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Interoperable, Extensible and
                 Efficient System Architectures
OpenSplice DDS

                                  Angelo CORSARO, Ph.D.
                                          Chief Technology Officer
                                          OMG DDS Sig Co-Chair
Motivating Examples
OpenSplice DDS
SESAR: The Single Sky
                  ☐   Enable operational interoperability

                      across ATM/ATC in EU

                  ☐   Allow information to flow
                      seamlessly within the ATC/ATM
OpenSplice DDS

                      ecosystem and across Europe

                  ☐   Ensure the system is incrementally
                      extensible and evolvable

                  ☐   Ensure the system makes efficient
                      use of resources such as network
Smart City / Smart Grid

                  ☐   Make relevant information
                      available in real-time to an
                      open ended number of
OpenSplice DDS


                  ☐   Ensure interoperability with
                      third parties, efficient use of
                      resources and extensibility
OpenSplice DDS
Defining Interoperability

                   The ability of two or more systems or components to exchange
                   information and to use the information that has been exchanged.
OpenSplice DDS
Syntactic Interoperability

                  ☐   The ability of two or more systems to communicate and
                      exchange data

                  ☐   Requires specified data formats and communication protocols
OpenSplice DDS

                  ☐   Syntactical Interoperability is a necessary condition for higher-
                      level of interoperability
Semantic Interoperability

                  ☐   The ability to meaningfully and accurately interpret exchanged

                  ☐   Semantic interoperability requires communication parties to agree
OpenSplice DDS

                      on a common information model
Interoperability in Summary

                  ☐   Interoperability requires agreements at a syntactic and
                      semantic level

                  ☐   Syntactic Interoperability is commonly achieved by agreeing
OpenSplice DDS

                      a communication protocol and a data representation

                  ☐   Semantic Interoperability is commonly achieved by agreeing
                      on a Common Information Model
Measuring Interoperability

                  Based on the previous definitions we can define 3 levels of
OpenSplice DDS

                  ☐   Level 0: No Interoperability (closed interfaces)

                  ☐   Level 1: Syntactic Interoperability (open protocol/data format)

                  ☐   Level 2: Semantic Interoperability (common information model)
Example: Syntactic Interoperability
                  ☐   Suppose that we define legal messages as any word created over
                      alphabet, more formally:

                      ☐   ∑ = {a, b, ..., z, ?, !}
                                                                            Che ora?
                      ☐   words := { x ∈ ∑ }  +

                      ☐   sentence = words+                Sapresti dirmi
OpenSplice DDS

                                                           che ore sono?               What?
                  ☐   Example:
                      ☐   Can Talk and hear w/o problems
                      ☐   Don’t necessarily “understand”
Example: Semantic Interoperability
                  ☐   Suppose now that we constrain our grammar to a subset of legal

                      English phrases:

                                                   Excuse me, do you
OpenSplice DDS

                                                                                 Sure, it’s 11
                                                    know the time?
OpenSplice DDS

Defining Extensibility

                  Extensibility is a systemic measure of the ability to extend a system
                  and the level of effort required to implement the extension

                  Extensions can be through the addition of new functionality or the
OpenSplice DDS

                  modification of an existing functionality

                  Modularity and loose coupling foster extensibility
Forward Compatibility

                  ☐   Forward compatibility (at times considered as part of extensibility)
OpenSplice DDS

                      aims at the ability of a system to gracefully accept input intended
                      for a later version of the system
Measuring Extensibility
                  ☐   Extensibility can be measured w.r.t. the cost associated with

                      adding a new functionality to the system
OpenSplice DDS


                  ☐   Where:
                      ☐   CDNF: Cost of developing the new feature
                      ☐   CINF: Cost of integration for the new feature

                  ☐   For any system: 0 < Extensibility ≤ 1
Measuring Forward Compatibility

                  ☐   For simplicity we will assume that forward compatibility is binary,
                      thus either is supported or not
OpenSplice DDS

                  ☐   In general, many systems support forward compatibility under
                      certain conditions. Yet for our discussion it is OK to consider it as a
                      binary property.
OpenSplice DDS

