arts,	technology)	and	various	approaches	to	making	(e.g.	play,	design,	the	arts,	science,	
tinkering)	(Davee,	Regalla,	and	Chang	2015).	All	of	them,	however,	provide	opportunities	for	
informal,	hands-on	learning	(Wong	and	Partridge	2016).	The	fundamental	concept	is	that	
makerspaces	are	informal	sites	emanated	from	people's	desire	to	connect	and	work	together	
(Blackley	et	al.	2018)	for	creative	production	in	art,	science	and	engineering	(Sheridan	et	al.	2014).	
People	of	all	ages	can	blend	digital	and	physical	technologies,	for	example,	to	explore	and	share	
ideas,	learn	technical	skills,	design	products	and	digital	prototypes	(Sheridan	et	al.	2014;	Morocz	et	
al.	2016),	etc.	
These	spaces	are	a	key	component	of	a	larger	‘maker’	movement	comprised	of	individual	makers,	
local	and	regional	maker	events	and	publications,	and	a	host	of	digital	do	it	yourself	(DIY)	resources	
(Sheridan	et	al.	2014).	The	maker	movement,	in	fact,	was	born	as	the	do	it	yourself	culture	g	access	
to	affordable	digital	design	software	and	desktop	fabrication	tools	and	gave	rise	to	a	community	of	
practice	that	was	significantly	different	from	the	older	tinkerer	and	hobby	communities	(Morocz	et	
al.	2016).	By	providing	communal	facilities	in	an	openly	accessible	space,	makerspaces	have	been	
collectively	hailed	as	enabling	a	revolution	in	personal	manufacturing	(Taylor,	Hurley,	and	Connolly	
Users	often	come	from	different	disciplines	and	are	united	by	their	common	interest	in	making	
and	learn	from	each	other	informally	through	constructionism,	where	failing	is	considered	both	a	
motivator	and	a	learning	mechanism	(Morocz	et	al.	2016).	
In	addition,	these	spaces	are	known	for	fostering	a	culture	of	collaboration	and	openness	and	for	
providing	an	environment	for	teaching,	mentoring	and	advising;	designing,	building	and	fixing;	
collaborating;	participating	(Morocz	et	al.	2016).	
Therefore,	a	makerspace	is	more	than	just	a	place	to	make	things	(Wong	and	Partridge	2016),	
despite	the	fact	that	the	physical	space	can	vary	between	very	small,	primarily	catered	to	a	
community	of	enthusiasts,	to	large	spaces	providing	commercial	services	(Taylor,	Hurley,	and	
Connolly	2016).	
The	makerspace	phenomenon	has	morphed	into	three	readily	identifiable	types	characterised	by	
accessibility:	dedicated,	i.e.	makerspaces	concentrating	equipment,	tools	and	materials	in	a	single	
space,	such	as	a	center	in	a	library	or	a	workshop	in	a	school	used	primarily	as	a	makerspace;	
distributed,	namely	spaces	to	make	that	are	found	in	many	places	within	an	organization;	and	
mobile,	which	can	take	the	form	of	vehicles	that	travel	throughout	a	region	(Davee,	Regalla,	and	
Chang	2015;	Blackeley	et	al.	2017).	
Initially	emerging	from	universities,	makerspaces	are	now	found	in	locations	ranging	from	
industrial	estates	to	high	streets,	schools,	museums	and	libraries	(Taylor,	Hurley,	and	Connolly	2016).	
The	collaborative	design	and	making	activities	they	support	have	also	generated	interest	in	diverse	
educational	settings	such	as	museums	and	libraries	(Sheridan	et	al.	2014).	With	regard	to	the	latter,	
makerspaces	are	being	established	throughout	the	world	in	an	increasing	number	of	public	libraries	
and,	in	this	way,	are	reframing	the	role	of	public	libraries	as	information	storehouses,	by	shifting	the
emphasis	away	from	the	loan	of	information	materials	towards	the	provision	of	a	physical	space,	
tools,	equipment	and	expertise	for	information	sharing	and	knowledge	creation	(Gahagan	2016).	
Community	makerspaces	have	also	gained	popularity	and	more	ground	in	universities	and	other	
educational	institutions	as	a	novel	approach	to	learn	and	work	with	peers,	boost	creativity	and	
innovation,	promote	design	experiences	at	the	undergraduate	level	and	provide	more	opportunities	
for	experiential	and	hands-on	learning	(Forest	et	al.	2014;	Wong	and	Partridge	2016;	Galaleldin	et	al.	
Makerspaces	are	also	increasingly	becoming	a	part	of	schools	and	creating	more	fluid	boundaries	
between	formal	and	informal	contexts	for	education	(Sinha	et	al.	2017).	They	provide	student-
centered	learning	environments	that	integrate	technology	and	material	play,	encourage	deep	
engagement	with	STEM-integrated	content,	critical	thinking,	problem-solving,	collaboration	and	
inspire	creative	ways	to	plan,	research,	build	(Blackeley	et	al.	2017;	Miller	2017;	Sinha	et	al.	2017).	
Furthermore,	because	the	problem	of	declining	numbers	in	student	preferences	in	STEM,	it	is	
thought	that	young	people’s	interest	needs	to	be	stimulated	and	maintained	throughout	schooling	
so	that	they	choose	to	continue	with	studies	in	the	STEM	fields	at	the	university	level	(Blackeley	et	
al.	2017).		
The	maker	movement	is	changing	the	way	educators	and	educational	researchers	envision	
teaching	and	learning:	it	contends	that	making,	an	active	process	of	building,	designing	and	
innovating	with	tools	and	materials	to	produce	shareable	artifacts	is	a	naturally	rich	and	authentic	
learning	trajectory	(Litts	2015).	
However,	despite	the	interest	and	activity	around	designing	and	creating	makerspaces	and	the	
fact	that	learning	through	making	intuitively	“makes	sense”	to	educators,	parents,	researchers	and	
kids,	Sheridan	and	colleagues	(2014)	and	Litts	(2015)	noted	a	lack	of	empirical	evidence	to	
demonstrate	the	effectiveness,	content	and	processes	of	learning	in	makerspaces.	Until	recently,	
little	has	been	known,	for	example,	on	how	the	maker	movement	is	impacting	education	(Litts	
2015),	what	the	impact	is	of	university	makerspaces	on	students	(Tomko	et	al.	2017),	how	standards	
and	learning	are	achieved	through	the	use	of	a	makerspace	(Marshall	2016)	or	how	the	outcomes	of	
makerspace	services	are	assessed	in	public	libraries	(Gahagan	2016).	
The	resources	presented	in	this	analysis	offer	a	selection	of	current	studies	and	impact	
assessments	involving	makerspaces	based	on	resources	published	from	January	2013	to	March	
2018;	however,	in	view	of	the	potential	importance	of	makerspaces	consideration	is	now	being	given	
to	update	the	search	to	cover	April	to	December	2018.	
Starting	from	a	school	setting,	Blackley	and	colleagues	(2018)	examined	the	learning	experiences	
of	a	sample	of	primary	students	in	Indonesia	who	participated	in	an	integrated	STEM	project	to	
create	a	‘Wiggle	bot’.	
