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Shakespeare, the Sun, the late 1500s around
the world, hieros gamos and
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
William Shakespeare(1564-1616)
• Born in Stratford-on-Avon.
• His plays are performed more often than
any other playwright.
• His identity is disputed by some.
• Records show him beginning to be active in
London in 1592.
• His plays are performed all over the world
(more than any other playwright)and
translated into many languages.
• ストラトフォードアポンエイボン生まれ。
• 彼の演劇は、他の劇作家よりも頻繁に上演さ
• 彼の正体はいろいろな説があります。
• 記録は、彼が1592年にロンドンで活動を始め
• 彼の演劇は、多くの言語に翻訳され、全世界
Shakespeare is popular—why?
• People choose to perform his plays again and again—
all over the world.
• The key to Darwin's theory of evolution is the survival
of the fittest. Species survive according to their
capacity to adapt, to evolve according to
environmental circumstances.
• As with natural selection, the quality that makes a
really successful, enduring cultural artefact is its
capacity to change in response to new circumstances.
Shakespeare's plays, because they are so various and
so open to interpretation, so lacking in dogma, have
achieved this trick more fully than any other work of
the human imagination. –Professor Jonathan Bate,
• シェイクスピアの劇は世界中で繰り返し上演されている。
• ダーウィンの進化論の中核には適者生存という概念がある。生物
• 自然淘汰の場合と同様、本当に成功し、持続する文化的事柄に
• ジョナサン・ベイト教授、オックスフォード大学
Global Shakespeare, popular Shakespeare (Chinese “Hamlet”, Japanese “Titus
Andronicus”, South African “Macbeth”, Takarazuka “Romeo & Juliet”, modern
California “Much Ado About Nothing”, modern USA “Julius Caesar”)
“Lacking in dogma”
Shakespeare recognized that human affairs
always embody a combination of permanent
truths and historical contingencies (in his
own terms, "nature" and "custom"). He
grasped the structural conflicts shared by all
societies: religious/secular, country/city,
birth/education, strong leadership/the
people's voice, the code of masculine
honour/the energies of erotic desire. --
Professor Jonathan Bate, Oxford
願望のエネルギー)= Professor Jonathan
Bate, Oxford
In a 1947 essay, George Orwell wrote that "We do not
know a great deal about Shakespeare's religious
beliefs, and from the evidence of his writings it would
be difficult to prove that he had any... The morality of
Shakespeare's later tragedies is not religious in the
ordinary sense, and certainly is not Christian. Only
two of them, Hamlet and Othello, are supposedly
occurring inside the Christian era, and even in those,
apart from the antics of the ghost in Hamlet, there is
no indication of a ‘next world’ where everything is to
be put right."
“…not religious in the ordinary
1974年に、 George Orwell は“シェイクスピア
リストではない。 HamletとOthelloの二つに
Shakespeare had a philosophy, but it
was definitely not Christian dogma
What was it?
It must have been something.
It cannot have been “nothing” or “zero”.
Allow me to propose an answer!
• Shakespeare used the beauty of the sun
and the earth as the basis for his plays.
• The sun warms the earth and makes life
• This is a universal concept on our planet,
since the sun shines everywhere.
• It’s lovely and simple!
• It’s cosmic!....and cosmically beautiful!!!
The planets circle the sun and receive
its light and heat—we know it’s true!
But the Catholic Christian Church’s view of the cosmos was
different at this time—and their power was tied to this model since
the Christian deity (and angels) was in the sphere beyond the stars.
The sun and its role was thus in dispute in the
world in the 1500s and early 1600s
• Giordano Bruno proposed thermodynamic
heliocentrism and was executed by the
Catholic Church in 1600 in Rome.
• Pagan nature festivals (based on seasons
& sun) were under attack by Puritans in
• In Japan, in 1587, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and
later in 1614 the Tokugawa Shogunate
became alarmed at missionary’s attacks on
Shinto, a religion of the sun.
