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Understanding and using
by Giuseppe Profiti
Updated September 2015
Tutorial for the Programming for Bioinformatics course,
International Master of Bioinformatics
University of Bologna, Italy
First version: 12/2013
Last version: 11/2015
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 2/66
Goals and means
● Goals
– Understanding what an Operating System is
– Know how to proficiently use GNU/Linux
● Means
– Simple examples (maybe biology-inspired)
– Exercises and hands-on
● Not covered
– Formal details
– “How do I use <our favourite software>?”
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 3/66
What is an Operating System?
● It's a piece of
● It manages hardware
and software
● It's useful for general
purpose and
hardware systems
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 4/66
Hardware, OS and software
Image from Flickr, released under Creative Commons BY by Petr Dosek
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 5/66
Same OS, different software
Image from Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain (NASA)
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 6/66
Another example
Image from Flickr, released under Creative Commons BY by Andrea Arden
Different hardware, different OS and software
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 7/66
● Originates from Unix
● Linux is the kernel
– Manages the hardware, memory and so on
● GNU is a set of software and tools
– They run on top of Linux
– Provide functionality
● Multi user, multi threaded
● Ubuntu, Lubuntu, Xubuntu, Debian, Red Hat..
● MacOS is based on Unix too
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 8/66
What's the difference?
Image from Wikimedia Commons, GNU GPL license
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 9/66
A Linux distribution includes
● The Kernel (Linux)
● An install system for the distribution
● Drivers
– How the system can manage specific hardware
● A package manager
– To install and update software
– Usually different from one distribution to the other
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 10/66
● Once started the system asks for your
– Username
– Password
● Each user has a different main folder on disk
● Users have different access rights
● The superuser (called “root”) can do everything
● On Ubuntu, the main user you created when
installing can run programs as root, if needed
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 11/66
● It is the main interface with the system
● Can be used to
– Navigate the file system
– Execute tools
– Install software
– Connect to other machines
– Edit files
– … everything the system can do
● Also called Console, or Terminal
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 12/66
How a shell looks like
Image from Wikimedia Commons, licensed as Public Domain by User:AVRS
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 13/66
“It's a trap!”
Every time you use the mouse in a shell,
you are doing something wrong.
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 14/66
Exercise 1: Open a shell
● If you don't use the Graphical User Interface
– You already are in a shell
● If you use the Graphical User Interface
– In Ubuntu: Click the logo, type “terminal”, select it
– Other systems: find the terminal icon somewhere
● The terminal may have a black, white or colour
– No matter the colour, it works in the same way
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 15/66
The prompt
● It is a string saying that the shell is ready
● It may state the current directory
● It ends with $,%,> or #
● After that, you can type a command
● After a command, you type the Enter key
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 16/66
Exercise 2: create a directory
● To create a directory (or folder) type:
mkdir tutorial-p2b
● and press the Enter key ↵
● What do you see?
● To check the existence of the new directory:
● and press the Enter key ↵
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 17/66
Upper-case and lower-case
● The shell is CASE SENSITIVE
– Upper-case and lower-case are different
● LS is different from ls
● Tutorial-p2b is not tutorial-p2b
● Then, to run a program, you have to type its
name correctly
You can use the TAB key ↹ to complete a
filename after typing its initials
– IF the system can distinguish what file you want
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 18/66
Exercise 3: look inside a directory
● Type:
ls tutorial-p2b ↵
● Type:
ls Tutorial-p2b ↵
● Type:
ls tut
● Then the TAB key ↹ , then the Enter key ↵
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 19/66
File system
● It stores both data files and programs
● Directories are lists of files
● Hierarchical structure
● The root of the tree is the directory /
home etc bin
me you
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
● Files and directories are stored in a filesystem
● The filesystem is like a tree:
– It has one root directory “/”
– Each subdirectory is a branch in the tree
– Each file is a leaf
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
● A path specifies a location in the filesystem
● It indicates the branches to follow
● Each branch (directory) is separated by /
● The path can be absolute or relative
● Absolute: always starts from the root
– i.e. “/home/Alice/Desktop/vacation/sunset.jpg”
● Relative: starts from your current directory
– i.e. “Desktop/vacation/sunset.jpg” if you are in
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
Special directories
● The current directory is “.”