Defining Efficiency

                  In general terms, efficiency describes the extent to which a
                  valuable resource, such as time, space, network bandwidth, etc.,
                  is well used for the intended task of purpose
OpenSplice DDS
Measuring Efficiency
                  ☐   Efficiency can be measured as follows:

OpenSplice DDS

                  ☐   Where:
                      ☐   CO: Optimal Cost to perform the given task/operation
                      ☐   CA: Actual Cost to perform the given task/action

                  ☐   For any system: 0 < Efficiency ≤ 1
Example: Data Encoding

                  ☐   As an example of efficiency, let’s consider different data
                      encoding for a relatively simple Temperature Sensor
                  ☐   Let’s assume a very simple temperature sensor defined as
OpenSplice DDS

Example: Data Encoding


                               CDR                                                 JSON
OpenSplice DDS

                                                                          byte     0   1   2   3
                    byte   0     1    2      3
                                                                                   {   “   t   e
                           0 23 0 4B
                                                                                   m   p   “   :
                                                                                   3   5   ,   “
                                                                                   h   u   m   “
                                                                                   :   7   5   }
Example: Data Encoding
                  ☐   Let’s compute now the efficiency. If we ignore variable length

                      encoding, then the cost of encoding two short integers is 4 bytes,
                      thus CO = 4 bytes

                  ☐   CDR Efficiency. The actual cost of encoding our temperature sensor
OpenSplice DDS

                      in CDR was CA = 4 bytes this leads to EfficiencyCDR = 4/4 = 1

                  ☐   JSON Efficiency. The actual cost of encoding our temperature sensor
                      in JSON was CA = 16 bytes this leads to EfficiencyJSON = 4/16 = 0.25

                  ☐   Note: We have taken a few short cuts here since a formally sound
                      derivation of CO should have considered the entropy of the data
                      source. Instead we have silently assumed a binary entropy function.
Data Centric Architectures
OpenSplice DDS
Data-Centric Architecture (DCA)
                  Abstract Definition
                  A Data Centric Architecture consists of:

                  ☐ Abstract Data Types: A, B, C, ...
                  ☐ Arrows: f, g, h, ...

                  where arrows satisfy the following properties:
OpenSplice DDS

                      Given f: A → B, g: B → C, and h: C → D
                      then the following holds true:
                              ∃ g ∘ f: A → C              [Composition]
                              ∃ 1A : A → A                [Identity Arrow]
                              h ∘ (g ∘ f) = (h ∘ g) ∘ f   [Associativity]
                              f ∘ 1A = f = 1B ∘ f         [Unit]

                             A Data Centric Architecture is a Category
Data-Centric Architecture (DCA)

                  The abstract definition of a Data-Centric Architecture formally
                  captures its key properties:
                  ☐   The Abstraction Barrier is defined in terms of Abstract Data Types
OpenSplice DDS

                  ☐   The System Behaviour is specified in terms of transformations
                      (functions or arrows) over these Abstract Data Types

                      Note: From this emerges a natural relationship between DCA and
                            Functional Programming Languages
Example: Space Traveller                  [1/3]

                  ☐   Suppose we want to create a
                      distributed game in which we have

                      (some) UFOs that are trying to
                      destroy our spaceship
                  ☐   UFO can be our allies/enemies and
                      can be played by other players or
OpenSplice DDS

                  ☐   Some UFOs, might just be space
                      travellers and should not be
                  ☐   The goal of the game is to destroy
                      the UFOs that have been classified
                      as threats
Example: Space Traveller                                             [2/3]

                  ☐   The DCA for this game could be described as follows

                      (keeping it simple...)

                       Data Types           Arrows
OpenSplice DDS

                       ☐   FlyingObject     ☐   animate: Dynamics → Dynamics
                       ☐   Dynamics         ☐   classify: FlyingObject x Dynamics → Classification
                       ☐   Classification   ☐   collide: [FlyingObject x Dynamics] → [Collision]
                       ☐   Collision        ☐   pilot: IO → Dynamics x FlyingObject
                                            ☐   fire: IO → FlyingObject x Dynamics
                                            ☐   display: FlyingObject x Dynamics x Classification x Collision
                                                → IO
Example: Space Traveller                                                               [3/3]

