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Angelo CORSARO, Ph.D.
Chief Technology Officer
OMG DDS Sig Co-Chair
DDS Made Simple
What I’ll Cover
☐ Understand DDS and its Data Sharing abstraction
☐ Learn about the benefits that Data Sharing provide over
plain Messaging
☐ Learn how much simpler is to build distributed systems
with DDS than with messaging technologies
Distributed System Definition
A Distributed System is a collection autonomous software
components distributed across a network that coordinate their
activities and share system resources to run as a “single system”
N.B. It is useful to remark how this definition does not mention message passing or
shared memory, those are implementation details
Distributed Systems Challenges
A number of challenges are inherent to the nature of distributed
☐ Transparency
☐ Scalability
☐ Dependability
☐ Performance
☐ Flexibility
Building Distributed Systems
Several abstractions have been proposed to build Distributed
☐ Distributed Shared Memory
☐ Message Passing/Queueing
☐ Distributed Objects
☐ Tuple Spaces
Building Distributed Systems
Several abstractions have been proposed to build Distributed
☐ Distributed Shared Memory
☐ Message Passing/Queueing
☐ Distributed Objects
☐ Tuple Spaces
Message Queueing
☐ Message Queueing, as
suggested by its name, provide a
coordination abstraction based
on the exchange of messages
between distributed processes
☐ Message delivery is often
mediated by brokers
☐ A Message is composed by a
header and a body, where the
body is opaque (often binary)
Tuple Space
☐ Tuple Space provide the
abstraction of a Global Tuple
Space that can be used by
autonomous applications to
coordinate by inserting (out),
reading (rd) and removing
(in) tuples
☐ The Tuple Space model was
initially introduced by
Gelernter and Carrero’s Linda
and extended over the years
<x,y, <j, k>>
<x,y, <j, k>>
out(<a,b,c>) rd(<a,_,_>)
Tuple Spaces vs Messaging
☐ Tuple Spaces provides spatial
and temporal decoupling along
with content awareness
☐ Tuples remain in the tuple space
up to when they are not
☐ Tuple Spaces allow application
to share information
☐ Overall Tuple Spaces provide a
high-level abstraction for building
distributed systems
☐ Messaging doesn’t provide
content awareness and usually
provides limited temporal
☐ Messages usually disappear once
they are delivered to consumers
☐ Messaging allows application to
exchange messages. Information
has to be reconstructed from
☐ Messaging provides a relatively
low-level abstraction for building
distributed systems
Why is Messaging so Popular?
At this point you may ask yourself:
If Tuple Spaces are so cool, why are messaging technologies so
The answer is actually pretty simple:
Tuple Spaces where originally quite inefficient and this lead people to
adopt different approaches, such as messaging and distributed objects.
Nowadays, however, there are plenty of technologies deriving from the
tuple space concept that have very high performance (often superior
than messaging).
Why is Messaging so Popular?
At this point you may ask:
OK, that makes sense. Yet there are still plenty of people using
messaging technologies. Why?
The answer is again pretty simple:
The adoption of Tuple Space inspired technologies is growing steadily,
but many people are still using messaging since this is what they are
familiar with. But enlightenment will eventually hit them ;-)
Data Distribution Service
☐ Topics: Unit of data sharing
☐ DataWriters: data producers
☐ DataReaders: data consumers
DDS provides a relaxed Tuple Space
Abstraction abstraction based on:
DDS Global Data Space
For Real-Time Systems
Data Distribution Service
☐ DataWriters and DataReaders
are automatically and
dynamically matched by the
DDS Dynamic Discovery
☐ A rich set of QoS allows to
control existential, temporal,
and spatial properties of data
DDS Global Data Space
For Real-Time Systems
Fully Distributed Tuple Space
☐ DDS Implements a fully
distributed Tuple Space
with relaxed consistency.