– So “sunset.jpg” and “./sunset.jpg” are the same file
● The previous directory is “..”
– i.e. If you are in “/home/Alice/Desktop/work/”, you
write “../vacation/sunset.jpg”
– If you are in “/home/Alice/experiment/data/”, you
type “../../Desktop/vacation/sunset.jpg”
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
Exercise 4: path
While in /home/ check the following relative paths:
● A/1.TXT
● ../WORK/1.TXT
● ../WORK/A/../1.TXT
● ../WORK/A/../../HOME/B/../A/1.TXT
Specify the absolute paths for
the following files:
● leftmost and rightmost 3.TXT
● leftmost and rightmost 1.TXT
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
File permissions
● Files can be read, written and executed
● The owner of a file can restrict these operations
– For herself
– For other members of the group
– For everyone else
● Experiment data that should not be overwritten
● Data shared only with group members for read
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
File permissions
● Permissions can be changed using chmod
● The shortcuts are:
– User (u), Group (g), Others (o), All (a)
– adding (+), removing (-)
– Read (r), Write (w) and eXecute (x)
● To remove the write permission to the group:
chmod g-w
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
Show file permissions
● To show the permissions use
ls -l
● For each file, at the beginning you get
– -rw-r-xr-- this are for the user (read and write)
– -rw-r-xr-- this are for the group (read and execute)
– -rw-r-xr-- this are for others (only read)
● The first position is for things like directories (d)
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
File types
● Extensions mean nothing
– .doc, .jpg and so on are just conventions
● Text and binary files
– Text can be printed and read by humans
● Plain text, CSV, XML are all text-based
– Binary can be read by programs
● Data and programs
– A program can be executed by the system
(executable permission does not make a program)
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
Programs and processes
● An executable program sits in the disk
● A running program becomes a process
– You can have multiple processes spawned from the
same program: i.e. many blastall running
● Each process has a unique identifier (pid)
● To inspect the running processes: ps or top
● To quit a running process, use CTRL+c or
kill <pid>
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
Exercise 5: processes
● Open two shells
● In one shell run the following command
sleep 20m
● In the other shell, run ps to find the pid of sleep
● Kill the process using
kill <pid>
● Note: on remote servers you can't CTRL-C
unless you keep the connection open
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
Parameters vs arguments
● The argument(s) is the subject of the operation
– ls /home/Alice/Desktop
– kill 260046
● Parameters (or options) modify the behaviour
– ls -l /home/Beatrix/Desktop
– top -h
● Parameters usually start with minus sign
– Single one for single letter (-h, -p, -t)
– double for longer parameters (--help, --out)
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
Moving files around
● You can copy files using the command cp
– cp path/of/original/file path/of/copy
● You can move files using mv
– mv path/of/original/file new/path
● You can delete files using rm
– rm file/to/delete
– Warning: deletion is permanent
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 32/66
● You can save the result of commands to a file
● The output is redirected using >
ls > files.list
● The file is created empty before running ls
● Avoid deletion of the content with append >>
– Adds the output to the end of file
● Errors are not “output”, use 2>
● Both output and error redirected with &>
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
Inspecting a file
● head prints the first 10 lines
● tail prints the last 10 lines
– You can change the number of lines of both head
and tail by specifying it as parameter
● cat shows the whole file
– Beware to long files
● more shows the whole file, one page at time
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
Editing a file
● Too many editors to list them all, just a few
● On the shell
– cat > filename writes everything you type to file
● CTRL+d ends the input
– nano, pico: easy to use
– vim, emacs: more advanced
● On the GUI
– gedit
– gvim
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
Finding text: grep
● It prints the lines containing a match
grep “pattern” filename
● Pattern can be a string or a regular expression
● Useful parameters
– -w matches whole words (i.e. spaces around)
– -x matches whole lines
– -i ignore case (uppercase = lowercase)
– -v reverse match (i.e. lines NOT containing pattern)
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
Exercise 6: grep
● Download the following file
● Move it to the working directory