• ジョルダルノ・ブルーノは地動説を唱えて1600
• イギリスでは(季節や自然を祭る)前キリスト的
• 日本では1587年に豊臣秀吉が、その後1614
By the mid 1500s, missionaries had even
reached Japan
• “By 1587, Hideyoshi had become alarmed, not because of too many
converts but rather because the hegemon learned that Christian
lords reportedly oversaw forced conversions of retainers and
commoners, that they had garrisoned the city of Nagasaki, that
they participated in the slave trade of other Japanese and,
apparently offending Hideyoshi's Buddhist sentiments, that they
allowed the slaughter of horses and oxen for food.[15] After his
invasion of Kyushu, Hideyoshi Toyotomi promulgated the Purge
Directive Order to the Jesuits (バテレン追放令 bateren tsuihō rei?)
on July 24, 1587. It consists of 11 articles: "No. 10. Do not sell
Japanese people to the Namban (Portuguese)."[citation needed] Among
the contents were a ban on missionaries.[1]
• (Retrieved on Oct. 2 2015)
Some images of Toyotomi Hideyoshi
1614—Tokugawa Shogunate
• “The Tokugawa shogunate finally decided to ban
Catholicism. In the statement on the "Expulsion of all
missionaries from Japan", drafted by Zen monk Konchiin
Suden (1563–1633) and issued in 1614 under the name of
second shogun Hidetada (ruled 1605-1623), was considered
the first official statement of a comprehensive control of
Kirishitan.[24] It claimed that the Christians were bringing
disorder to Japanese society and that their followers
"contravene governmental regulations, traduce
Shinto..(&etc.)".[25] It was fully implemented and canonized
as one of the fundamental Tokugawan laws.”
• (retrieved Oct. 2, 2015)
徳川将軍 1614年
• この禁教令によって長崎と京都にあった教会は破壊され、翌1614
• 公的にはキリスト教は禁止になったが、幕府は信徒の処刑といっ
の ように潜伏して追放を逃れた者もいたし(この時点で約50名い
かった。京都には「デウス町」と 呼ばれるキリシタン達が済む区画
What is Shinto, exactly?
• Basically, it is an ancient nature religion
with many, many nature gods
• One of these gods is the Sun Goddess
Who was Giordano Bruno?
• Giordano Bruno was a philosopher and
natural scientist.
• He used Copernicus’ heliocentric model to
propose a thermodynamic heliocentric
model of the solar system.
• He said the sun was a star.
• He was executed for heresy (burned at the
stake) in Rome on February 17, 1600.
(After a trial that started in 1592 in Venice
and ended in Rome.)
• ジョルダーノ・ブルーノ(Giordano Bruno, 1548
年 - 1600年2月17日)は、イタリア出身の哲学
Some images of Giordano Bruno
Bruno had come up with a thermodynamic
model of our solar system and…..
• The opening lines of Bruno’s Lo Spaccio della besta trionfionta
(1584) (“The Expulsion of the Triumphant Beast”) are all about
the sun:
He is blind who does not see the sun,
foolish who does not recognize it,
ungrateful who is not thankful unto it,
since so great is the light, so great the
good, so great the benefit, through which
it glows, through which it excels, through
which it serves, the teacher of the senses,
the father of substances, the author of
life. (Bruno, Lo Spaccio della besta
In De Immenso (1582), Bruno wrote:
“The Earth, in the infinite universe, is not
at the center, except insofar as everything
can be said to be at the center. In this
chapter it is explained that the Earth is
not central among the planets. That place
is reserved for the Sun, for it is natural for
the planets to turn towards its heat and
light and accept its law.” (De Immenso,
• 「地球は、無限の宇宙において、中心ではな
In other words,
• Thanks to Giordano Bruno (who had
read Copernicus) the science about the
sun was there, the ideas were present.
(Shakespeare could have found these
ideas in books in England---and I believe
he did.)
文化戦争—culture conflict
• 世界中、文化戦争
• まだ今日でも継続している。
• There are still cultural conflicts---
especially in the West---over the role of
the sun and nature—and the sun’s role
related to both religion and the
How about Shakespeare and the
• One of his most famous lines is “Juliet is
the sun”
• “The balcony scene in Romeo and Juliet
is the most famous scene in all of
Western drama.”—Park Honan
(Shakespeare scholar and biographer)
Couldn’t this be an image of or metaphor
for man on planet Earth and the sun?