Two	other	papers	by	Blackley	and	colleagues	(2017)	and	Sheffield	and	others	(2017)	both	
described	a	type	of	makerspace	approach	that	had	the	purpose	of	improving	the	confidence	and	
ability	of	primary	education	schoolgirls	in	Australia	to	capture	their	imagination	and	creativity.	The	
approach	incorporated	the	utilisation	of	a	makerspace	situated	in	classrooms	as	a	pedagogical	tool	
to	integrate	STEM	education	and	develop	teachers’	professional	identity.	Additional	aims	of	the	
project	were	to	enable	female	school	students,	female	pre-service	teachers	and	female	engineering	
students	to	work	together	and	to	support	the	development	of	female	STEM	pre-service	teachers,	
given	both	their	low	levels	in	STEM-related	careers,	and	their	relative	high	proportion	as	primary	
In	the	United	States,	Tillman	and	his	team	(2014)	investigated	the	impact	of	digital	fabrication	
activities,	defined	as	“the	use	of	student-friendly	software	and	hardware	to	translate	digital	designs	
into	physical	objects”,	integrated	into	contextualized	mathematics	education.	In	particular,	the	
researchers	investigated	how	these	activities	could	offer	individualized,	authentic	learning	
experiences	in	mathematics	for	African	American	male	elementary	and	middle	school	students.	
Regarding	university	settings,	a	paper	by	Morocz	and	his	team	(2016)	focused	on	defining	users	in	
terms	of	their	participation	level	as	well	as	identifying	the	relationship	between	levels	of	
participation	and	student’s	engineering	design	self-efficacy	in	different	American	university	
makerspaces	participating	in	the	study.	
On	the	aspect	of	fostering	creativity	and	innovation	in	engineering	students,	Tomko	and	
colleagues	(2017)	conducted	a	multi-university	study	in	order	to	better	understand	the	impact	of	
university	makerspaces.	To	measure	the	impact	of	making	environments,	the	researchers	looked	at	
different	metrics	such	as	GPA,	design	self-efficacy,	retention,	idea	generation	ability	and	how	these	
metrics	could	be	affected	by	different	levels	of	involvement	in	university	makerspaces.	
Forest	and	colleagues	(2014)	reported	a	free-to-use	makerspace	(the	‘Invention	Studio’)	in	the	
United	States,	born	by	the	desire	to	make	design	and	prototyping	more	integral	to	the	engineering	
experience	and,	amongst	other	aspects,	the	study	described	the	self-reported	impact	on	users	and	
students;	while	Lagoudas	and	others	(2016)	assessed	how	the	utilization	of	an	American	campus	
makerspace	facility	had	an	effect	on	student	development	in	electrical	and	mechanical	engineering	
In	an	American	makerspace,	Ludwig,	Nagel,	and	Lewis	(2017)	piloted	a	multidisciplinary	
education	(ME)	course	aimed	at	preparing	undergraduate	students	from	engineering,	pre-nursing	
and	pre-professional	health	to	develop	capabilities	needed	to	create	tangible	solutions	to	health-
related	problems	and	challenges	in	the	community.	
Despite	being	multidisciplinary	and	open	by	nature,	makerspaces	still	lack	integration	in	the	
curricula	of	engineering	schools,	according	to	Galaleldin	and	colleagues	(2017).	Their	paper	studied	
best	practices	of	makerspaces	on	campus	and	their	impact	on	engineering	education	and	on	the	
development	of	desired	skills	and	competencies	for	engineering	students.	The	study	was	based	on	
the	investigation	of	five	North	American	university	makerspaces	to	identify	best	makerspace	
practices	in	preparation	for	the	establishment	of	a	university	makerspace	in	Canada,	which	becomes	
the	subject	focus	of	the	second	part	of	their	research.	
The	study	by	Miller	(2016)	explored	how	participation	in	a	professional	development	experience	
involving	makerspace	technology	affected	participants’	attitudes	and	confidence	levels	toward	STEM	
and	technology	integration	over	the	course	of	a	semester	in	the	United	States.	Participants	of	the	
study	were	either	campus	administrators	or	teachers.	Related	to	the	previous	study	(Miller	2016),	
Miller,	Christensen,	and	Knezek	(2017)	further	investigated	the	relationship	between	makerspace	
professional	development	and	teacher	confidence	levels	toward	technology	integration	in	the	
United	States.	
Experiences	related	to	library	makerspaces	were	reported	by	Gahagan	(2016),	Lille	(2016)	and	
Marshall	(2016).		
The	study	by	Gahagan	(2016)	explored	how	two	public	library	makerspaces,	one	in	the	United	
States	and	one	in	New	Zealand,	assessed	their	outcomes	and	examined	which	methods	had	been	
used;	whereas	Lille	(2016)	reported	on	an	initiative	for	a	library	makerspace	project	in	Estonia	that	
had	the	primary	objective	of	improving	opportunities	for	employment	by	enhancing	the	social	and	
entrepreneurial	abilities	of	citizens.	People	who	were	not	employed	or	wanted	to	change	their	job
had	the	possibility	to	participate	in	workshops,	exchange	ideas	and	knowledge	with	others	and	learn	
new	skills.	The	project	also	aimed	to	enable	the	city	library	to	have	an	additional	impact	on	the	
community	through	mentorship	in	an	informal	networking	and	peer-led	environment.	
In	the	thesis	by	Marshall	(2016),	the	researcher	deepened	an	understanding	of	how	a	selection	of	
American	state	learning	standards	(i.e.	Iowa	Core	Standards)	were	addressed	through	the	activities	
that	students	engaged	in	during	their	use	of	a	makerspace	in	a	school	library.	Moreover,	the	author	
observed	whether,	and	how,	learning	occurred	when	students	were	engaged	with	the	makerspace.		
An	example	of	a	makerspace	in	a	museum	was	presented	by	McCubbins	(2016),	whose	study	
aimed	to	better	understand	engagement	and	learning	of	children	in	a	children’s	museum	
makerspace	exhibit	in	the	United	States,	also	providing	a	reflection	on	methodologies	and	
instruments	for	their	assessment.	
With	regard	to	mobile	makerspaces,	a	paper	presented	by	Foth,	Lankster,	and	Hughes	(2016)	
reported	on	their	experience	of	setting	up,	operating	and	evaluating	a	mobile	community	
makerspace,	the	Mixhaus,	inside	a	disused	shipping	container	in	Australia.	The	makerspace	was	
framed	in	a	larger	programme	of	research	focused	on	fostering	digital	participation	through	social	
living	labs	in	regional	and	rural	Australian	communities.	
With	some	similarities,	the	study	by	Sinha	and	colleagues	(2017)	presented	the	conceptual	design	
and	development	of	a	deployable,	mobile	makerspace	curriculum	in	the	United	States.	The	
curriculum	focused	on	additive	manufacturing	(AM)	education	and	aimed	to	identify	effective	means	
of	informal	learning	to	broaden	participation	and	increase	engagement	with	science,	technology,	
engineering	and	maths	(STEM)	and	art	(STEAM)	subjects.	
In	an	investigation	of	the	makerspace	landscape,	Sheridan	and	colleagues	(2014)	explored,	
through	a	comparative	case	study	in	the	United	States,	how	makerspaces	may	function	as	learning	
environments	and	described	features	of	three	makerspaces	and	how	participants	learn	and	develop	
through	complex	design	and	making	practices.	Similarly,	Litts	(2015)	investigated	three	American	
youth	makerspaces	(i.e.	museum,	afterschool	and	mobile/library)	as	learning	environments	and	the	
communities	within	as	learning	communities.	
The	study	by	Blikstein	and	colleagues	(2017)	described	an	iterative	development	of	early	findings	
on	an	assessment	instrument	intended	to	capture	the	learning	that	occurs	in	makerspaces	and	
FabLab	settings	in	three	countries	(i.e.	Australia,	Mexico	and	the	United	States).	The	researchers	
developed	an	assessment	specifically	designed	for	exploration	and	fabrication	technologies	(EFT),	or	
rather	technologies	centred	on	fabrication	(activities	oriented	towards	invention,	construction	and	
design)	and	on	exploration	(activities	oriented	towards	expression,	tinkering,	learning	and	
There	is	wide	and	current	literature	on	a	variety	of	facets	of	makerspaces,	reviewed	briefly	in	the	
section	below.	