● Uncompress it
tar -xvf ex.tar.gz
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
Exercise 6: grep
● Find all the lines containing “m” in test1.txt
grep “m” test1.txt
● Find all the lines NOT containing “m” in test1.txt
grep -v “m” test1.txt
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
Finding text: grep /2
● You can provide a file of patterns
grep -f patterns.txt data.txt
● The program looks for every line as a separate
● It may take a while if the two files are big
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
● Look for the differences in two similar files
diff file1 file2
● Compares the two files line by line
● Output
– Line numbers for the different lines
– “<” for lines only in file1
– “>” for lines only in file2
● It is not quite easy to use
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
● Diffing is easier when data are sorted
sort filename
● Useful parameters:
– -n numerical sort (otherwise 100 < 2)
– -r reverse sort
– -k x sort on column number x
– -t x uses x as column separator
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
Getting columns
● Printing a specific column with cut (ex.: 3rd)
cut -f 3 filename
● You can specify column separator with -d
● Useful arguments for -f:
– N prints the Nth column, counted starting from 1
– N- prints from the Nth to the end of the line
– N-M prints from Nth to Mth (included)
– -M prints from 1 up to Mth (included)
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 42/66
Pipe: motivation
● Example: I want the file names for all the files
with rwx permissions
● Solution with redirection:
ls -l > files.list
grep “rwx”files.list > wanted-files.list
cut -f 10- -d” ” wanted-files.list >
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 43/66
● Too many intermediate files
– Possibly big: disk space issues
– Hard to remember: do I need myfiles.list or my.list?
● Rule of thumb: keep intermediate result only if you
need it later for further analysis
● For everything else, use pipe |
ls -l | grep “rwx” | cut -f 10- -d” ” >
● Pipe sends the result of a command to the input of the
following one
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 44/66
● All the previous examples work also without a
file as input, but with a pipe
● The first 10 lines of a list of files
ls | head
● The first column of the last line of a sorted file
sort file.txt | tail -1 | cut -f 1
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 45/66
Pipe vs sequence
● Pipe sends the result to the next command
● If you want to execute commands in sequence,
separate them using ;
ls; head test.txt
● What if the second depends from the first?
python > a.txt && sort a.txt
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
Shell scripting
● What if the command is very long and you have
to use it again?
● What if you have to repeat the same operations
for many inputs?
● Shell scripting is programming for the shell
● Same primitives of programming languages
– IF choices, FOR loops
– Parameters, variables
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
Shell scripting /2
● Save commands to a text file
● Add execution permissions to the file
● Call the file from the shell
● Example:
for i in $(ls *.fasta); do
echo $i, $(grep “^>” $i | wc -l);
done | sort -n -k 2 > $1
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
Shell scripting /3
for i in $(ls *.fasta); do
echo $i, $(grep “^>” $i | wc -l);
done | sort -n -k 2 > $1
● $( ) returns the output of the commands
● Useful for cat and everything that returns a
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
Shell scripting /4
for i in $(ls *.fasta); do
echo $i, $(grep “^>” $i | wc -l);
done | sort -n -k 2 > $1
● * is a wildcard, it means “every string”
● In this case, every string ending with “.fasta”
● Other wildcards are:
– ? means any single character
– [] group choices, i.e. [ae] means either a or e
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
Shell scripting /5
for i in $(ls *.fasta); do
echo $i, $(grep “^>” $i | wc -l);
done | sort -n -k 2 > $1
● for execute the commands between do and
done one time for each iteration
● i is the iteration variable, it gets one of the
values (in the example, a file name), you
access its value using $i
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
Shell scripting /6
for i in $(ls *.fasta); do
echo $i, $(grep “^>” $i | wc -l);
done | sort -n -k 2 > $1
● The final result of all the for loops is passed to
● This script returns a list of fasta file with an
associated number of entries, sorted by that
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
Shell scripting /7
for i in $(ls *.fasta); do
echo $i, $(grep “^>” $i | wc -l);
done | sort -n -k 2 > $1
● The final result is redirected to a file, specified
at command line
● Examples:
bash result1.txt
bash result2.txt
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