☐ DDS provides eventual
consistency as opposed
to strong consistency
☐ In addition, DDS provides
a local “take” and a
global “dispose” in place
of the “in” operation
<x,y, <j, k>>
<x,y, <j, k>>
out(<a,b,c>) rd(<a,_,_>)
Traditional Tuple Space
DDS Data Space
Logical Global Data Space
Local Data Space
What DDS Provides
☐ Location Transparency => Dynamic Discovery
☐ Anonymity and Temporal Decoupling => Tuple Space
☐ Data Centricity => Tuple Space
☐ Dependability => Fault-Tolerant and Secure
☐ Scalability => Fully distributed architecture easy to scale-out
☐ Portability => OS and Programming Language Independence
☐ Interoperability => Standardized Wire Protocol
DDS Topics
☐ A Topic defines a class of
☐ A Topic has associated a user
defined extensible type and a
set of QoS policies
☐ The Topic name, type and QoS
defines the key functional and
non-functional invariants
☐ Topics can be discovered or
locally defined
struct VehicleDynamics {
long vid;
long x; long y;
long dx; long dy;};
#pragma keylist VehicleDynamics vid
☐ Each unique key value identifies a
unique topic instance
☐ DDS not only demultiplexes
“streams” but provides also lifecycle
☐ A DDS DataWriter can write multiple
instances struct Person {
long ssn;
String name; String surname;
#pragma keylist Person ssn
<101,Leslie, Lamport >
<010,Edsger, Dijkstra>
<110,Haskell, Curry>
Anatomy of a DDS Application
Running App
☐ During this webcast we’ll be looking at a few DDS aspects through
the iShapes applications
☐ The advantage of targeting the iShapes application is that we can
actually “see” what our application will do
OpenSplice Mobile
In Action...
iShapes Information Model
struct ShapeType {
string color;
long x; long y;
long shapesize;};
#pragma keylist ShapeType color
Anatomy of a DDS Application
Domain Participant
auto dp = DomainParticipant(domainId);
Anatomy of a DDS Application
Domain Participant
auto dp = DomainParticipant(domainId);
// Create a Topic
auto topic = Topic<ShapeType>(dp, “Circle”);
Anatomy of a DDS Application
Domain Participant
auto dp = DomainParticipant(domainId);
// Create a Publisher
auto pub = Publisher(dp);
// Create a Topic
auto topic = Topic<ShapeType>(dp, “Circle”);
// Create a Subscriber
auto sub = Subscriber(dp);
Anatomy of a DDS Application
Domain Participant
Data Writer
// Create a DataWriter
auto writer = DataWriter<ShapeType>(pub, topic);
auto dp = DomainParticipant(domainId);
// Create a Publisher
auto pub = Publisher(dp);
// Create a Topic
auto topic = Topic<ShapeType>(dp, “Circle”);
// Create a Subscriber
auto sub = Subscriber(dp);
Data Reader
// Create a DataWriter
auto reader = DataReader<ShapeType>(sub, topic);
Putting it all together
1 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
2 try {
3 DomainParticipant dp(0);
4 Topic<ShapeType> topic(dp, "Circle");
5 Publisher pub(dp);
6 DataWriter<ShapeType> dw(pub, topic);
10 for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
11 ShapeType bc = {"RED", i, i, 60};
12 ShapeType rc = {"BLUE", N-i, N-i, 60};
13 dw.write(bc);
14 // You can also write with streaming operators!
15 dw << rc;
16 std::cout << "." << std::flush;
17 usleep(sleep_time);
18 }
20 } catch (const dds::core::Exception& e) {
21 std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
22 }
23 return 0;
24 }
Anatomy of a DDS Application
Domain Participant
Data Writer
// Create a DataWriter
DataWriter<ShapeType> writer =
DomainParticipant dp = dpf.createParticipant(domainId);
// Create a Publisher
Publisher pub = dp.createPublisher();
// Create a Topic
Topic<ShapeType> topic = dp.createTopic(“Circle”,ShapeType.class);
// Create a Subscriber
Subscriber sub = dp.createSubscriber();
Data Reader
[Java 5 API]
ServiceEnvironment env = ServiceEnvironment.createInstance(this.getClass.getClassLoader);
DomainParticipantFactory dpf = DomainParticipantFactory.getInstance(env)
// Create a DataWriter
DataReader<ShapeType> reader =
Anatomy of a DDS Application
Dependency Injection through Implicits
Data Writer
// Create a DataWriter
val writer = DataWriter[ShapeType](topic)
[Scala API]
import dds.config.DefaultEntities._
// Create a Topic
val topic = Topic[ShapeType](“Circle”)
Data Reader
// Create a DataWriter
val reader = DataReader[ShapeType](topic)
Writing Data
Writing Data in DDS
writer.write(SpapeType(“RED”, 10, 20, 30));
// -- or --
writer << SpapeType(“RED”, 10, 20, 30);
Writing Data in DDS
[Java 5 API]
writer.write(new SpapeType(“RED”, 10, 20, 30));
Writing Data in DDS