• The sun is like a beautiful shining being
providing nature and bounty to mankind
• In the balcony scene, Juliet says “My
bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love
as deep; the more I give to thee, the more I
have, for both are infinite.” (II.iii.132-5)
• Infinity was a concept that Giordano Bruno
was discussing in relation to the cosmos. It
was also a pretty heretical idea at this time.
When they meet, there is the heavy use of
religious language….
Romeo: If I profane with my unworthiest hand
This holy shrine, the gentle sin is this:
My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand
To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.
Juliet: Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too
Which mannerly devotion shows in this;
For saints have hands that pilgrims’ hands do touch,
And palm to palm is holy palmers’ kiss.
(Read the scene aloud with a partner!)
Please watch Act I scene v of
Romeo and Juliet
• This scene is so beautifully done!
• Notice how the lovers share the scene alone
(through their dialogue) although others are
• This movie was a huge hit! (Actually, I tried to
use a link to the DeCaprio version directed by
Baz Luhrmann but the link was removed
recently, so I changed it to this one which is not
bad either.)
Some images from nature religions…notice the sky is part of the scene. Also there
are sun discs on the heads of the Egyptian cat deity statues. The Sumerian female
deity has bird’s feet and wings. The Shinto torii are in Yamaguchi, Japan.
All of these religions pre-date
• So I think Shakespeare was probably trying, in the party
scene of Romeo and Juliet, to depict in allegory mankind’s
earliest religious ideas.
• The balcony scene probably shows the West getting a bit
separated from the sun (nature religion) through
Christianity= or ‘when the West became ‘the West’’
• (Hey, if you can, get ahold of Yves Bonnefoy’s plenary
address (all in French) to the Shakespeare 450 conference
held in 2014 in Paris on the 450th anniversary of
Shakespeare’s birthday. I was a presenter at this
conference and I was there to hear him vaguely corroborate
my theory with a certain phrase he used, but I won’t go
into details here, in the interests of space and time…)
• 私は、シェイクスピアは『ロミオとジュリエット』
• バルコニーの場面は、西洋がキリスト教の影
Before we leave Romeo and Juliet, allow me to
recommend a wildly popular fan video to you
• True fans can often grasp what is important and
this is true especially of Shakespeare, who was
and is so popular and accessible to ordinary
• Note how this video only includes scenes of the
lovers alone---these scenes make an interesting
sequence about the history of mankind and the
• For when the lovers are together, they are
almost always totally alone.
Let us turn our attention to
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
• Written 1595-6 (the same time as Romeo
and Juliet)
• A comedy with a happy ending for the
lovers in it
• A Midsummer Night’s Dream contains a
mini-play called “Pyramus and Thisbe”
whose plot resembles Romeo and Juliet
Most importantly,
• A Midsummer Night’s Dream is set in
Ancient Athens----long before
• (Ancient Greece(Athens)に設定されて
• Ancient Greece was the era of nature
• There were gods like Apollo, the sun god,
Zeus, the king of the gods, etc.
Some images of Greek Gods
What is “Midsummer”(夏至)?
And what was Midsummer?
• Midsummer or夏至 is the Summer
Solstice (around June 20 or so)
• In Pre-Christian times in England it
was a festival time (祭り)
In England
• Earliest recorded Midsummer revelries
were lighting fires and dancing, feasting
and singing.
• Puritan (strict Christian) governments
began banning the festivals during the
1500s and by the mid 1600s there were no
more Midsummer festivals in England.
• It is interesting that the late 1500s and
early 1600s were exactly the years when
Shakespeare was artistically active.
• 初期の記録によれば、真夏の夜のお祭りは
• 1500年代終わりから1600年代初めは、シェイ
May Festival (another pagan) seasonal festival
is also mentioned in the play
Egeus: My lord, this my daughter here
And this Lysander, this Demetrius is,
This Helena, old Nedar’s helena.
I wonder of their being here together.