● Awk executes a series of commands for each
line of the input
● It can execute different commands for different
lines, using matching regular expressions
● It may be faster than other tools
● It is easy to use and powerfull
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
Awk /2
awk '/<regex>/ {<commands>}' a.txt
● You can specify multiple regular expressions
● Commands can contain if and assignments
● Two special keywords instead of regex
– BEGIN matches the beginning of the input, before
the first line
– END matches the end of the input, after the last line
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
Awk /3
awk 'BEGIN {a=0} {a=a+1} END{print a}'
● It counts the number of lines
● Before the first line, sets the variable a to zero
● For each line, increases the counter
– There is no regex, so each line matches
● At the end, prints the value of the counter
● Works better than wc -l
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
Awk /4
awk '{print $2,$3}'
● Prints the second and the third column
● Columns are separated by space
● You can specify a different separator with -F
awk -F “,” '{print $2,$3}'
● NF is the number of columns (or “fields”)
● $NF is the value of the last column
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
Awk /5
awk '/^ATOM/ {if ($5==”A”) print $7,$8,$9}'
● Prints the positions for each atom in the A chain
● It matches only lines starting with “ATOM”
● You can select lines not matching a pattern
awk '!/(TAG)|(TAA)|(TGA)/ {print $3,$4}'
● The ! means “not matching”
● Round brackets group patterns
● | is for alternatives
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
Awk exercise 1
● Using the example files from
1.Print lines containing m in test1.txt
2.Print lines not containing m in test1.txt
3.Print lines with A in second column in test1.txt
4.Print the third column of test1.txt
(a) Use comma as separator
(b) Use E as separator
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
Awk /6
awk 'BEGIN {name=””}
/^>/ {name=$0; d[name]=””}
!/^>/ {d[name]=d[name]+length($0)}
END {for (i in d)
print substr(i,2,length(i)),d[i]}'
● Uses an array d, it's like python dictionaries
● $0 is the whole line
● substr is the substring, positions starts from 1
● Prints a list of fasta entries and their length
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
Awk exercise 2
● Print the sum of the elements of the third
column of test1.txt
● Print the average of the elements of the fourth
column of test1.txt
● Take a look at data1.txt and data2.txt
– Did you just opened them with an editor?
– Did you just used cat?
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
Awk exercise 3
● How many lines in data1.txt and data2.txt?
$wc -l data*
2999997 data1.txt
2999999 data2.txt
● Is it true?
– data1.txt contains 2999998 lines
– data2.txt contains 3000000 lines
● They contain the same numbers, but 2
● Which ones?
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
Awk /7
awk 'BEGIN {while
{if ($1 in diz) print $0}'
● Works like grep -f patterns.txt
● Getline reads the file one line at the time
● Each line becomes a key in the array
● The input is then checked against existing keys
● For big files, it is faster than grep
– O(N*M) vs O(N+M)
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
Awk exercise 3, solution
diff <(sort data1.txt) <(sort data2.txt)
● Diff is picky, the result is not that good
– Took 14 seconds on a test computer
grep -v -f data1 data2.txt
● Good luck, it may take a while
– It may freeze your computer
● Awk takes 4 seconds on a test computer
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
Awk vs Python
● Reading fasta, awk style
awk 'BEGIN {name=””}
/^>/ {name=$0; d[name]=””}
!/^>/ {d[name]=d[name]+length($0)}
END {for (i in d)
print substr(i,2,length(i)),d[i]}'
● Note: awk scripts can be saved to a file
● Use the -f option to call the saved file
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti
Awk vs Python
● Reading fasta, Python style
import sys
f = open(sys.argv[1])
d = {}
name = “”
for r in f:
r = r.rstrip()
if r[0]=='>':
name = r[1:]
for k in d:
print k,d[k]
November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 66/66

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Introduction to Linux

  • 1. Understanding and using GNU/Linux by Giuseppe Profiti Updated September 2015 Tutorial for the Programming for Bioinformatics course, International Master of Bioinformatics University of Bologna, Italy First version: 12/2013 Last version: 11/2015
  • 2. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 2/66 Goals and means ● Goals – Understanding what an Operating System is – Know how to proficiently use GNU/Linux ● Means – Simple examples (maybe biology-inspired) – Exercises and hands-on ● Not covered – Formal details – “How do I use <our favourite software>?”
