human microbiome high-throughput sequencing ngs sequencing complex genomic rearrangements large scale human re-sequencing molecular effects characteristics patient diagnostics disease gene identification exome sequencing omics approaches gut microbiota solving challenges in data analyses assistant professor karolinska institute department of biosciences and nutrition university of pittsburgh computing infrastructure associate professor of human genetics director graduate school of public health center for computational genetics clinical president & ceo ngs technologies baylor college of medicine lasergen department of molecular and human genetics associate professor gs junior roche forensic genetics royal institute of technology university of colorado at boulder professor of cancer epidemiology department of medical epidemiology and biostatisti dr. henrik grönberg karolinska dr. elia stupka center for translational genomics and bioinformati san raffaele institute co-director personalized medicine assembling norway spruce genome faroe island bogi eliasen fargen entire nation penis microbiome impacts of circumcision inc sequencing cannabis dr. kevin mckernan chief scientific officer at courtagen life scienes biomass copenhagenomics cphx degrading cow rumen genetics doe jgi eddy rubin dna synthesis dna genomics metagenomics
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