Theseus: No doubt they rose up early to
observe the rite of May…. (IV.1)
The rites of May…(also called
Beltane in Gaelic)
• The rites of May—games, festivities, etc.—
were performed throughout May and June,
(not just on May 1.) "Maying" involved
going into the woods in the early morning
to gather up blooming tree branches (for
decoration) and putting up "Maypoles" to
dance around. In the play, Lysander
mentions that he once met Hermia and
Helena in the wood to "do observance to a
morn of May" (1.1.169).
Images of Maypoles..
The spirits or fairies in the play
• Reference the “old days” when pagan
festivals---like Midsummer-- were held
• Like ghosts, the fairies are not visible to
the “mortals” (the human characters) in
the play.
• But the spirits resemble humans in that
they love and hate and have emotions.
Gaelic fairies---the aos si
• The aos sí (often referred to as spirits or fairies)
were thought to be especially active at Beltane
(May festivities) and the goal of many Beltane
rituals was to appease them. Most scholars see
the aos sí as remnants of the pagan gods and
nature spirits.
• According to modern revived Beltane, it is a
"spring time festival of optimism" during which
"fertility ritual again was important, perhaps
connecting with the waxing power of the
ゲールの妖精 イース・シ
• イース・シ(しばしば妖精と世場得る)は、ゲール
• 現代において復興されたベルテインによれば、
Checking images of “aos si” or “sidhe” on the Internet,
we find….(on the left the figures are the King and Queen
of the fairies)-妖怪に似ています。
Once in the play does a fairy
become visible to a mortal
• This occurs when Bottom the Weaver is
transformed. (He receives the head of a
donkey through a magic spell.)
• With this head, he can see and interact
with the fairies.
• Note that he acquires an animal head---
almost like one of the pagan deity
figures in the earlier slide (e.g. the cat
deity statue from Egypt)
• ボトム・ウィーバーが姿を変える場面である。
• 動物の頭を手に入れていることに気をつけて
How about the SUN? Let’s find out if any character is
associated with the SUN.
• Please read Bottom’s speech in Act I, scene ii, lines 30-41
Bottom: The raging rocks
And shivering shocks
Shall break the locks
Of prison gates;
And Phibbus’ car
Shall shine from far
And make and mar
The foolish Fates.
“Phibbus”= Phoebus Apollo (the Ancient Greek God of the Sun)
“Phibbus’ car”はなんでしょうか?
It is his CHARIOT! (Car=Chariot)
Have a look at this one too!
• Here is another version, performed by a
young man in his living room---very fun!
Once again, this video shows how
accessible and popular Shakespeare is.
• 人気、大衆文化的
So, we can conclude that Bottom
is the Sun!
• What does Bottom do that is special?
• He gets together with Titania, the
Queen of the Fairies and they enjoy a
fun romance.
• Here is the scene when Titania opens
her eyes (after waking up) and sees
Bottom for the first time.
As the play opens, Titania has a
• She has a famous speech about her
• Her problem is related to the increasing
use of coal (石炭の生産増えた) as
England left the sun economy. (燃料は薪。
• The problems of coal are in code.
Coal in London in late 1500s
• By 1603 coal was #1 fuel (燃料)and wood
was #2.
• An “early industrial revolution”
• Even Queen Elizabeth complained about
the smoke.
• Coal deliveries to London increased 3 times.
(1580—11,000 tonnes)
(1591---35,000 tonnes)
Titania’s speech Act II, scene 1
• These are the forgeries of jealousy:
And never, since the middle summer's spring,
Met we on hill, in dale, forest or mead,
By paved fountain or by rushy brook,
Or in the beached margent of the sea,
To dance our ringlets to the whistling wind,
But with thy brawls thou hast disturb'd our sport.
Therefore the winds, piping to us in vain,
As in revenge, have suck'd up from the sea
Contagious fogs; which falling in the land
Have every pelting river made so proud
That they have overborne their continents:
The ox hath therefore stretch'd his yoke in vain,
The ploughman lost his sweat, and the green corn
Hath rotted ere his youth attain'd a beard;
The fold stands empty in the drowned field,
And crows are fatted with the murrion flock;
The nine men's morris is fill'd up with mud,
• And the quaint mazes in the wanton green
For lack of tread are undistinguishable:
The human mortals want their winter here;
No night is now with hymn or carol blest:
Therefore the moon, the governess of floods,
Pale in her anger, washes all the air,
That rheumatic diseases do abound:
And thorough this distemperature we see
The seasons alter: hoary-headed frosts
Far in the fresh lap of the crimson rose,
And on old Hiems' thin and icy crown
An odorous chaplet of sweet summer buds
Is, as in mockery, set: the spring, the summer,
The childing autumn, angry winter, change
Their wonted liveries, and the mazed world,
By their increase, now knows not which is which:
And this same progeny of evils comes
From our debate, from our dissension;
We are their parents and original.