  • 3. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 3/66 What is an Operating System? ● It's a piece of software ● It manages hardware and software resources ● It's useful for general purpose and heterogeneous hardware systems ImagefromWikimediaCommons,PublicDomain
  • 4. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 4/66 Hardware, OS and software Hardware Operating system Image from Flickr, released under Creative Commons BY by Petr Dosek
  • 5. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 5/66 Same OS, different software Image from Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain (NASA) ImagefromFlickr,CreativeCommonsBYbyTexasA&MUniversity
  • 6. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 6/66 Another example Image from Flickr, released under Creative Commons BY by Andrea Arden Different hardware, different OS and software
  • 7. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 7/66 GNU/Linux ● Originates from Unix ● Linux is the kernel – Manages the hardware, memory and so on ● GNU is a set of software and tools – They run on top of Linux – Provide functionality ● Multi user, multi threaded ● Ubuntu, Lubuntu, Xubuntu, Debian, Red Hat.. ● MacOS is based on Unix too
  • 8. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 8/66 What's the difference? Image from Wikimedia Commons, GNU GPL license
  • 9. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 9/66 A Linux distribution includes ● The Kernel (Linux) ● An install system for the distribution ● Drivers – How the system can manage specific hardware ● A package manager – To install and update software – Usually different from one distribution to the other
  • 10. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 10/66 Login ● Once started the system asks for your – Username – Password ● Each user has a different main folder on disk ● Users have different access rights ● The superuser (called “root”) can do everything ● On Ubuntu, the main user you created when installing can run programs as root, if needed
  • 11. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 11/66 Shell ● It is the main interface with the system ● Can be used to – Navigate the file system – Execute tools – Install software – Connect to other machines – Edit files – … everything the system can do ● Also called Console, or Terminal
  • 12. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 12/66 How a shell looks like Image from Wikimedia Commons, licensed as Public Domain by User:AVRS
  • 13. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 13/66 “It's a trap!” Every time you use the mouse in a shell, you are doing something wrong. ImagebyManuelR.,WikimediaCommons,CC-BY
  • 14. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 14/66 Exercise 1: Open a shell ● If you don't use the Graphical User Interface – You already are in a shell ● If you use the Graphical User Interface – In Ubuntu: Click the logo, type “terminal”, select it – Other systems: find the terminal icon somewhere ● The terminal may have a black, white or colour background – No matter the colour, it works in the same way
  • 15. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 15/66 The prompt ● It is a string saying that the shell is ready ● It may state the current directory ● It ends with $,%,> or # ● After that, you can type a command ● After a command, you type the Enter key
  • 16. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 16/66 Exercise 2: create a directory ● To create a directory (or folder) type: mkdir tutorial-p2b ● and press the Enter key ↵ ● What do you see? ● To check the existence of the new directory: ls ● and press the Enter key ↵
  • 17. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 17/66 Upper-case and lower-case ● The shell is CASE SENSITIVE – Upper-case and lower-case are different ● LS is different from ls ● Tutorial-p2b is not tutorial-p2b ● Then, to run a program, you have to type its name correctly ● You can use the TAB key ↹ to complete a filename after typing its initials – IF the system can distinguish what file you want
  • 18. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 18/66 Exercise 3: look inside a directory ● Type: ls tutorial-p2b ↵ ● Type: ls Tutorial-p2b ↵ ● Type: ls tut ● Then the TAB key ↹ , then the Enter key ↵
  • 19. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 19/66 File system ● It stores both data files and programs ● Directories are lists of files ● Hierarchical structure ● The root of the tree is the directory / / home etc bin me you
  • 20. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti Filesystem ● Files and directories are stored in a filesystem ● The filesystem is like a tree: – It has one root directory “/” – Each subdirectory is a branch in the tree – Each file is a leaf