First,	a	review	by	Hsu,	Baldwin,	and	Chiring	(2017)	provided	an	overview	of	the	current	efforts	in	
maker	education,	supported	by	an	analysis	of	some	empirical	studies	about	learning	outcomes,	
potential,	common	issues,	challenges,	resources	and	future	research	direction	regarding	maker	
A	second	review,	authored	by	Davee,	Regalla,	and	Chang	(2015),	covered	a	selection	of	the	latest	
discourse	and	thinking	emerging	from	the	growth	of	makerspaces	and	their	developing	roles	in	
education	and	communities,	and	summarized	key	points	gleaned	about	youth	makerspaces	in	
libraries,	museums,	schools	and	community	organizations	and	the	learning	they	enable.
A	third	literature	review	is	provided	by	the	MakEY	Project	(Marsh	et	al.	2017)	in	a	form	of	a	very	
complete	document	on	makerspaces	in	formal	and	non-formal	learning	spaces.	This	research	was	
funded	by	the	European	Union’s	Horizon	2020	program	and	explored	the	place	of	the	rising	‘maker’	
culture	in	the	development	of	children’s	digital	literacy	and	creative	design	skills.	The	review	
evidenced,	among	others,	the	urgent	need	for	further	research	on	approaches	to	assess	learning	in	
Last	but	not	least,	a	White	Paper	by	Vossoughi	and	Bevan	(2014)	drew	on	the	research	literature	
to	consider	what	is	known	about	the	impact	of	tinkering	and	making	experiences	on	school-aged	
children’s	learning,	in	particular,	interest	in,	engagement	with	and	understanding	of	STEM;	the	
emerging	design	principles	and	pedagogies	that	characterize	tinkering	and	making	programs;	and	
the	specific	tensions	and	possibilities	within	this	movement	for	equity-oriented	teaching	and	
A	critical	view	of	the	claims	about	‘making’	as	a	productive	form	of	science	teaching	and	learning	
and	review	on	the	current	research	literature	was	presented	by	Bevan	(2017).	In	particular,	this	
author	investigated	how	making	promotes	active	participation	in	science	and	engineering	practices	
and	leverages	learners’	cultural	resources.	
A	map	of	the	landscape	of	research	on	making,	with	a	specific	focus	on	undergraduate	work	in	
academic	makerspaces,	was	reported	by	Rosenbaum	and	Hartmann	(2017).	
With	regard	to	makerspaces	in	formal	education	contexts,	Cohen	and	colleagues	(2017),	
developed	an	initial	‘makification’	framework	for	how	teachers	can	‘makify’	in-school	teaching	and	
learning	and	make	the	connection	between	informal	maker	culture	and	purposeful	instructional	
design	by	implementing	specific	classroom	activities.	On	this	latter	aspect,	Miller	(2017)	introduced	
an	elementary	and	middle	school	project-based	learning	integrated	curricular	approach	and	
professional	development	programme;	while	Ortega	(2017)	examined	early	models	and	use	of	
makerspace	implementation	in	K–5	schools	in	a	district	in	the	United	States,	as	well	as	the	supports	
and	barriers	affecting	teacher	use	of	these	spaces.	
On	engaging	students	by	incorporating	art	in	STEAM	fields,	Rees	and	colleagues	(2015)	explored	
the	role	of	makerspaces	and	flipped	learning	in	a	‘Town-Gown’	effort	in	the	United	States.	
	University	makerspaces	were	further	examined	in	the	studies	by:	Wong	and	Partridge	(2016),	
who	provided	an	exploratory	look	at	makerspaces	within	universities	in	Australia,	collected	their	
experiences	and	added	to	the	knowledge	of	makerspaces	within	the	academic	context	more	
generally;	Weinmann	(2014),	which	investigated	how	makerspaces	function	in	the	university	
community	and	how	to	apply	the	result	of	this	analysis	to	the	specific	case	of	a	Technical	University	
in	Germany;	and	Hartmann	(2016),	who	described	how	research	activity	can	be	integrated	into	
academic	makerspaces.	
One	disciple	that	appeared	to	be	of	particular	interest	in	the	literature	of	makerspaces	is	
engineering.	Morocz	and	others	(2015)	sought	to	understand	and	use	makerspace	environments	to	
achieve	elusive	aims	in	engineering	education	and,	at	the	same	time,	they	investigated	the	potential	
of	maker	spaces	to	positively	influence	females	and	minorities	and	thereby	broaden	participation	in	
engineering.	An	additional	study	by	Wilczynski	(2015)	reviewed	the	makerspace	facilities	of	seven	
different	universities	and	institutes	of	technology.	
Among	the	resources	on	the	subject	of	mobile	makerspaces	in	the	United	States,	there	are:	a	
work	in	progress	implementation	of	a	mobile	maker	cart	in	a	urban	school	to	integrate	engineering	
into	the	curriculum	(O’Connell	2016);	a	case	study	about	the	design,	implementation	and	pilot	of	a
pop-up	mobile	makerspace	for	students	of	a	private	university	(Gierdowski	and	Reis	2015);	and	the	
implementation	project	of	a	mobile	makerspace	programme	in	a	public	school	setting	(Craddock	
Makerspaces	in	libraries	were	also	a	topic	of	interest	and	research	in	the	work	of	Bar-El	and	
Zuckerman	(2016),	who	presented	a	model	and	case	study	of	a	public	kids’	drop-in	makerspace	in	an	
Israeli	public	library,	designed	for	children	and	run	by	teens;	Moorefield-Lang	(2015)	described	the	
implementation	of	mobile	transportable	makerspaces	in	libraries	and	educational	settings	in	the	
United	States,	Canada	and	the	Netherlands;	and	Okpala	(2016),	presented	a	makerspace	case	study	
for	academic	libraries	in	Nigeria.	
Additionally,	Slatter	and	Howard	(2013)	reported	on	the	current	state	of	makerspaces	in	
Australian	public	libraries,	including	benefits	and	challenges,	and	Burke	(2014)	provided	a	practical	
guide	for	librarians.	
A	focus	on	the	social	aspect	of	makerspaces	was	presented	by	Taylor,	Hurley,	and	Connolly	
(2016),	who	attempted	to	look	at	the	wider	roles	that	makerspaces	played	in	public	life	in	the	United	
Kingdom	and	identified	additional	roles	that	these	spaces	play:	as	social	spaces,	and	in	supporting	
well-being	by	serving	the	needs	of	the	communities	they	are	located	in	and	reaching	out	to	excluded	
Within	the	extensive	number	of	resources	and	guides	on	makerspaces,	it	is	possible	to	find	ideas	
and	solutions	in	the	teacher	‘Hands-On	Science	and	Technology’	program	(Lawson	and	Atcheson	
2015);	in	the	practical	guide	for	designing	a	classroom	makerspace	(Branigan-Pipe	2017);	and	in	the	
makerspace	collaboration	guide	for	school	librarians,	with	tools	for	facilitating	productive	
collaborations	between	the	school	librarian,	teachers,	students	and	community	members	(Parks	
There	are	also	countless	articles	on	a	multiplicity	of	aspects	related	to	makerspaces.	Among	
them,	an	interesting	paper	from	the	Deloitte	Center	for	the	Edge	and	Maker	Media	(2013)	on	the	
impact	of	the	Maker	movement	(i.e.	on	manufacturing,	education,	government	policy,	citizen	
science	and	retail)	and	a	guide	for	a	discussion	and	collaboration	among	Makers	and	others	involved	
in	government,	business	and	academia;	an	article	about	the	Philosophy	of	Educational	Makerspaces	
(EM)	(Kurti,	Kurti,	and	Fleming	2014);	and	a	design	case	chronicling	the	processes,	considerations,	
decisions	and	design	(e.g.	location	staffing,	equipment,	funding,	budget,	sustainability)	of	a	
makerspace	for	teacher	education	in	the	United	States	(Dousay	2017).	