                               FlyingObject                                              FlyingObject
                  IO   pilot                     Dynamics      animate    Dynamics                      classify   Classification
                               Dynamics                                                    Dynamics
OpenSplice DDS


                               FlyingObject   [FlyingObject]                                     Dynamics
                  IO   fire                     [Dynamics]
                                                                collide    [Collision]                        display   IO
                               Dynamics                                                      Classification

Data-Centric vs. Service-Centric
                  Data-Centric and Service-Centric architectures, such as SOA, Distributed
                  Objects, etc., differ in several dimensions:

                  ☐   Abstraction Barrier:
                      ☐   Data-Centric architectures rely on data abstractions
                      ☐   Service-Centric architectures rely on service abstractions
OpenSplice DDS

                  ☐   Level of Coupling
                      ☐   Data-Centric architectures rely solely on the shared knowledge of abstract data
                          types (agree on the “what”)
                      ☐   Service-Centric architectures rely on the shared knowledge of operational
                          interfaces along with the knowledge of the service provider and of its existence
                          (agree on “what”, “who”, and “when”)
DCA Benefits
                  ☐   Loose Coupling

                  ☐   Anonymicity (e.g. only things to be known are the data types and
                      not who produces/consumes them)

                      Composability (especially when combined with functional
OpenSplice DDS


                  ☐   Extensibility

                  ☐   Ease of Integration

                  ☐   Performance (easier to parallelize)
DCA Interoperability

                  ☐   To enable Interoperability DCA should rely on middleware
                      technology that provides a Level 2 Interoperability
OpenSplice DDS

                  ☐   In other terms, middleware technologies that define
                      ☐   open/standard communication protocols
                      ☐   open/standard data representation format, and
                      ☐   open/standard ways of describing a Common Information Model
DCA Extensibility
                  ☐   Extensibility is enabled by DCA through modularity, composability

                      and loose coupling
                  ☐   Modularity is tied to the granularity of the “arrows/functions” that
                      defined in the system
OpenSplice DDS

                  ☐   Composability follows from the properties (refer to definition) of DCA
                  ☐   Loose coupling follows from the fact that the only “contract”
                      between the different element of a system are the abstract data
                      types and nothing else. Neither topological nor existential
                      informations, e.g. it does not matter if there are consumer for a given
                      type T nor how many of those are there and where they are located
DCA Forward Compatibility

                  ☐   Forward compatibility depends entirely from the technology used
                      to implement the DCA
OpenSplice DDS

                  ☐   However, the presence of a typed Common Information Model
                      can facilitate the implementation of efficient and safe “forward
                      compatibility” mechanism

                  ☐   The efficiency of a DCA depends on
OpenSplice DDS

                      ☐   The definition of the Common Information Model (e.g. its level of
                          normalization), and
                      ☐   The efficiency of the infrastructure used to implement the DCA
OpenSplice DDS

                 DDS and DCA
DDS Core Standard

                  ☐   DDS is a family of                                  Application

                      standards addressing the
                                                            Data Centric Publish Subscriber (DCPS)
                      communication needs of                                                        Content
                                                       Ownership             Durability
                      Data Centric Architectures                                                  Subscription
OpenSplice DDS

                                                                          Minimum Profile
                  ☐   The two standards at the
                      core are:                            DDS Interoperability Wire Protocol - DDSI-RTPS
                      ☐   DDS v1.2 -- API
                      ☐   DDSI v2.1 -- Wire Protocol
DDS Standard Ecosystem
                                     Application                                                    Application

                                                             2012             API                                  2012
                                              DDS RMI                                                   DDS RMI
                   2012        2010                                                                                        2010        2012
                                             ANSI C                 ISO C++             Java-5             Scala
OpenSplice DDS

                                                      2004                2010                   2010              201x


                                                                              DDS                                  2004

                                                                       Wire Protocol
                                          DDSI-RTPS                           network                   DDSI-RTPS
                     2006                                                                                                           2006
DCAs with DDS