Before she gets in touch with the sun, Titania
is the troubled land, suffering under coal
smoke (London in late 1500s and 1600s was
very polluted by coal smoke)
• Contagious fogs— a reference to coal smoke,
which made people sick
• The ox hath therefore stretch'd his yoke in vain,
The ploughman lost his sweat, and the green corn
Hath rotted ere his youth attain'd a beard;
The fold stands empty in the drowned field--
Agricultural problems as people left the
countryside and went to the cities, land was
enclosed (sold off to the rich)
Coal brought a new booming economy and made people
feel like they should be working all the time (the
Puritans became an influential force)
The nine men's morris is fill'd up with
mud—no more playing; Puritans
discouraged play
And the quaint mazes in the wanton green
For lack of tread are undistinguishable—no
more playing; Puritans discouraged
Coal smoke, in coded references
The human mortals want their winter here--city is not
a green space anymore, but land is all developed and
smoky even in the summer
No night is now with hymn or carol blest—Puritans
discouraged singing and caroling
Therefore the moon, the governess of floods,
Pale in her anger, washes all the air,
That rheumatic diseases do abound---connected to the
coal smoke in the air are the diseases people got from
the pollution
Coal smoke harmed plants
• And through this distemperature we see
The seasons alter: hoary-headed frosts
Far in the fresh lap of the crimson rose---
the flowers and plants couldn’t grow in coal
smoke, the coal smoke made the leaves
gray and wilted like frost
And on old Hiems' thin and icy crown
An odorous chaplet of sweet summer buds -
--the city (London) became warmer in the
winter (like early climate change)
Titania and Bottom
They share a romantic interlude.
Do they consummate (完結結婚????) their
union? It is not clear…. (はっきりと言えないね)
This video of the scene is particularly
amusing. Usually Bottom has a donkey’s
head but here we see him dressed like Elvis
Presley. So creative, don’t you think?
Hieros Gamos
• “Hieros gamos or Hierogamy (Greek ἱερὸς γάμος,
ἱερογαμία "holy marriage") refers to a sexual
ritual that plays out a marriage between a god
and a goddess, especially when enacted in a
symbolic ritual where human participants
represent the deities.
• The notion of hieros gamos does not presuppose
actual performance in ritual, but is also used in
purely symbolic or mythological context, notably
in alchemy and hence in Jungian psychology.”
(all copied from wiki)
It can be thought that Titania and Bottom are symbolically united in hieros
gamos, he a spirit/god, she a fairy (but also the land)—she is put in touch
with the sun, maybe this occurs slowly as coal depletes and the sun is left…
• A passage in Act III, scene 2 echoes the
theme of a hieros gamos with nature:
Oberon: But we are spirits of another sort:
I with the morning's love have oft made sport,
And, like a forester, the groves may tread,
Even till the eastern gate, all fiery-red,
Opening on Neptune with fair blessed beams,
Turns into yellow gold his salt green streams.
Some beautiful pictures of birds and the
sun…..(since the next topic is birds!)
Bottom and Birds….
With his ass’s head, the first thing Bottom does is to
sing about birds. In fact, his song wakes up Titania!!!
Bottom (sings): The woosel cock so black of hue,
With orange-tawny bill
The throstle with his note so true,
The wren with little quill---
Titania (awakening): What angel wakes me from my
flowery bed?
Bottom (sings): The finch, the sparrow, and the lark,
The plain-song cuckoo gray,
Whose note full many a man doth mark,
And dares not answer nay---
The importance of birds
• The topic of birds in Bottom’s song seems
incidental and unremarkable. Yet,
significantly, Bottom has mentioned birds
before. Were he to play the Lion’s part, he
says, in Act I, “I would roar you as gently
as any sucking dove, I will roar you and
‘twere any nightingale” (I.ii.82-3).