A	survey	of	Maker	Education	Demographics	&	Assessments	was	made	in	2017	by	Peppler	and	
colleagues	for	the	MakerEd	Open	Portfolio	Project,	where	makerspaces	across	the	globe	were	
invited	to	report	their	demographics,	assessment	practices,	human/material	resources	and	guiding	
philosophies,	which	followed	two	previous	surveys	in	2015	(Peppler	et	al.	2015a,	2015b).
Impacts	4.2.
The	impacts	identified	in	the	studies	were	organised	using	impact	categories	proposed	by	the	
evaluation	framework	of	the	National	Science	Foundation8
4.2.1. Awareness,	knowledge	or	understanding	
A	study	by	Galaleldin	and	colleagues	(2017)	reported	that	respondents	participating	in	the	activities	
of	the	University	of	Ottawa	(Canada)	makerspace	focused	on	engineering	education,	increased	their	
knowledge	about	niche	topics.	
In	an	intervention	by	Ludwig,	Nagel,	and	Lewis	(2017)	in	the	United	States,	undergraduate	
students	from	different	scientific	fields	(i.e.	engineering,	biology/health	and	nursing)	gained	
knowledge	on	how	to	be	creative	and	were	also	able	to	identify	and	learn	skills	critical	to	their	future	
work.	The	latter	included	learning	the	value	of	working	in	a	multidisciplinary	group	and	
communicating	their	role	and	knowledge	to	other	members	of	their	team	(Ludwig,	Nagel,	and	Lewis	
Moreover,	campus	administrators	and	teachers	participating	in	the	study	designed	by	Miller	
(2016)	reported	a	significant	increase	in	self-reported	competence	in	technology	integration	after	
taking	part	in	the	makerspace	professional	development	programme	(i.e.	Makers’	Guild).	
Two	studies	(Lille	2016;	Sinha	et	al.	2017)	specifically	recognized	participants’	gains	in	the	
understanding	on	how	to	use	both	3D	printing	technologies	and	3D	scanning	tools	in	an	American	
university	makerspace	(Sinha	et	al.	2017)	and	identified	changes	in	users’	knowledge,	especially	in	
learning	to	use	new	technologies,	in	a	makerspace	hosted	in	an	Estonian	public	library	(Lille	2016).		
Young	makers	across	the	study	by	Litts	(2015)	demonstrated	potentially	measurable	forms	of	
knowledge	in	making	process,	although	the	researcher	recognised	that	the	forms	of	learning	
exhibited	differed	with	regard	to	the	making	trajectory	(process)	and	the	artifact	(product).	
Tillmann	and	colleagues	(2014)	found	that	the	intervention	using	digital	fabrication	for	American	
school	students	resulted	in	an	overall	gain	in	students’	mathematics	test	scores,	especially	for	the	
“Probability	&	Statistics”	questions.	Students’	improvement	in	their	statistical	thinking	were	
explained	in	relation	to	the	fact	that	digital	fabrication	activities	were	integrated	into	maths	
4.2.2. Engagement	or	interest	
Increasing	interest	in	makerspaces	was	observed	among	American	teachers	and	campus	
administrators,	who	became	interested	in	connecting	makerspace	activities	to	curriculum	content	as	
a	result	of	their	participation	in	a	professional	development	programme	(Miller	2016).	
Results	from	Blackley	and	colleagues	(2018)	indicated	that	their	makerspace	approach,	which	
consisted	of	a	targeted	learning	activity	of	building	a	‘Wiggle	Bot’,	was	very	effective	in	engaging	
Indonesian	primary	students	in	the	STEM	space.	
	Friedman,	AJ,	Allen,	S,	Campbell,	PB,	Dierking,	LD,	Flagg,	BN,	Garibay,	C,	Korn,	R,	Silverstein,	G	and	Ucko,	DA.	“Framework	
for	evaluating	impacts	of	informal	science	education	projects.	Report	from	a	National	Science	Foundation	Workshop”	
(2008):	114.
Analysis	of	self-reported	survey	ratings	in	the	study	by	Sinha	and	colleagues	(2017)	also	showed	
that	participants	were	able	to	successfully	engage	with	the	mobile	makerspace	through	increased	
familiarity	within	the	space.	
4.2.3. Attitude	
Positive	changes	in	attitude	were	observed:	in	the	majority	of	the	medical	and	biomedical	
engineering	students	of	an	American	university	makerspace,	who	specifically	reported	a	positive	
impact	on	their	outlook	on	engineering	(Forest	et	al.	2014);	in	the	interviewees	of	the	workshop	in	
an	Estonian	makerspace,	which	changed	participants’	attitude,	decreased	their	fear	and	initial	
doubts	about	trying	new	things	and	increased	their	self-confidence	(Lille	2016);	and	in	African	
American	students,	who	had	increased	positive	attitudes	towards	STEM	as	a	result	of	digital	
fabrication	activities	integrated	into	mathematics	education	(Tillman	et	al.	2014).	
Additionally,	in	the	study	by	Miller	(2016),	all	the	educators	participating	in	the	makerspace	
professional	development	programme	reported	positive	perceptions	and	improved	attitudes	
towards	STEM,	especially	mathematics,	and	STEM	careers.	Moreover,	they	experienced	an	increase	
in	positive	attitudes	towards	instructional	technology	and	technology	integration.	
Increase	in	confidence	and	self-confidence	were	observed	in	the	studies	by	Lagoudas	and	
colleagues	(2016);	Miller	(2016);	Galaleldin	and	colleagues	(2017);	Ludwig,	Nagel,	and	Lewis	(2017);	
and	Miller,	Christensen,	and	Knezek	(2017).	
More	than	half	of	the	electrical	and	mechanical	engineer	students	involved	in	the	study	by	
Lagoudas	and	others	(2016)	reported	self-confidence	and	motivation	for	the	design	tasks	as	a	result	
of	the	utilisation	of	the	makerspace	facility;	while	students	from	different	scientific	disciplines	
(Ludwig,	Nagel,	and	Lewis	2017)	reported	to	have	acquired	insight	into	their	own	profession	and	a	
gain	in	confidence	in	their	professional	knowledge.	In	the	area	of	engineering,	most	of	the	
respondents	of	the	research	by	Galaleldin	and	colleagues	(2017)	in	Canada	also	stated	that	the	
makerspace	enabled	them	to	be	more	confident	in	their	engineering	knowledge,	in	translating	
engineering	concepts	to	non-engineers,	in	their	communication	and	in	skills	of	teamwork,	design,	
resource	management	and	in	solving	complex	engineering	problems.	
Participants	in	the	study	designed	by	Miller	(2016)	reported	an	increase	in	their	confidence	levels	
toward	integrating	the	World	Wide	Web,	emerging	technologies	for	student	learning,	teacher	
professional	development	and	new	information	technologies	into	pedagogical	practices	during	
professional	development	activities	within	the	makerspace.	This	was	in	line	with	the	study	by	Miller,	
Christensen,	and	Knezek	(2017),	who	also	reported	educators’	increased	confidence	levels	in	
integrating	new	information	technologies	into	pedagogical	practice	and	an	increase	of	confidence	in	
their	technology	proficiency	levels	in	the	areas	of	email,	emerging	technologies	for	student	learning	
and	teacher	professional	development	over	the	course	of	the	makerspace	program.	
4.2.4. Behaviour	
Changes	in	behaviour	were	noticed	in	a	makerspace	study	in	Estonia	(Lille	2016),	where	the	majority	
of	the	respondents	expressed	their	willingness	to	participate	in	future	workshops.	Similarly,	the	
Australian	schoolgirls	initiative	described	by	Sheffield	and	colleagues	(2017)	reported	their	
willingness	to	do	more	makerspace	activities.