  • 21. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti Path ● A path specifies a location in the filesystem ● It indicates the branches to follow ● Each branch (directory) is separated by / ● The path can be absolute or relative ● Absolute: always starts from the root – i.e. “/home/Alice/Desktop/vacation/sunset.jpg” ● Relative: starts from your current directory – i.e. “Desktop/vacation/sunset.jpg” if you are in /home/Alice/
  • 22. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti Special directories ● The current directory is “.” – So “sunset.jpg” and “./sunset.jpg” are the same file ● The previous directory is “..” – i.e. If you are in “/home/Alice/Desktop/work/”, you write “../vacation/sunset.jpg” – If you are in “/home/Alice/experiment/data/”, you type “../../Desktop/vacation/sunset.jpg”
  • 23. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti / B A WORKHOME A 3.TXT 1.TXT 3.TXT2.TXT1.TXT Exercise 4: path While in /home/ check the following relative paths: ● A/1.TXT ● ../WORK/1.TXT ● ../WORK/A/../1.TXT ● ../WORK/A/../../HOME/B/../A/1.TXT Specify the absolute paths for the following files: ● leftmost and rightmost 3.TXT ● leftmost and rightmost 1.TXT
  • 24. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti File permissions ● Files can be read, written and executed ● The owner of a file can restrict these operations – For herself – For other members of the group – For everyone else Examples: ● Experiment data that should not be overwritten ● Data shared only with group members for read purposes
  • 25. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti File permissions ● Permissions can be changed using chmod ● The shortcuts are: – User (u), Group (g), Others (o), All (a) – adding (+), removing (-) – Read (r), Write (w) and eXecute (x) ● To remove the write permission to the group: chmod g-w
  • 26. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti Show file permissions ● To show the permissions use ls -l ● For each file, at the beginning you get -rw-r-xr-- – -rw-r-xr-- this are for the user (read and write) – -rw-r-xr-- this are for the group (read and execute) – -rw-r-xr-- this are for others (only read) ● The first position is for things like directories (d)
  • 27. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti File types ● Extensions mean nothing – .doc, .jpg and so on are just conventions ● Text and binary files – Text can be printed and read by humans ● Plain text, CSV, XML are all text-based – Binary can be read by programs ● Data and programs – A program can be executed by the system (executable permission does not make a program)
  • 28. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti Programs and processes ● An executable program sits in the disk ● A running program becomes a process – You can have multiple processes spawned from the same program: i.e. many blastall running ● Each process has a unique identifier (pid) ● To inspect the running processes: ps or top ● To quit a running process, use CTRL+c or kill <pid>
  • 29. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti Exercise 5: processes ● Open two shells ● In one shell run the following command sleep 20m ● In the other shell, run ps to find the pid of sleep ● Kill the process using kill <pid> ● Note: on remote servers you can't CTRL-C unless you keep the connection open
  • 30. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti Parameters vs arguments ● The argument(s) is the subject of the operation – ls /home/Alice/Desktop – kill 260046 ● Parameters (or options) modify the behaviour – ls -l /home/Beatrix/Desktop – top -h ● Parameters usually start with minus sign – Single one for single letter (-h, -p, -t) – double for longer parameters (--help, --out)
  • 31. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti Moving files around ● You can copy files using the command cp – cp path/of/original/file path/of/copy ● You can move files using mv – mv path/of/original/file new/path ● You can delete files using rm – rm file/to/delete – Warning: deletion is permanent
  • 32. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 32/66 Redirection ● You can save the result of commands to a file ● The output is redirected using > ls > files.list ● The file is created empty before running ls ● Avoid deletion of the content with append >> – Adds the output to the end of file ● Errors are not “output”, use 2> ● Both output and error redirected with &>
  • 33. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti Inspecting a file ● head prints the first 10 lines ● tail prints the last 10 lines – You can change the number of lines of both head and tail by specifying it as parameter ● cat shows the whole file – Beware to long files ● more shows the whole file, one page at time
  • 34. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti Editing a file ● Too many editors to list them all, just a few ● On the shell – cat > filename writes everything you type to file ● CTRL+d ends the input – nano, pico: easy to use – vim, emacs: more advanced ● On the GUI – gedit – gvim