                  ☐   DDS provides first class support for DCAs

                  ☐   DCAs Abstract Data Types are captured in DDS via Topics
OpenSplice DDS

                  ☐   DDS does not provide primitive support for specifying DCAs Arrows.
                      These are defined by the architect using her/his favorite
                      formalism / programming language
DDS Topics
                 ☐   A Topic defines a typed data

                     stream                                        Name
                 ☐   A Topic has associated a data
                     type and QoS


OpenSplice DDS

                 ☐   The Topic name, type and QoS                                       DURABILITY,

                     defines the key functional and                                      PRIORITY,
                     non-functional invariants
                                                      struct Position2D {
                 ☐   Topics can be discovered or         long
                                                               vid; //@Key
                     locally defined                  };
                                                         long  y;
DDS & Interoperability
OpenSplice DDS
DDS: Level 2 Interoperability

                    Semantic                     Common “Language”
                 Interoperability   Data Model           +
                                                  QoS Requirements
OpenSplice DDS

                 Interoperability     DDSI       Wire Interoperability
OpenSplice DDS


    API Standard
                                                                                                    DDS: Portability


DDS: Extensibility &
OpenSplice DDS

                 Forward Compatibility

                  ☐   DDS-based applications feature all the extensibility benefits
                      deriving from DCA
OpenSplice DDS

                  ☐   In addition, due to the built-in dynamic discovery, DDS-based
                      Systems are completely decoupled from deployment details
Forward Compatibility

                  ☐   DDS supports Forward Compatibility, specifically, it allows for both
                      monotonic as well as generalized type extensions
OpenSplice DDS

                  ☐   Monotonic type extensions allow old systems to consume new
                      types as far as changes consist of additions to the tail of the type

                  ☐   Generalized type extensions allows attribute reordering and
OpenSplice DDS

DDS Efficiency
                                                   OpenSplice DDS Performance Metrics
                      The DDS standard was

                      designed in such a way to     Latency
                      maximize time and space       ☐   15-20 usec Inter-Core Latency
                      efficiency                    ☐   75 usec over GBps Ethernet
OpenSplice DDS

                  ☐   OpenSplice DDS has been       Throughput
                      designed to minimize          ☐   Up to 10+M msg/sec inter-core
                      resource usage while
                      maximizing performance and    ☐   Up to 5M msg/sec inter node
Back to the Space Traveller
OpenSplice DDS
Example: Space Traveller                                                               [3/3]

                               FlyingObject                                              FlyingObject
                  IO   pilot                     Dynamics      animate    Dynamics                      classify   Classification
                               Dynamics                                                    Dynamics
OpenSplice DDS


                               FlyingObject   [FlyingObject]                                     Dynamics
                  IO   fire                     [Dynamics]
                                                                collide    [Collision]                        display   IO
                               Dynamics                                                      Classification

Space Traveller Topic Types
                 //@Nested               //@Nested              enum Classifier {
                 struct Bounds {         struct Vector {           UNKNOWN,

                     long width;             long x;               FRIEND,
                     long height;            long y;               THREAT};
                 };                      };
                                                                struct Classification {
                 struct FlyingObject {   struct Dynamics {          long oid; // @key
                     long oid; //@Key        long oid; //@Key       Classifier kind;
OpenSplice DDS

                     long kind;              Vector pos;        };
                     Bounds bounds;          Vector speed;
                 };                      };                     struct Collision {
                                                                    long oid;
                                                                    long coid;
Real World Interoperability
OpenSplice DDS
SESAR: The Single Sky

                  ☐   Adopted the DDS standard as
                      the foundation of their DCA
OpenSplice DDS

                  ☐   Defined and standardized a
                      domain specific Common
                      Information Model concerning
                      flights and their management



  DDS           Data	


UK Generic Vehicle Architecture

                  ☐   Adopted the DDS standard
                      as the technology at the
                      foundation of next
                      generation military vehicles
OpenSplice DDS

                  ☐   Defined a domain specific
                      Common Information
                      Model -- the GVA
                      Information Model
OpenSplice DDS

                 Summing Up
Concluding Remarks

                  ☐   Interoperability, Extensibility and Efficiency is key for an increasing
                      number of applications

                  ☐   Data Centric Architectures (DCAs) provide an architectural
OpenSplice DDS

                      framework that facilitates the design of systems that are
                      interoperable, extensible and efficient