On	a	related	aspect,	the	results	of	the	studies	by	Morocz	and	others	(2016)	and	Tomko	and	
colleagues	(2017)	both	revealed	that	students	with	higher	participation	in	the	makerspace	were	
more	motivated	and	less	anxious	to	perform	engineering	design	and	related	tasks.	
4.2.5. Skills	
Young	makers	in	the	study	presented	by	Litts	(2015)	in	the	United	States	reported	learning	new	skills	
and	content	spontaneously;	whereas	one-third	of	the	respondents	of	the	research	by	Galaleldin	and	
colleagues	(2017)	in	Canada	stated	that	the	makerspace	helped	them	in	improving	their	
investigatory	skills.	
In	their	self-reported	responses,	the	majority	of	the	engineering	students	engaged	in	the	study	by	
Forest	and	others	(2014)	reported	that	the	makerspace	had	a	positive	impact	on	their	design,	
manufacturing	and	teamwork	skills.	
An	improvement	of	students’	problem-solving	abilities	through	group	communications	during	the	
digital	fabrication	was	reported	by	Tillman	and	his	team	(2014).	
4.2.6. Others	
Multifaceted	impacts	were	identified	in	the	analysed	articles,	which	included	enjoyment,	personal	
and	professional	development,	and	socialisation.	
At	different	degrees,	all	the	Indonesian	students	participating	to	the	making	of	a	‘Wiggle	Bot’	
enjoyed	the	activity,	recognised	the	application	of	science	in	its	construction	and	learned	through	
hands-on	experimentation	and	collaboration	(Blackley	et	al.	2018).	Moreover,	the	participation	in	
the	makerspace	activity	allowed	these	students	to	experience	a	different	way	of	science	learning,	
encouraged	them	to	develop	the	initiative	of	asking	questions	and	seeking	clarification	and	to	try	to	
solve	the	problems	that	arose	as	a	natural	consequence	of	hands-on	learning	by	using	their	
understanding	and	experiences	(Blackley	et	al.	2018).	
Primary	pre-service	teachers	involved	in	the	STEM	education	initiative	described	by	Blackley	and	
colleagues	(2017)	in	Australia	enjoyed	participating,	despite	the	challenges	they	faced,	and	reported	
that	they	found	the	project	valuable	in	term	of	increasing	their	teaching	experience,	learning	on	the	
job,	being	involved	in	research,	developing	new	skills,	and	collaborating	with	their	peers	and	the	
Students	of	the	multidisciplinary	education	course	in	an	American	makerspace	valued	the	growth	
that	came	from	being	challenged	in	the	course	and,	although	it	was	uncomfortable	for	them,	they	
recognized	that	the	makerspace	and	interprofessional	aspects	allowed	for	more	robust	problem	
solving	(Ludwig,	Nagel,	and	Lewis	2017).	Furthermore,	they	stated	that	they	enjoyed	the	course,	that	
they	would	be	able	to	apply	what	they	learnt	to	future	work	and,	additionally,	they	linked	their	class	
activities	to	other	non-academic	experiences.		
Engineering	students	enrolled	in	design	courses	and	interacting	in	the	makerspace	(Lagoudas	et	
al.	2016)	reported	a	positive	impact	on	their	professional	development	and	personal	growth.	More	
than	half	of	the	respondents	said	that	the	makerspace	helped	them	to	finalize	their	design	projects	
by	demonstrating	the	limitations	and	restrictions	of	manufacturing	methods,	offering	accessibility	to	
equipment,	and	tools	and	guidance	on	how	to	realize	their	projects.	Moreover,	they	felt	enabled	to	
work	on	entrepreneurial	ideas.
Forest	and	colleagues	(2014)	found	that	the	great	majority	of	the	engineering	students	
interacting	in	the	makerspace	reported	positive	impact	on	their	employment	after	graduation,	on	
their	social	lives,	in	addition	to	their	grade	point	average	(GPA).	
Though	the	outcomes	of	the	makerspace	project	in	Estonia	(Lille	2016)	were	mainly	intangible	
because	it	was	complicated	to	evaluate	the	direct	impact	on	unemployment,	a	large	number	of	
respondents	participating	in	the	workshop	found	it	very	interesting.	They	reported	that	it	was	also	
an	occasion	to	meet	new	people	with	same	interests	and	build	a	good	social	environment,	
particularly	important	for	unemployed	persons,	as	they	could	socialize	and	feel	that	they	were	doing	
something	to	advance	their	employment	opportunities.	
In	another	intervention	in	the	United	States	(Miller	2017),	makerspaces	fostered	a	sense	of	
community	among	participants,	where	teachers	seemed	to	be	more	excited	and	inclined	to	try	new	
technologies	because	campus	administrators	participated	with	them	in	the	professional	
development	programme.	
From	other	studies	(Sheridan	et	al.	2014;	Tillman	et	al.	2014;	Marshall	2016)	it	emerged	that	
makerspaces	helped	individuals	to	identify	problems,	build	models,	learn	and	apply	skills,	revise	
ideas	and	share	new	knowledge	with	others	(Sheridan	et	al.	2014);	created	positive	feedback	in	
participants	when	asked	about	their	experiences	in	digital	fabrication	activities	(Tillman	et	al.	2014);	
and	provided	a	unique	learning	space	in	which	students	were	willingly	able	to	learn	without	specific	
guided	instruction,	and	enabled	them	to	think,	design,	create,	collaborate,	experiment,	build	and	use	
technology	(Marshall	2016).	
Strengths	4.3.
Makerspaces	can	give	an	opportunity	for	students	to	experience	engagement	with	hands-on	STEM	
content	(Ortega	2017)	and,	additionally,	provide	a	learning	environment	useful	to	improve	teacher	
confidence	levels	toward	integrating	technology	into	the	classroom	(Miller,	Christensen,	and	Knezek	
A	makerspace	approach	to	integrated	STEM	education	can	be	an	authentic	and	robust	
pedagogical	practice	providing	there	are	strong	and	explicit	connections	between	the	curricula	of	
mathematics,	science	and	technology	and	the	resultant	products	made	during	the	makerspace	
experience	(Sheffield	et	al.	2017).	With	the	observed	application	of	STEM	knowledge	and	skills,	this	
approach	can	therefore	be	effective	in	the	acquisition,	development	and	demonstration	of	21st-
century	skills	such	as	problem-solving,	critical	and	creative	thinking,	collaboration	and	
communication	(Sheffield	et	al.	2017;	Blackley	et	al.	2018).	Positive	early	experiences	also	potentially	
provide	the	foundation	for	students	to	pursue	STEM	courses	and	careers	(Ortega	2017).		
Tillmann	and	colleagues	(2014)	suggested	that,	by	assisting	teachers	in	interactive	activities	that	
support	mathematics	learning	through	digital	fabrication,	there	might	be	a	positive	impact	that	
could	contribute	towards	closing	the	achievement	gap	for	underrepresented	populations.	Moreover,	
an	amelioration	of	the	opportunity	gap	for	people	of	colour	and	women	in	STEM	courses	and	careers	
could	potentially	be	achieved	through	early	exposure	to	STEM	and	positive	makerspace	experiences	
(Ortega	2017).	
Fostering	the	makerspace	environment	might	also	be	one	solution	to	cultivate	creativity	and	
innovation	in	universities	(Morocz	et	al.	2015).	A	makerspace	can	provide	an	interdisciplinary	center	
that	promotes	collaboration	and	hands-on	engineering	by	empowering	the	users	with	the	tools	to
design,	build,	prototype,	test	their	creations	and	collaborate	outside	of	the	classroom	(Morocz	et	al.	