[Scala API]
writer.write(new ShapeType(“RED”, 10, 20, 30))
// -- Or equivalently:
writer write (new ShapeType(“RED”, 10, 20, 30))
Reading Data
Reading Data
// Read Data
auto data =;
// -- you can also read with streaming operators
auto data = reader << read();
// Print the received data on the console
std::for_each(,, demo::printShape)
Reading Data
// You can read data on your favorite container using iterators
auto samples = std::vector<Samples<ShapeType>>(MAX_SHAPES);
// Read data into the provided container, MAX_SHAPES);
// Print the received data on the console
std::for_each(,, demo::printShape)
Reading Data
[Java API]
Reading Data
[Scala API]
Selecting Samples
Data Selectors
Cherry Picking in DDS
☐ DDS provides some very flexible mechanisms for selecting the data
to be read:
☐ Data Content
☐ Data Status
☐ These mechanisms are composable
Content-Based Data Selection
Filters and Queries
☐ DDS Filters allow to control what gets
into a DataReader cache
☐ DDS Queries allow to control what gets
out of a DataReader cache
☐ Filters are defined by means of
☐ Queries operate in conjunction with
read operations
☐ Filters and Queries are expressed as SQL
where clauses
DataReader Cache
Query struct VehicleDynamics {
long vid;
long x; long y;
long dx; long dy;};
#pragma keylist VehicleStatus vid
// Define the query and the parameters
std::vector<std::string> p;
dds::core::Query q("x < %0 AND y < %1", p.begin(), p.end());
auto data = reader
[DDS C++ API 2010]
☐ DDS provides a very efficient way of reading data belonging to a
specific Topic Instance
☐ Obviously, one could use queries to match the key’s value, but this
is not as efficient as the special purpose instance selector
// C++
auto data = reader
// Scala
val data = reader read(handle)
State-Based Selection
Sample, Instance, and View State
☐ The samples included in the DataReader cache have associated
some meta-information which, among other things, describes the
status of the sample and its associated stream/instance
☐ The Sample State (READ, NOT_READ) allows to distinguish between
new samples and samples that have already been read
☐ The View State (NEW, NOT_NEW) allows to distinguish a new
instance from an existing one
NOT_ALIVE_NO_WRITERS) allows to track the life-cycle transitions of
the instance to which a sample belongs
State Selector in Action
// Read only new samples
auto data = reader
// Read any samples from live instances
auto data = reader
// Read only new samples
val data = reader read
// Read any samples from live instances
val data = reader read(SampleSelector.AnyData)
Putting all Together
☐ Selectors can be composed in a flexible and expressive manner
auto data = reader
! .select()
! ! .state(status::DataState::new_data())
! ! .content(q)
QoS Model
☐ QoS-Policies control local and
end-to-end properties of DDS
☐ Local properties controlled by
QoS are related resource usage
☐ End-to-end properties
controlled by QoS are related
to temporal and spatial aspects
of data distribution
☐ Some QoS-Policies are matched
based on a Request vs. Offered
Model thus QoS-enforcement
QoS matching
Type Matching
DomainParticipant DomainParticipant
QoS Policies
QoS Policy Applicability RxO Modifiable
ConfigurationT N Y Configuration
P, S N Y
Data Availability
Data Availability
Data Availability
P, S Y N
Data Delivery
Data Delivery
P, S N Y
Data Delivery
Data Delivery
Data Delivery
[T: Topic] [DR: DataReader] [DW: DataWriter] [P: Publisher] [S: Subscriber] [DP: Domain Participant]
QoS Policies
QoS Policy Applicability RxO Modifiable
ReplicationDW N Y Replication
T, DR, DW Y N Fault-Detection
[T: Topic] [DR: DataReader] [DW: DataWriter] [P: Publisher] [S: Subscriber] [DP: Domain Participant]
Setting QoS Policies
// Setting Partition QoS-Policy on Publisher
qos::PublisherQos pubQos;
pubQos << policy::Partition("Partition");
Publisher pub(dp, pubQoS);
// Setting various QoS-Policy on a Topic
qos::TopicQos tqos;
tqos << policy::Reliability::Reliable()
<< policy::Durability::Transient()
<< policy::History::KeepLast(5);
Topic<VehicleDynamics> topic(dp,"Partition", tqos);
Ipse Dixit
For non latin speakers: "He, himself, said it"
The “Ipse Dixit” Dejavu
☐ As an historical reference“Ipse
Dixit” was used by the Holy
Inquisition to push back any
argument that would contrast
with established knowledge
☐ A famous example was the
argument around the Geo-
Centric model of the Solar System
☐ What has this to do with
Middleware... Let me show you!