                  ☐   DDS is the middleware infrastructure that most naturally supports
OpenSplice DDS

                  OpenSplice | DDS                                                    Escalier
                  ¥ #1 OMG DDS Implementation   ¥ Fastest growing JVM Language      ¥ Scala API for OpenSplice DDS
                  ¥ Open Source                 ¥ Open Source                       ¥ Open Source
                  ¥          ¥                ¥
OpenSplice DDS

                 ¥ Simple C++ API for DDS       ¥ DDS-PSM-Java for OpenSplice DDS   ¥ DDS-based Advanced Distributed
                 ¥ Open Source                  ¥ Open Source                          Algorithms Toolkit
                 ¥    ¥        ¥ Open Source
:: Connect with Us ::

                   ¥             ¥
                   ¥             ¥                 ¥@prismtech
OpenSplice DDS

                 ¥          ¥

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Interoperable, Extensible and Efficient System Architectures

  • 1. Interoperable, Extensible and Efficient System Architectures OpenSplice DDS Angelo CORSARO, Ph.D. Chief Technology Officer OMG DDS Sig Co-Chair PrismTech
  • 3. SESAR: The Single Sky ☐ Enable operational interoperability Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. across ATM/ATC in EU ☐ Allow information to flow seamlessly within the ATC/ATM OpenSplice DDS ecosystem and across Europe ☐ Ensure the system is incrementally extensible and evolvable ☐ Ensure the system makes efficient use of resources such as network
  • 4. Smart City / Smart Grid Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ Make relevant information available in real-time to an open ended number of OpenSplice DDS consumers ☐ Ensure interoperability with third parties, efficient use of resources and extensibility
  • 6. Defining Interoperability Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. The ability of two or more systems or components to exchange information and to use the information that has been exchanged. OpenSplice DDS
  • 7. Syntactic Interoperability Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ The ability of two or more systems to communicate and exchange data ☐ Requires specified data formats and communication protocols OpenSplice DDS ☐ Syntactical Interoperability is a necessary condition for higher- level of interoperability
  • 8. Semantic Interoperability Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ The ability to meaningfully and accurately interpret exchanged information ☐ Semantic interoperability requires communication parties to agree OpenSplice DDS on a common information model
  • 9. Interoperability in Summary Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ Interoperability requires agreements at a syntactic and semantic level ☐ Syntactic Interoperability is commonly achieved by agreeing OpenSplice DDS a communication protocol and a data representation standard ☐ Semantic Interoperability is commonly achieved by agreeing on a Common Information Model
  • 10. Measuring Interoperability Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. Based on the previous definitions we can define 3 levels of interoperability: OpenSplice DDS ☐ Level 0: No Interoperability (closed interfaces) ☐ Level 1: Syntactic Interoperability (open protocol/data format) ☐ Level 2: Semantic Interoperability (common information model)
  • 11. Example: Syntactic Interoperability ☐ Suppose that we define legal messages as any word created over alphabet, more formally: Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ ∑ = {a, b, ..., z, ?, !} Che ora? ☐ words := { x ∈ ∑ } + ☐ sentence = words+ Sapresti dirmi OpenSplice DDS che ore sono? What? ☐ Example: ☐ Can Talk and hear w/o problems ☐ Don’t necessarily “understand”
  • 12. Example: Semantic Interoperability ☐ Suppose now that we constrain our grammar to a subset of legal Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. English phrases: Thanks! Excuse me, do you OpenSplice DDS Sure, it’s 11 know the time? o’clock.
  • 13. OpenSplice DDS Extensibility
  • 14. Defining Extensibility Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. Extensibility is a systemic measure of the ability to extend a system and the level of effort required to implement the extension Extensions can be through the addition of new functionality or the OpenSplice DDS modification of an existing functionality Modularity and loose coupling foster extensibility