2015;	2016).	Academic	institutions	and	introductory	engineering	design	courses	could	play	a	key	role	
in	this	aspect	by	stimulating	students	to	participate	in	university	makerspaces,	for	example,	as	a	
complementary	part	of	the	engineering	curriculum.	Makerspaces	can	become	a	supplemental	part	
of	traditional	engineering	education	by	offering	an	innovative	way	of	learning	and	leading	to	the	
development	and	improvement	of	student	design	spaces	thereby	becoming	something	different	
from	the	customary	machine	shop	(Morocz	et	al.	2015).	In	other	words,	makerspaces	provide	a	living	
laboratory	to	answer	some	of	the	most	compelling	questions	in	engineering	education	(Forest	et	al.	
2014)	and	fostering	conversations	with	other	engineers	and	makers	(Galaleldin	et	al.	2017).	
Libraries	also	play	a	very	important	role	in	making	an	impact	on	local	communities	and	it	is	likely	
that	makerspaces	or	similar	training	spaces	will	become	increasingly	part	of	the	library	services	in	
the	near	future	(Lille	2016).		
On	social	and	community	aspects,	makerspaces	are	public	resources	dedicated	to	creativity,	
learning	and	openness,	and	this	comes	at	a	time	when	many	communities	do	not	have	community	
spaces	and	where	civic	life	is	often	seen	as	being	in	decline	(Taylor,	Hurley,	and	Connolly	2016).	
Makerspaces	can	play	a	wide	range	of	roles	in	civic	life	and	fall	into	four	broad	themes:	acting	as	
social	spaces;	supporting	wellbeing;	serving	the	needs	of	the	communities	in	which	they	are	located;	
and	providing	outreach	centers	for	excluded	groups	(Taylor,	Hurley,	and	Connolly	2016).		
The	Australian	makerspace	described	by	Foth,	Lankster,	and	Hughes	(2016)	stressed	the	fact	that	
their	makerspace	was	“an	object	crossing	and	dissolving	boundaries	along	four	different	
dimensions”:	an	organisational,	a	social,	a	disciplinary	and	a	spatial	mix.	In	particular,	the	social	
mixing	went	beyond	the	mere	temporary	collection	of	people	in	the	same	space	considering	that	it	
involved	different	personas	(i.e.	professionals	and	amateurs),	into	a	cross-generational	exchange.	
Weaknesses	4.4.
The	literature	highlighted	the	critical	role	of	teachers	in	influencing	students’	perceptions	towards	
STEM	and	suggested	that	professional	development	programmes	often	limit	teachers’	scientific	
knowledge	and	pedagogical	experience,	with	the	consequence	of	producing	teachers	who	have	
limited	confidence	regarding	STEM	skill	sets	(Miller	2017).	A	teacher	training	gap	in	using	
makerspaces	can	therefore	result	in	missed	opportunities	for	grade	level-connected	learning	(Ortega	
Educators	reported	facing	challenges	in	providing	innovative	STEM	practice	through	a	classroom	
makerspace	due	to	standardized	testing,	lack	of	teacher	preparation,	skill	sets,	expertise	regarding	
how	to	use	technology,	pedagogical	knowledge	and	limited	access	to	technology	and	resources	
(Miller	2017;	Miller,	Christensen,	and	Knezek	2017).	
In	the	intervention	by	Tillmann	and	colleagues	(2014),	the	authors	pointed	out	that	teachers’	lack	
of	familiarity	or	comfort	with	teaching	science	might	have	been	one	possible	reason	why	student	
content	scores	did	not	change	considerably.	
Improvements	in	teacher	professional	development	programmes	might,	therefore,	increase	the	
overall	student	STEM	experience	in	school	programmes,	leading	to	a	highly	confident	and	skilled	
STEM	school	education	workforce,	while	encouraging	more	students	to	consider	entering	STEM	
career	pathways	(Miller	2016).	Vice	versa,	professional	development	through	makerspace
environments	might	increase	educators’	confidence	levels	towards	integrating	technology,	especially	
for	teachers	serving	low-income	students	(Miller	2017).	
In	the	experience	described	by	Blackley	and	colleagues	(2018),	students	understood	that	the	
process	of	making	an	operational	‘bot’	was	not	easy	since	it	not	only	required	their	application	of	
scientific	knowledge,	but	also	scientific	methods	and	socio-emotional	skills	developed	through	the	
learning	process	such	as	collaboration,	perseverance	and	resilience.	
Blikstein	and	colleagues	(2017)	furthermore	noticed	a	marked	difference	between	students’	
confidence	and	their	performance	in	EFT,	attributed	to	the	different	EFT	technologies	currently	
available.	In	fact,	different	levels	of	familiarity	and	specialization	with	specific	technological	tools	
became	a	factor	because	of	the	wide	range	of	design	projects	and	their	differing	approaches	to	
prototyping	(Blikstein	et	al.	2017).	
Anxiety	might	also	be	a	significant	barrier	for	students	to	enter	and	start	participating	in	
university	makerspaces	(Morocz	et	al.	2016;	Tomko	et	al.	2017)	finding	approaches	to	reduce	
student	anxiety	surrounding	design	activities	might	also	lead	to	greater	participation	in	makerspaces.	
In	particular,	initiatives	that	slowly	introducing	students	to	the	space	could	reduce	their	anxiety	and	
help	them	to	feel	more	comfortable	approaching	the	space	(Tomko	et	al.	2017).	
On	a	related	aspect,	Taylor,	Hurley,	and	Connolly	(2016)	reported	that	access	to	the	benefits	of	
makerspace	facilities	might	be	unevenly	spread	and	that,	although	makerspaces	are	open	to	all,	
many	of	the	people	making	use	of	these	facilities	were	early	adopters	with	technical	or	creative	
backgrounds	and	a	large	proportion	were	affluent	males.		
Costs	and	feasibility	4.5.
Improving	STEM	education	in	developed	and	developing	countries	remains	a	challenge.	STEM	
innovations	are	considered	to	be	crucial	to	the	economic	future	of	all	countries	but	funding,	time	
and	promotion	for	improving	STEM	education	to	ensure	a	robust	pipeline	of	engagement	is	required	
(Blackley	et	al.	2018).	
Suggestions	for	improved	methodologies	and	for	future	studies	4.6.
As	reported	by	Litts	(2015),	makerspaces	are	proliferating	and	it	is	imperative	for	researchers	and	
practitioners	to	build	a	better	understanding	of	these	spaces	as	learning	environments	and	of	the	
making	that	happens	within	them.	The	learning	taking	place	in	makerspace	settings	is	often	
influenced	by	factors	other	than	those	that	traditional	formal	assessment	tools	measure	(McCubbins	
2016),	therefore	there	is	a	need	to	develop	appropriate	tools	of	design,	assessment	and	analysis	
(Litts	2015)	and	to	overcome	many	challenges	that	still	exist	in	finding	ways	to	measure	the	impact	
of	informal	learning	environments	(McCubbins	2016).	
The	findings	of	the	study	by	Gahagan	(2016)	on	makerspaces	in	public	libraries	offered	
suggestions	regarding	methodologies.	The	researcher	reported	that	while	efforts	were	made	to	
assess	the	outcomes	of	makerspaces,	methods	and	techniques	were	primarily	informal.	
Furthermore,	the	same	author	added	that	current	traditional	formal	reporting	relied	upon	
quantitative	measurements,	such	as	counting	visitor	or	participant	numbers,	which	failed	to	capture	
the	effects	of	the	service	on	users.	Nevertheless,	there	is	potential	for	qualitative	data	to	be	
collected	more	formally	to	be	used	to	corroborate	quantitative	data	and	structure	assessments
(Gahagan	2016).	For	instance,	by	using	a	combination	of	methods	to	bring	data	together	to	
demonstrate	the	outcomes,	such	as	interview	data	and	observational	data	matched	with	attendance	
or	visitor	statistics	(Gahagan	2016).	