  • 35. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti Finding text: grep ● It prints the lines containing a match grep “pattern” filename ● Pattern can be a string or a regular expression ● Useful parameters – -w matches whole words (i.e. spaces around) – -x matches whole lines – -i ignore case (uppercase = lowercase) – -v reverse match (i.e. lines NOT containing pattern)
  • 36. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti Exercise 6: grep ● Download the following file ● Move it to the working directory ● Uncompress it tar -xvf ex.tar.gz
  • 37. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti Exercise 6: grep ● Find all the lines containing “m” in test1.txt grep “m” test1.txt ● Find all the lines NOT containing “m” in test1.txt grep -v “m” test1.txt
  • 38. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti Finding text: grep /2 ● You can provide a file of patterns grep -f patterns.txt data.txt ● The program looks for every line as a separate pattern ● It may take a while if the two files are big
  • 39. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti Comparing ● Look for the differences in two similar files diff file1 file2 ● Compares the two files line by line ● Output – Line numbers for the different lines – “<” for lines only in file1 – “>” for lines only in file2 ● It is not quite easy to use
  • 40. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti Sorting ● Diffing is easier when data are sorted sort filename ● Useful parameters: – -n numerical sort (otherwise 100 < 2) – -r reverse sort – -k x sort on column number x – -t x uses x as column separator
  • 41. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti Getting columns ● Printing a specific column with cut (ex.: 3rd) cut -f 3 filename ● You can specify column separator with -d ● Useful arguments for -f: – N prints the Nth column, counted starting from 1 – N- prints from the Nth to the end of the line – N-M prints from Nth to Mth (included) – -M prints from 1 up to Mth (included)
  • 42. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 42/66 Pipe: motivation ● Example: I want the file names for all the files with rwx permissions ● Solution with redirection: ls -l > files.list grep “rwx”files.list > wanted-files.list cut -f 10- -d” ” wanted-files.list > result.list
  • 43. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 43/66 Pipe ● Too many intermediate files – Possibly big: disk space issues – Hard to remember: do I need myfiles.list or my.list? ● Rule of thumb: keep intermediate result only if you need it later for further analysis ● For everything else, use pipe | ls -l | grep “rwx” | cut -f 10- -d” ” > result.list ● Pipe sends the result of a command to the input of the following one
  • 44. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 44/66 Pipe ● All the previous examples work also without a file as input, but with a pipe ● The first 10 lines of a list of files ls | head ● The first column of the last line of a sorted file sort file.txt | tail -1 | cut -f 1
  • 45. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 45/66 Pipe vs sequence ● Pipe sends the result to the next command ● If you want to execute commands in sequence, separate them using ; ls; head test.txt ● What if the second depends from the first? python > a.txt && sort a.txt
  • 46. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti Shell scripting ● What if the command is very long and you have to use it again? ● What if you have to repeat the same operations for many inputs? ● Shell scripting is programming for the shell ● Same primitives of programming languages – IF choices, FOR loops – Parameters, variables
  • 47. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti Shell scripting /2 ● Save commands to a text file ● Add execution permissions to the file ● Call the file from the shell ● Example: for i in $(ls *.fasta); do echo $i, $(grep “^>” $i | wc -l); done | sort -n -k 2 > $1
  • 48. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti Shell scripting /3 for i in $(ls *.fasta); do echo $i, $(grep “^>” $i | wc -l); done | sort -n -k 2 > $1 ● $( ) returns the output of the commands inside ● Useful for cat and everything that returns a content
  • 49. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti Shell scripting /4 for i in $(ls *.fasta); do echo $i, $(grep “^>” $i | wc -l); done | sort -n -k 2 > $1 ● * is a wildcard, it means “every string” ● In this case, every string ending with “.fasta” ● Other wildcards are: – ? means any single character – [] group choices, i.e. [ae] means either a or e
  • 50. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti Shell scripting /5 for i in $(ls *.fasta); do echo $i, $(grep “^>” $i | wc -l); done | sort -n -k 2 > $1 ● for execute the commands between do and done one time for each iteration ● i is the iteration variable, it gets one of the values (in the example, a file name), you access its value using $i