• This early association of Bottom with birds
is one signal that there is something
special about birds in relation to him.
Aristophanes (446-386 BC) wrote a play called The Birds.
It is no doubt a source for A Midsummer Night’s Dream!!
• First of all, The Birds is set in Athens, like A Midsummer Night’s
• Second, in Aristophanes’ comedy, two characters, Euelpides and
Pithetaerus, are looking for a better place to live than Athens
(“not a greater (city), but one more pleasant to live in”), recalling
the miseries with that Titania has listed in her ‘complaint’ speech.
• They are shocked to meet a large Hoopoe, a type of crested bird,
named Epops who used to be a man (like Bottom, he has been
transformed into an animal) and who says, “I have been a man”.
• Pithetaeus says, “When we see a thoughtless man, we ask,
“’What sort of bird is this? And Teleas answers, ‘It is a man who
has no brain, a bird that has lost his head….” In Act IV of A
Midsummer Night’s Dream, Oberon says, “Robin, take off this
head” (IV.i.80)
Images of The Birds by
In The Birds, Procne, like Titania, wakes up to
A SONG ABOUT BIRDS sung by her lover…..
• But the most serious, resonant, and vital
similarity occurs when Epops flies into a
thicket to wake his wife, a nightingale
named Procne.
• Just as Bottom awakens Titania with his
song, so too does Epops wake the sleeping
Procne with his very similar song.
• Both Bottom’s and Epop’s songs both
feature lots of BIRD NAMES!
Please watch the video of The Birds
• Epop’s song to wake up Procne is at 15:54 of the
• It has two parts, just like Bottom’s song which
wakes Titania. The first stanza is a hymn to Apollo
the Ancient Greek Sun God:
“Chase off sleep, dear companion. Let the sacred hymn
gush from thy divine throat in melodious strains; roll
forth in soft cadence…..right up to the throne of Zeus,
where Phoebus listens to you, Phoebus with his golden
hair. And his ivory lyre responds to your plaintive
accents; he gathers the choir of the gods and from
their immortal lips pours forth a sacred chant of
blessed voices.”
Procne wakes up…
• Procne wakes up after this first stanza, like Titania in her
play. However, Procne (unlike Titania) is not seen; instead,
to show that she awakens, “the flute is played behind the
scene, imitating the song of a nightingale.” Then, after this
important invocation of Apollo, the sun god, Epops sings
the second and last stanza where he calls MANY BIRDS (I
provide basic parts to show the main idea, but not the
• Epopopoi popoi popopopoi popoi, here, here, quick, quick,
my comrades in the air….the mountain birds. Who feed on
the wild olive….you, also, who snap up the sharp-stinging
gnats….and you who dwell in the fine plane of
Marathon….and you, the francolin with speckled wings;
you too, the halcyons….(etc.)
• タイターニアがそうしたように、プロクネーは
• 「 」
Bottom and Epops…
• These two stanzas, from Epops’ song in The Birds,
constitute an important core of meaning, some of it
religious, which has been preserved, in disguise, and in a
briefer, more symbolic format, in Bottom’s song.
• Especially, Shakespeare excised the first stanza, with its
invocation to Phoebus.
• But Bottom has already declaimed about “Phibbus’ car”
earlier in the play. Shakespeare has wished to disguise the
role of Bottom as a medium to call forth a Sun God, even
while having Bottom do just this.
• The second stanza of Epop’s song, with its invocation of
many different kinds of birds, a powerful summons which
works immediately (many birds instantly arrive in the
Greek comedy) is, adapted, yet its power is preserved by
Shakespeare (in that Titania awakens).