Similarly,	as	underlined	by	Tomko	and	colleagues	(2017),	understanding	the	complexity	of	a	
makerspace	warrants	a	mixed-method	approach	in	order	to	capture,	for	instance,	the	vibrancy	of	
the	space	and	the	impact	on	participating	students.	
Improvements	in	the	formalised	approach	to	outcomes	assessment	to	bring	greater	validity	and	
reliability	to	the	techniques	being	used,	include:	clearly	articulated	objectives	or	intended	outcomes,	
appropriate	techniques	and	instruments,	consistent	approaches,	scheduled	frequency	of	the	
assessment	and	reporting	(Gahagan	2016).	The	same	author	further	suggested	the	regular	review	of	
objectives	to	ensure	they	are	current	and	to	adopt	an	evaluation	approach	that	is	cyclical,	frequent	
and	in	line	with	any	existing	performance	measurement	reporting	timeframes.	
In	his	dissertation,	Litts	(2015)	suggested	a	learning-centered	assessment	according	to	learners’	
individual	goals	by	using	design	stance,	i.e.	“makers’	perspectives	toward	their	making”,	as	an	
assessment	tool.	However,	this	tool	requires	a	more	flexible	perspective	towards	assessment	than	
the	traditionally	fixed	and	standardized	perspective	dominating	the	education	system	(Litts	2015).	
Blikstein	and	colleagues	(2017)	added	another	point	of	view,	saying	that	the	ethos	of	personal	
creativity	and	learner-centeredness	in	digital	fabrication	facilities	creates	a	dilemma	for	assessment	
as	the	interventions	are	open-ended	and	creative.	According	to	this	team	of	researchers,	traditional	
assessments	of	science	and	technology	do	not	capture	the	particular	type	of	learning	in	which	
students	are	engaged	in	fabrication	settings,	nor	do	they	reflect	that	the	learning	in	such	settings	is	
grounded	in	developing	competence	with	digital	fabrication	tools.	
While	the	variations	in	learning	amongst	students	present	a	challenging	scenario	for	an	
assessment	instrument,	Blikstein	and	colleagues	(2017)	further	suggested	that	such	differences	
constitute	an	exciting	development	for	educators	because	they	provide	opportunities	for	peer	
teaching	and	models	of	leadership	where	all	involved	have	knowledge	to	share.	The	researchers	also	
stated	that,	in	these	settings,	the	nature	of	learning	is	not	located	in	a	single	individual	but	across	
individuals	as	they	share	knowledge	and	solve	problems.	Thus,	according	to	the	authors,	distributed	
expertise,	rather	than	being	an	inconvenience	to	assessment	could	be	seen	as	a	new	standard	by	
which	learning	when	students	acquire	overlapping	but	different	knowledge	is	evaluated.	These	peer	
learning	interactions	can	challenge	researchers	to	look	not	only	at	what	students	can	accomplish	on	
their	own	but	at	what	they	can	achieve	amongst	themselves	where	they	become	resources	for	each	
other	in	accomplishing	their	creative	work.	As	much	as	the	distributed	nature	of	expertise	disrupts	
the	conventional	schooling	notion	of	each	student	learning	the	same	thing	at	the	same	time,	
Blikstein	and	colleagues	(2017)	recommended	that	learning	through	makerspace	is	a	crucial	and	
urgent	issue	for	researchers	to	deal	with.	
As	already	pointed	out,	assessments	play	a	key	role	in	helping	educators	to	align	fabrication	
activities	and	opportunities	with	explicit	learning	goals	(Blikstein	et	al.	2017),	but	also	it	is	crucial	for	
organisers	and	various	stakeholders	to	communicate	their	results	(McCubbins	2016;	Taylor,	Hurley,	
and	Connolly	2016).	In	the	case	of	a	museum,	for	instance,	evaluation	and	assessment	is	of	critical	
importance	given	that	museums	often	rely	on	public	and	government	funding	and	therefore	must	
report	to	various	stakeholders	on	the	effectiveness	of	programmes	and	the	impact	they	are	having	
on	the	community	(McCubbins	2016).	
As	observed	in	the	course	of	the	study	that	Taylor,	Hurley,	and	Connolly	(2016)	carried	out	in	the	
United	Kingdom,	the	researchers	also	observed	the	difficulty	that	makerspace	organisers	had	in
identifying	and	highlighting	concrete	examples	of	positive	outcomes	for	makerspace	users.	This	
included	not	only	intangible	social	benefits	but	also	the	more	widely	discussed	economic	benefits.	In	
their	study,	they	reported	that	organisers	were	enthusiastic	makers,	not	administrators,	whose	
primary	focus	was	on	making	the	resource	available.	However,	being	able	to	communicate	the	
generated	outcomes	was	highlighted	as	crucial	in	securing	the	future	of	a	makerspace,	especially	
against	a	backdrop	of	funding	cuts	(Taylor,	Hurley,	and	Connolly	2016).	
Another	aspect	to	consider	is	to	determine	how	the	information	gathered	during	assessment	will	
be	shared	and	presented,	for	example	as	a	written	report,	a	newsletter,	a	presentation,	an	
infographic	or	a	programme	logic	model	(Gahagan	2016).	
Future	work	might	also	focus	on	the	barriers	that	prevent	individuals	who	might	otherwise	be	
interested	in	utilising	the	spaces	from	doing	so	and	on	the	non-use	of	the	makerspace	(Taylor,	
Hurley,	and	Connolly	2016).	Among	different	approaches,	ethnographic	studies	could	help	to	
investigate	these	latter	aspects	and	help	understanding,	for	instance,	the	barriers	to	access	in	
addition	to	how	students	overcome	and	perceive	these	barriers	(Tomko	et	al.	2017).		
Other	important	aspects	to	consider	are	providing	training	to	staff	in	public	libraries	on	methods	
of	outcome	assessments	(or	considering	hiring	an	external	company	to	do	the	assessment)	(Gahagan	
2016)	and	implementing	training	programs	for	facilitators	in	museums	in	order	to	improve	their	
ability	to	run	effective	exhibits	with	high	levels	of	breakthrough	(McCubbins	2016).	On	this	last	facet,	
McCubbins	(2016)	observed	that	the	engagement	in	the	children’s	museum	makerspace	in	the	
United	States	was	influenced	by	the	type	of	dialogue	used	by	parents	and	facilitators	and	by	the	
space	itself	(i.e.	negative	effect	on	engagement	if	containing	many	distractions).	A	positive	dialogue,	
with	words	of	encouragement	and	questions,	prompted	further	thought	and	discussion,	and	often	
led	to	higher	levels	of	engagement;	on	the	other	hand,	negative	dialogue	often	led	to	
disengagement	and	a	loss	of	interest	(McCubbins	2016).		
Facilitators	could	influence	the	engagement	based	on	whether	they	used	scientific	language,	had	
the	content	and	pedagogical	background	to	run	the	activity	and	if	they	themselves	demonstrated	
sufficient	engagement	in	the	activities	they	were	running	(McCubbins	2016).	Therefore,	since	
makerspaces	have	the	potential	to	provide	high	levels	of	breakthrough	for	participants,	they	should	
rely	on	appropriate	training	for	facilitators,	who	are	often	volunteers	or	part-time	staff	who	may	or	
may	not	have	a	background	in	education	and	pedagogical	strategies	(McCubbins	2016).	
Understanding	the	definition	of	a	makerspace	and	how	it	relates	to	curriculum	standards	at	the	
national,	state	and	school	levels	will	help	teacher	librarians	to	create	a	makerspace	as	part	of	their	
schools’	STEM	initiatives	(Marshall	2016).	