What’s Wrong with this Paper?
☐ When looking at DDS the
Authors did not refer to the
state of the art
☐ DDS is discarded as being too
complicated (really?!?!) -- they
did not check out the new
APIs available since 2010
☐ Beyond that, I think the authors
where comparing a bit apples
and oranges since DDS
provides far more than
DDS vs. 0MQ -- What’s Simpler?
import zmq
import time
context = zmq.Context()
publisher = context.socket (zmq.PUB)
publisher.bind ("ipc://nasdaq-feed")
publisher.send (message)
Sending Data
DDS vs. 0MQ -- What’s Simpler?
Receiving Data
Concluding Remarks
☐ DDS provides a powerful and feature-rich abstraction for building
distributed systems
☐ This technology is widely used in mission and business critical
systems and it being swiftly adopted in data-centric/big-data
¥ ¥
¥ ¥
¥ ¥
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DDS Made Simple

  • 1. OpenSpliceDDS Angelo CORSARO, Ph.D. Chief Technology Officer OMG DDS Sig Co-Chair PrismTech DDS Made Simple
  • 2. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS What I’ll Cover ☐ Understand DDS and its Data Sharing abstraction ☐ Learn about the benefits that Data Sharing provide over plain Messaging ☐ Learn how much simpler is to build distributed systems with DDS than with messaging technologies
  • 3. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS Distributed System Definition A Distributed System is a collection autonomous software components distributed across a network that coordinate their activities and share system resources to run as a “single system” N.B. It is useful to remark how this definition does not mention message passing or shared memory, those are implementation details
  • 4. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS Distributed Systems Challenges A number of challenges are inherent to the nature of distributed systems: ☐ Transparency ☐ Scalability ☐ Dependability ☐ Performance ☐ Flexibility
  • 5. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS Building Distributed Systems Several abstractions have been proposed to build Distributed Systems: ☐ Distributed Shared Memory ☐ Message Passing/Queueing ☐ Distributed Objects ☐ Tuple Spaces
  • 6. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS Building Distributed Systems Several abstractions have been proposed to build Distributed Systems: ☐ Distributed Shared Memory ☐ Message Passing/Queueing ☐ Distributed Objects ☐ Tuple Spaces
  • 7. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS Message Queueing ☐ Message Queueing, as suggested by its name, provide a coordination abstraction based on the exchange of messages between distributed processes ☐ Message delivery is often mediated by brokers ☐ A Message is composed by a header and a body, where the body is opaque (often binary) data Broker BodyHeader Message
  • 8. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS Tuple Space ☐ Tuple Space provide the abstraction of a Global Tuple Space that can be used by autonomous applications to coordinate by inserting (out), reading (rd) and removing (in) tuples ☐ The Tuple Space model was initially introduced by Gelernter and Carrero’s Linda and extended over the years <a,b,c> <x,y, <j, k>> <x,y, <j, k>> out(<a,b,c>) rd(<a,_,_>) in(<15,_>)eval(...)
  • 9. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS Tuple Spaces vs Messaging ☐ Tuple Spaces provides spatial and temporal decoupling along with content awareness ☐ Tuples remain in the tuple space up to when they are not removed ☐ Tuple Spaces allow application to share information ☐ Overall Tuple Spaces provide a high-level abstraction for building distributed systems ☐ Messaging doesn’t provide content awareness and usually provides limited temporal decoupling ☐ Messages usually disappear once they are delivered to consumers ☐ Messaging allows application to exchange messages. Information has to be reconstructed from messages ☐ Messaging provides a relatively low-level abstraction for building distributed systems
  • 10. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS Why is Messaging so Popular? At this point you may ask yourself: If Tuple Spaces are so cool, why are messaging technologies so popular? The answer is actually pretty simple: Tuple Spaces where originally quite inefficient and this lead people to adopt different approaches, such as messaging and distributed objects. Nowadays, however, there are plenty of technologies deriving from the tuple space concept that have very high performance (often superior than messaging).