  • 15. Forward Compatibility Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ Forward compatibility (at times considered as part of extensibility) OpenSplice DDS aims at the ability of a system to gracefully accept input intended for a later version of the system
  • 16. Measuring Extensibility ☐ Extensibility can be measured w.r.t. the cost associated with Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. adding a new functionality to the system OpenSplice DDS Extensibility    =  CDNF/(CINF  +  CDNF) ☐ Where: ☐ CDNF: Cost of developing the new feature ☐ CINF: Cost of integration for the new feature ☐ For any system: 0 < Extensibility ≤ 1
  • 17. Measuring Forward Compatibility Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ For simplicity we will assume that forward compatibility is binary, thus either is supported or not OpenSplice DDS ☐ In general, many systems support forward compatibility under certain conditions. Yet for our discussion it is OK to consider it as a binary property.
  • 18. OpenSplice DDS Efficiency
  • 19. Defining Efficiency Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. In general terms, efficiency describes the extent to which a valuable resource, such as time, space, network bandwidth, etc., is well used for the intended task of purpose OpenSplice DDS
  • 20. Measuring Efficiency ☐ Efficiency can be measured as follows: Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. Efficiency  =  CO/CA OpenSplice DDS ☐ Where: ☐ CO: Optimal Cost to perform the given task/operation ☐ CA: Actual Cost to perform the given task/action ☐ For any system: 0 < Efficiency ≤ 1
  • 21. Example: Data Encoding Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ As an example of efficiency, let’s consider different data encoding for a relatively simple Temperature Sensor ☐ Let’s assume a very simple temperature sensor defined as OpenSplice DDS follows: struct  TempSensor  {      short  temp;      short  hum; };
  • 22. Example: Data Encoding Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. TempSensor  t  =  {35,  75}; CDR JSON OpenSplice DDS byte 0 1 2 3 byte 0 1 2 3 { “ t e 0 23 0 4B m p “ : 3 5 , “ h u m “ 4  bytes : 7 5 } 16  bytes
  • 23. Example: Data Encoding ☐ Let’s compute now the efficiency. If we ignore variable length Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. encoding, then the cost of encoding two short integers is 4 bytes, thus CO = 4 bytes ☐ CDR Efficiency. The actual cost of encoding our temperature sensor OpenSplice DDS in CDR was CA = 4 bytes this leads to EfficiencyCDR = 4/4 = 1 ☐ JSON Efficiency. The actual cost of encoding our temperature sensor in JSON was CA = 16 bytes this leads to EfficiencyJSON = 4/16 = 0.25 ☐ Note: We have taken a few short cuts here since a formally sound derivation of CO should have considered the entropy of the data source. Instead we have silently assumed a binary entropy function.
  • 25. Data-Centric Architecture (DCA) Abstract Definition A Data Centric Architecture consists of: Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ Abstract Data Types: A, B, C, ... ☐ Arrows: f, g, h, ... where arrows satisfy the following properties: OpenSplice DDS Given f: A → B, g: B → C, and h: C → D then the following holds true: ∃ g ∘ f: A → C [Composition] ∃ 1A : A → A [Identity Arrow] h ∘ (g ∘ f) = (h ∘ g) ∘ f [Associativity] f ∘ 1A = f = 1B ∘ f [Unit] A Data Centric Architecture is a Category
  • 26. Data-Centric Architecture (DCA) Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. The abstract definition of a Data-Centric Architecture formally captures its key properties: ☐ The Abstraction Barrier is defined in terms of Abstract Data Types OpenSplice DDS ☐ The System Behaviour is specified in terms of transformations (functions or arrows) over these Abstract Data Types Note: From this emerges a natural relationship between DCA and Functional Programming Languages
  • 27. Example: Space Traveller [1/3] ☐ Suppose we want to create a distributed game in which we have Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. (some) UFOs that are trying to destroy our spaceship ☐ UFO can be our allies/enemies and can be played by other players or OpenSplice DDS computers ☐ Some UFOs, might just be space travellers and should not be destroyed ☐ The goal of the game is to destroy the UFOs that have been classified as threats
  • 28. Example: Space Traveller [2/3] ☐ The DCA for this game could be described as follows Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. (keeping it simple...) Data Types Arrows OpenSplice DDS ☐ FlyingObject ☐ animate: Dynamics → Dynamics ☐ Dynamics ☐ classify: FlyingObject x Dynamics → Classification ☐ Classification ☐ collide: [FlyingObject x Dynamics] → [Collision] ☐ Collision ☐ pilot: IO → Dynamics x FlyingObject ☐ fire: IO → FlyingObject x Dynamics ☐ display: FlyingObject x Dynamics x Classification x Collision → IO