Bottom becomes a sort of pagan
• Shakespeare catalogued bird varieties for the purpose, to
give Bottom metaphorical ‘wings’ and let him soar up,
along with his song and his associations with the sun, and
create a moment where magic will take place and the
negative forces expelled. When Titania wakes to say, so
comically, “What angel wakes me from my flow’ry bed?”,
then, actually, on the hidden level, it is true: Bottom is a
winged angel who, with her (she is now awake) will join the
gods, the ones, like Apollo, who are strictly associated with
natural rituals and older myths and who pre-date
Christianity. Soaring up to the sky gods, metaphorically
speaking, he joins with her in love, and she is cured, which
is to say that she later hands over the “little changeling
boy”, the source of her argument with Oberon.
• シェイクスピアは多くの鳥を並べたが、それには
Who is the little changeling boy?
• To go return to the theme of coal and
Titania, probably the fact that the little
boy is handed over to Oberon depicts the
depletion of fossil fuels and the
possibility that mankind will live closer
to nature again, and “trace the forests
wild” (II.ii.25) with Oberon.
Shakespeare’s time frame would be
centuries or millennia…
Festivals ---祭り
• Looking at the important scene in its entirety, we can
compare it to this passage below, the description of the
religious heart of an agricultural festival, by the historian
of drama Francisco Adrados:
• The (agricultural festival) is a time out of time in which
man puts himself in communication with the divine. All the
limitations of the present disappear. Tears and laughter
are free, foods are different and unlimited, clothes are
different, sexual taboos and other kinds of restriction are
abolished. Power and sanctity may be parodied…it is the
mythical time, conceived of at once as chaos and happiness,
from which other time emerges. The future is conceived as
a happy past, the way is open to all ideas of reform, utopia,
breaking of bounds. (Adrados 1975: 254-5)
PUCK, the trickster
Puck is a trickster figure….What is a trickster figure?? (below see Captain Jack
Sparrow, Naruto, Puck, Mercury, Brer Rabbit, Takarazuka Puck,
Viola (cross-dressing female trickster character in Twelfth Night))
• In mythology, and in the study of folklore
and religion, a trickster is a god, goddess,
spirit, man, woman, or
anthropomorphisation which exhibits a
great degree of intellect or secret
knowledge, and uses it to play tricks or
otherwise disobey normal rules and
conventional behavior.
• Tricksters are archetypal characters who
appear in the myths of many different
More on tricksters….
• The Trickster is a "boundary-crosser". The Trickster
crosses both physical and often breaks societal rules.
Tricksters "...violate principles of social and natural
order, playfully disrupting normal life and then re-
establishing it on a new basis."
• Often, the bending/breaking of rules takes the form
of tricks or thievery. Tricksters can be cunning or
foolish or both. The Trickster openly questions and
mocks authority.
• All cultures have tales of the Trickster, a crafty
creature who uses cunning to get food, steal
precious possessions, or simply cause mischief..
• Oberon is also a sort of trickster…
The confused lovers…
Get near to fighting and dying with
swords (like Romeo and Juliet) at the end-
--but Puck distracts them (plays tricks).
Tricksters are clever at using their wits to
avoid tragedy and forge comedies instead.
“So quick bright things come to
confusion”(I.1.149)---the threat that
doesn’t materialize.
Theseus and Hippolyta
• First line (“Now, fair Hippolyta, our nuptial hour draws on
apace”) is about “nuptials”—recalling the weddings and
unions throughout, including Titania’s and Bottom’s union.
• Hieros Gamos---sacred marriage
• …refers to a sexual ritual that plays out a marriage
between a god and a goddess, especially when enacted in a
symbolic ritual where human participants represent the
• The notion of hieros gamos does not presuppose actual
performance in ritual, but is also used in purely symbolic
or mythological context (wiki)
• The link is the whole movie of A Midsummer Night’s
The “rude mechanicals”
• The sun belongs to everyone, accessible
to everyone, no one is left out, even the
• Close to gods in the topsy-turvy world of
the play that is like a festival and has a
pagan festival in its very title
• Peter Quince a stand-in for Shakespeare
Here are the Beatles performing
“The most lamentable comedy and most cruel death of
Pyramus and Thisby”
• This “tragic” play (which refers to
Romeo and Juliet) is “gobbled up” and
turned into a totally powerless farce by
the comedic power of A Midsummer
Night’s Dream.
• This is the power of Shakespeare the
Thank you for watching!

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