Marshall	(2016)	suggested	that,	for	anyone	researching	the	creation	of	a	makerspace	the	
suggestion	would	be	to	visit	as	many	school	and	public	library	makerspaces	as	possible.	If	
implementing	a	makerspace,	it	would	also	be	important	to	plan	its	location,	what	will	be	included	in	
the	space,	what	rules	will	work	best	for	the	space	and	who	will	manage	the	space	while	it	is	in	use	
(Marshall	2016).		
Findings	in	the	study	by	Ortega	(2017)	also	suggested	a	need	for	a	well-articulated	plan	prior	to	
makerspace	implementation	that	includes	professional	development	opportunities	for	teachers	as	
well	as	specific	curricular	and	human	capital	support.	
Educators	are	in	the	midst	of	a	transition	from	a	book	study	model	of	science	instruction	to	a	
more	dynamic	applied	science	model.	Due	to	their	hands-on	nature,	makerspaces	are	perfectly	
positioned	to	support	this	instructional	metamorphosis	and	the	successful	implementation	and
support	of	school	makerspaces	by	instructional	leaders	can	help	create	the	conditions	for	more	
connected	and	applied	STEM	instruction	leading	to	a	globally	competitive	STEM-ready	workforce	
(Ortega	2017).	
Conclusions	and	overview	5.
Makerspaces	are	spaces	equipped	with	various	tools	and	technologies	that	allow	people	to	explore	
and	innovate,	thereby	creating	an	intersection	of	constructionism	and	creativity	(Ortega	2017).	
Making	happens	in	community	settings	(Litts	2015)	and	includes	a	variety	of	disciplines	that	draws	in	
a	heterogeneous	mix,	encompassing	youth,	adults,	males,	females,	diverse	cultural	backgrounds	and	
levels	of	expertise	(Hsu,	Balwin,	and	Ching	2017).	
Giving	the	multifaceted	characteristics	and	evolving	dynamics	around	it,	‘makerspace’	does	not	
have	a	clear	definition	but	it	is	undeniable	that	this	space	is	contributing	to	forms	of	connected	
learning	that	complement	formal	institutionalised	education	provided	by	schools	and	universities	
(Foth,	Lankster,	and	Hughes	2016).	Transformative	STEM	learning	spaces	have	grown	rapidly	in	
universities,	schools,	libraries	and	museums	with	the	aim	to	encourage	deep	engagement	with	
STEM-integrated	content,	critical	thinking,	problem-solving	and	collaboration	(Miller	2017;	Ortega	
2017).	Makerspaces	in	STEM	position	student	learning	in	contexts	that	require	the	drawing	together	
of	skills	and	knowledge	from	the	areas	of	science,	technology,	engineering	and	mathematics	to	
create,	construct	and	critique	a	product	or	artefact	(Blackeley	et	al.	2017)	and	in	addition	they	can	
encourage	educators	to	try	new	emerging	technologies	(Miller,	Christensen,	and	Knezek	2017).	
Makerspaces	reveal	a	huge	potential	to	benefit	individuals	but	also	entire	communities.	They	can	
act	as	a	community	hub,	where	people	come	to	work	together,	learn	from	each	other	or	simply	
socialise,	imparting	value	in	a	much	broader	variety	of	ways	than	just	the	economic	potential	and	
hobbyist	communities	(Taylor,	Hurley,	and	Connolly	2016).	
Despite	emerging	efforts,	there	is	still	a	paucity	of	empirical	research	evaluating	makerspaces	and	
making	(Hsu,	Balwin,	and	Ching	2017),	and	makerspaces	and	learning	(Litts	2015;	Marshall	2016).	
Moreover,	learning	through	making	demands	new	forms	of	assessments,	since	the	current	tools	
simply	do	not	capture	the	complex	interdisciplinary	learning	taking	place	in	makerspaces	(Litts	
2015).	There	is,	however,	a	growing	interest	to	understand	the	outcomes	of	programmes	and	
services,	to	improve	current	practices,	overcome	current	and	future	challenges	and	potentially	pave	
the	way	for	the	inventors	and	engineers	of	tomorrow	(Gahagan	2016;	Ortega	2017).
APPENDIX	A:	Example	of	data	input	mask
Extracted	from:	
Nicklas,	Theresa,	Sandra	Lopez,	Yan	Liu,	Rabab	Saab,	and	Robert	Reiher.	“Motivational	Theater	to	
Increase	Consumption	of	Vegetable	Dishes	by	Preschool	Children.”	International	Journal	of	
Behavioral	Nutrition	and	Physical	Activity	14	(February	7,	2017):	16.
APPENDIX	B:	Bibliography	
Impact	assessments	
Blackley,	Susan,	Yuli	Rahmawati,	Ella	Fitriani,	Rachel	Sheffield,	and	Rekha	Koul.	“Using	a	
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Technological	Literacies	in	Makerspaces	and	FabLabs.”	Journal	of	Engineering	Education	106,	
no.	1	(January	2017):	149–75.	
Forest,	Craig	R.,	Roxanne	A.	Moore,	Jariwala	Amit	S.,	Barbara	Burks	Fasse,	Julie	Linsey,	Wendy	
Newstetter,	Peter	Ngo,	and	Christopher	Quintero.	“The	Invention	Studio:	A	University	Maker	
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Foth,	Marcus,	Ally	Lankester,	and	Hilary	E.	Hughes.	“Digital	Fabrication	and	Local	Participation:	A	
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Participation:	Engaging	Diverse	and	Marginalised	Communities,	edited	by	Hilary	Davis	and	Jane	
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Gahagan,	Pia	Margaret.	“Evaluating	Makerspaces:	Exploring	Methods	Used	to	Assess	the	Outcomes	
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Galaleldin,	Mohamed,	Francois	Bouchard,	Hanan	Anis,	and	Claude	Lague.	“The	Impact	of	
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Lagoudas,	Magdalini,	Jeffrey	Froyd,	James	Wilson,	Peter	Hamilton,	Rodney	Boehm,	and	Prasad	
Enjeti.	“Assessing	Impact	of	Maker	Space	on	Student	Learning.”	In	2016	ASEE	Annual	
Conference	&	Exposition	Proceedings,	13.	New	Orleans,	Louisiana:	ASEE	Conferences,	2016.	
Lille,	Maria.	“Evaluating	the	Success	of	Markerspace	in	a	Public	Library:	The	Case	of	Narva	City	
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Litts,	Breanne	K.	“Making	Learning:	Makerspaces	as	Learning	Environments.”	PhD	thesis,	University	
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Ludwig,	Patrice	M.,	Jacquelyn	K.	Nagel,	and	Erica	J.	Lewis.	“Student	Learning	Outcomes	from	a	Pilot	
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International	Journal	of	STEM	Education	4,	no.	1	(December	2017):	14.
Marshall,	Tracie.	“Makerspaces	and	the	Iowa	Core:	Connections	in	a	High	School	Library.”	Master’s	
thesis,	University	of	Northern	Iowa,	2016.	
McCubbins,	Sara.	“Using	A	Visitor	Based	Framework	To	Observe	Engagement	In	A	Children’s	
Museum	Makerspace.”	PhD	thesis,	Illinois	State	University,	2016.	
Miller,	Jennifer,	Rhonda	Christensen,	and	Gerald	Knezek.	“Effect	of	a	Makerspace	Training	Series	on	
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1015–20.	Association	for	the	Advancement	of	Computing	in	Education	(AACE),	2017.	
Miller,	Jennifer	Renea.	“Effect	of	Makerspace	Professional	Development	Activities	on	Elementary	
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Morocz,	R.	J.,	B.	Levy,	C.	Forest,	R.	L.	Nagel,	W.	C.	Newstetter,	K.	G.	Talley,	and	J.	S.	Linsey.	“Relating	
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