  • 29. Example: Space Traveller [3/3] Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. FlyingObject FlyingObject IO pilot Dynamics animate Dynamics classify Classification Dynamics Dynamics OpenSplice DDS FlyingObject FlyingObject [FlyingObject] Dynamics IO fire [Dynamics] collide [Collision] display IO Dynamics Classification Collision
  • 30. Data-Centric vs. Service-Centric Data-Centric and Service-Centric architectures, such as SOA, Distributed Objects, etc., differ in several dimensions: Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ Abstraction Barrier: ☐ Data-Centric architectures rely on data abstractions ☐ Service-Centric architectures rely on service abstractions OpenSplice DDS ☐ Level of Coupling ☐ Data-Centric architectures rely solely on the shared knowledge of abstract data types (agree on the “what”) ☐ Service-Centric architectures rely on the shared knowledge of operational interfaces along with the knowledge of the service provider and of its existence (agree on “what”, “who”, and “when”)
  • 31. DCA Benefits ☐ Loose Coupling Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ Anonymicity (e.g. only things to be known are the data types and not who produces/consumes them) Composability (especially when combined with functional OpenSplice DDS ☐ languages) ☐ Extensibility ☐ Ease of Integration ☐ Performance (easier to parallelize)
  • 32. DCA Interoperability Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ To enable Interoperability DCA should rely on middleware technology that provides a Level 2 Interoperability OpenSplice DDS ☐ In other terms, middleware technologies that define ☐ open/standard communication protocols ☐ open/standard data representation format, and ☐ open/standard ways of describing a Common Information Model
  • 33. DCA Extensibility ☐ Extensibility is enabled by DCA through modularity, composability Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. and loose coupling ☐ Modularity is tied to the granularity of the “arrows/functions” that defined in the system OpenSplice DDS ☐ Composability follows from the properties (refer to definition) of DCA ☐ Loose coupling follows from the fact that the only “contract” between the different element of a system are the abstract data types and nothing else. Neither topological nor existential informations, e.g. it does not matter if there are consumer for a given type T nor how many of those are there and where they are located
  • 34. DCA Forward Compatibility Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ Forward compatibility depends entirely from the technology used to implement the DCA OpenSplice DDS ☐ However, the presence of a typed Common Information Model can facilitate the implementation of efficient and safe “forward compatibility” mechanism
  • 35. Efficiency Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ The efficiency of a DCA depends on OpenSplice DDS ☐ The definition of the Common Information Model (e.g. its level of normalization), and ☐ The efficiency of the infrastructure used to implement the DCA
  • 36. OpenSplice DDS DDS and DCA
  • 37. DDS Core Standard Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ DDS is a family of Application standards addressing the Data Centric Publish Subscriber (DCPS) communication needs of Content Ownership Durability Data Centric Architectures Subscription OpenSplice DDS Minimum Profile ☐ The two standards at the core are: DDS Interoperability Wire Protocol - DDSI-RTPS ☐ DDS v1.2 -- API UDP/IP Application ☐ DDSI v2.1 -- Wire Protocol
  • 38. DDS Standard Ecosystem Application Application Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. 2012 API 2012 DDS RMI DDS RMI 2012 2010 2010 2012 ANSI C ISO C++ Java-5 Scala OpenSplice DDS 2004 2010 2010 201x Security Security X-Types X-Types DDS 2004 Wire Protocol DDSI-RTPS network DDSI-RTPS 2006 2006
  • 39. DCAs with DDS Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ DDS provides first class support for DCAs ☐ DCAs Abstract Data Types are captured in DDS via Topics OpenSplice DDS ☐ DDS does not provide primitive support for specifying DCAs Arrows. These are defined by the architect using her/his favorite formalism / programming language