  • 51. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti Shell scripting /6 for i in $(ls *.fasta); do echo $i, $(grep “^>” $i | wc -l); done | sort -n -k 2 > $1 ● The final result of all the for loops is passed to sort ● This script returns a list of fasta file with an associated number of entries, sorted by that number
  • 52. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti Shell scripting /7 for i in $(ls *.fasta); do echo $i, $(grep “^>” $i | wc -l); done | sort -n -k 2 > $1 ● The final result is redirected to a file, specified at command line ● Examples: bash result1.txt bash result2.txt
  • 53. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti Awk ● Awk executes a series of commands for each line of the input ● It can execute different commands for different lines, using matching regular expressions ● It may be faster than other tools ● It is easy to use and powerfull
  • 54. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti Awk /2 awk '/<regex>/ {<commands>}' a.txt ● You can specify multiple regular expressions ● Commands can contain if and assignments ● Two special keywords instead of regex – BEGIN matches the beginning of the input, before the first line – END matches the end of the input, after the last line
  • 55. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti Awk /3 awk 'BEGIN {a=0} {a=a+1} END{print a}' ● It counts the number of lines ● Before the first line, sets the variable a to zero ● For each line, increases the counter – There is no regex, so each line matches ● At the end, prints the value of the counter ● Works better than wc -l
  • 56. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti Awk /4 awk '{print $2,$3}' ● Prints the second and the third column ● Columns are separated by space ● You can specify a different separator with -F awk -F “,” '{print $2,$3}' ● NF is the number of columns (or “fields”) ● $NF is the value of the last column
  • 57. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti Awk /5 awk '/^ATOM/ {if ($5==”A”) print $7,$8,$9}' ● Prints the positions for each atom in the A chain ● It matches only lines starting with “ATOM” ● You can select lines not matching a pattern awk '!/(TAG)|(TAA)|(TGA)/ {print $3,$4}' ● The ! means “not matching” ● Round brackets group patterns ● | is for alternatives
  • 58. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti Awk exercise 1 ● Using the example files from 1.Print lines containing m in test1.txt 2.Print lines not containing m in test1.txt 3.Print lines with A in second column in test1.txt 4.Print the third column of test1.txt (a) Use comma as separator (b) Use E as separator
  • 59. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti Awk /6 awk 'BEGIN {name=””} /^>/ {name=$0; d[name]=””} !/^>/ {d[name]=d[name]+length($0)} END {for (i in d) print substr(i,2,length(i)),d[i]}' ● Uses an array d, it's like python dictionaries ● $0 is the whole line ● substr is the substring, positions starts from 1 ● Prints a list of fasta entries and their length
  • 60. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti Awk exercise 2 ● Print the sum of the elements of the third column of test1.txt ● Print the average of the elements of the fourth column of test1.txt ● Take a look at data1.txt and data2.txt – Did you just opened them with an editor? – Did you just used cat?
  • 61. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti Awk exercise 3 ● How many lines in data1.txt and data2.txt? $wc -l data* 2999997 data1.txt 2999999 data2.txt ● Is it true? – data1.txt contains 2999998 lines – data2.txt contains 3000000 lines ● They contain the same numbers, but 2 ● Which ones?
  • 62. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti Awk /7 awk 'BEGIN {while ((getline<"patterns.txt")>0)diz[$1]=0} {if ($1 in diz) print $0}' ● Works like grep -f patterns.txt ● Getline reads the file one line at the time ● Each line becomes a key in the array ● The input is then checked against existing keys ● For big files, it is faster than grep – O(N*M) vs O(N+M)
  • 63. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti Awk exercise 3, solution diff <(sort data1.txt) <(sort data2.txt) ● Diff is picky, the result is not that good – Took 14 seconds on a test computer grep -v -f data1 data2.txt ● Good luck, it may take a while – It may freeze your computer ● Awk takes 4 seconds on a test computer
  • 64. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti Awk vs Python ● Reading fasta, awk style awk 'BEGIN {name=””} /^>/ {name=$0; d[name]=””} !/^>/ {d[name]=d[name]+length($0)} END {for (i in d) print substr(i,2,length(i)),d[i]}' ● Note: awk scripts can be saved to a file ● Use the -f option to call the saved file
  • 65. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti Awk vs Python ● Reading fasta, Python style import sys f = open(sys.argv[1]) d = {} name = “” for r in f: r = r.rstrip() if r[0]=='>': name = r[1:] d[name]=0 else: d[name]+=len(r) f.close() for k in d: print k,d[k]
  • 66. November 2015 Giuseppe Profiti 66/66