  • 40. DDS Topics “net.gva.VehiclePosition” ☐ A Topic defines a typed data Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. stream Name ☐ A Topic has associated a data type and QoS Topic Typ S OpenSplice DDS Qo ☐ The Topic name, type and QoS DURABILITY, e DEADLINE, defines the key functional and PRIORITY, … non-functional invariants struct Position2D { ☐ Topics can be discovered or long long vid; //@Key x; locally defined }; long y;
  • 42. DDS: Level 2 Interoperability Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. Semantic Common “Language” Interoperability Data Model + QoS Requirements OpenSplice DDS Interoperability Syntactic Interoperability DDSI Wire Interoperability
  • 43. OpenSplice DDS DDS Application API Standard DDS: Portability Portability Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved.
  • 44. DDS: Extensibility & OpenSplice DDS Forward Compatibility
  • 45. Extensibility Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ DDS-based applications feature all the extensibility benefits deriving from DCA OpenSplice DDS ☐ In addition, due to the built-in dynamic discovery, DDS-based Systems are completely decoupled from deployment details
  • 46. Forward Compatibility Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ DDS supports Forward Compatibility, specifically, it allows for both monotonic as well as generalized type extensions OpenSplice DDS ☐ Monotonic type extensions allow old systems to consume new types as far as changes consist of additions to the tail of the type ☐ Generalized type extensions allows attribute reordering and removal
  • 47. OpenSplice DDS Efficiency
  • 48. DDS Efficiency OpenSplice DDS Performance Metrics The DDS standard was Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ designed in such a way to Latency maximize time and space ☐ 15-20 usec Inter-Core Latency efficiency ☐ 75 usec over GBps Ethernet OpenSplice DDS ☐ OpenSplice DDS has been Throughput designed to minimize ☐ Up to 10+M msg/sec inter-core resource usage while maximizing performance and ☐ Up to 5M msg/sec inter node scalability
  • 49. Back to the Space Traveller OpenSplice DDS
  • 50. Example: Space Traveller [3/3] Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. FlyingObject FlyingObject IO pilot Dynamics animate Dynamics classify Classification Dynamics Dynamics OpenSplice DDS FlyingObject FlyingObject [FlyingObject] Dynamics IO fire [Dynamics] collide [Collision] display IO Dynamics Classification Collision
  • 51. Space Traveller Topic Types //@Nested //@Nested enum Classifier { struct Bounds { struct Vector { UNKNOWN, Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. long width; long x; FRIEND, long height; long y; THREAT}; }; }; struct Classification { struct FlyingObject { struct Dynamics { long oid; // @key long oid; //@Key long oid; //@Key Classifier kind; OpenSplice DDS long kind; Vector pos; }; Bounds bounds; Vector speed; }; }; struct Collision { long oid; long coid; };
  • 53. SESAR: The Single Sky Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ Adopted the DDS standard as the foundation of their DCA OpenSplice DDS ☐ Defined and standardized a domain specific Common Information Model concerning flights and their management
  • 54. City  Service  -­‐  Architecture Urbio&ca   APPLICATIONS User,  City  agent Urbio2ca  MESH  network City  Message  BUS  –  Opensplice  DDS Data   warehouse Esper  –  Park   systems Exis2ng   Control
  • 55. UK Generic Vehicle Architecture Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ Adopted the DDS standard as the technology at the foundation of next generation military vehicles OpenSplice DDS ☐ Defined a domain specific Common Information Model -- the GVA Information Model
  • 56. OpenSplice DDS Summing Up
  • 57. Concluding Remarks Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. ☐ Interoperability, Extensibility and Efficiency is key for an increasing number of applications ☐ Data Centric Architectures (DCAs) provide an architectural OpenSplice DDS framework that facilitates the design of systems that are interoperable, extensible and efficient ☐ DDS is the middleware infrastructure that most naturally supports DCAs
  • 59. References Copyright  2011,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSplice | DDS Escalier ¥ #1 OMG DDS Implementation ¥ Fastest growing JVM Language ¥ Scala API for OpenSplice DDS ¥ Open Source ¥ Open Source ¥ Open Source ¥ ¥ ¥ OpenSplice DDS ¥ Simple C++ API for DDS ¥ DDS-PSM-Java for OpenSplice DDS ¥ DDS-based Advanced Distributed ¥ Open Source ¥ Open Source Algorithms Toolkit ¥ ¥ ¥ Open Source ¥
  • 60. :: Connect with Us :: ¥ ¥ ¥@acorsaro ¥ ¥ ¥@prismtech OpenSplice DDS ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