  • 11. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS Why is Messaging so Popular? At this point you may ask: OK, that makes sense. Yet there are still plenty of people using messaging technologies. Why? The answer is again pretty simple: The adoption of Tuple Space inspired technologies is growing steadily, but many people are still using messaging since this is what they are familiar with. But enlightenment will eventually hit them ;-)
  • 14. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS Data Distribution Service ☐ Topics: Unit of data sharing ☐ DataWriters: data producers ☐ DataReaders: data consumers DDS provides a relaxed Tuple Space Abstraction abstraction based on: DDS Global Data Space ... TopicA TopicB TopicC TopicD Data Writer Data Writer Data Writer Data Writer Data Reader Data Reader Data Reader Data Reader For Real-Time Systems
  • 15. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS Data Distribution Service ☐ DataWriters and DataReaders are automatically and dynamically matched by the DDS Dynamic Discovery ☐ A rich set of QoS allows to control existential, temporal, and spatial properties of data DDS Global Data Space ... TopicA TopicB TopicC TopicD Data Writer Data Writer Data Writer Data Writer Data Reader Data Reader Data Reader Data Reader For Real-Time Systems
  • 16. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS Fully Distributed Tuple Space ☐ DDS Implements a fully distributed Tuple Space with relaxed consistency. ☐ DDS provides eventual consistency as opposed to strong consistency ☐ In addition, DDS provides a local “take” and a global “dispose” in place of the “in” operation <a,b,c> <x,y, <j, k>> <x,y, <j, k>> out(<a,b,c>) rd(<a,_,_>) in(<15,_>)eval(...) Traditional Tuple Space DDS Data Space Logical Global Data Space Physical Local Data Space The  local  Data  Space  is  a   projection  of  the  Logical   Global  Data  Space.  This   projection  reflects  the   interest  of  the  given   application. The  Global  Data  Space  is  an   abstraction  in  DDS  built  by   the  composition  of  Local   Data  Spaces.
  • 17. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS What DDS Provides ☐ Location Transparency => Dynamic Discovery ☐ Anonymity and Temporal Decoupling => Tuple Space ☐ Data Centricity => Tuple Space ☐ Dependability => Fault-Tolerant and Secure ☐ Scalability => Fully distributed architecture easy to scale-out ☐ Portability => OS and Programming Language Independence ☐ Interoperability => Standardized Wire Protocol
  • 18. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS IDL DDS Topics ☐ A Topic defines a class of streams ☐ A Topic has associated a user defined extensible type and a set of QoS policies ☐ The Topic name, type and QoS defines the key functional and non-functional invariants ☐ Topics can be discovered or locally defined DURABILITY, DEADLINE, PRIORITY, … “TVehicleDynamics” Topic Type Name QoS struct VehicleDynamics { long vid; long x; long y; long dx; long dy;}; #pragma keylist VehicleDynamics vid VehicleDynamics
  • 19. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS Instances ☐ Each unique key value identifies a unique topic instance ☐ DDS not only demultiplexes “streams” but provides also lifecycle information ☐ A DDS DataWriter can write multiple instances struct Person { long ssn; String name; String surname; }; #pragma keylist Person ssn <101,Leslie, Lamport > <010,Edsger, Dijkstra> <110,Haskell, Curry>
  • 20. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS Anatomy of a DDS Application
  • 21. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS Running App ☐ During this webcast we’ll be looking at a few DDS aspects through the iShapes applications ☐ The advantage of targeting the iShapes application is that we can actually “see” what our application will do
  • 22. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS OpenSplice Mobile
  • 23. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS In Action...
  • 24. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS iShapes Information Model “Circle” Topic Type Name QoS ShapeType IDL struct ShapeType { string color; long x; long y; long shapesize;}; #pragma keylist ShapeType color “Square” Topic Type Name QoS ShapeType “Triangle” Topic Type Name QoS ShapeType
  • 25. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS Anatomy of a DDS Application Domain Participant [ISO C++ API] auto dp = DomainParticipant(domainId);
  • 26. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS Anatomy of a DDS Application Domain Participant Topics auto dp = DomainParticipant(domainId); // Create a Topic auto topic = Topic<ShapeType>(dp, “Circle”); [ISO C++ API]
  • 27. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS Anatomy of a DDS Application Domain Participant Topics auto dp = DomainParticipant(domainId); // Create a Publisher auto pub = Publisher(dp); // Create a Topic auto topic = Topic<ShapeType>(dp, “Circle”); Publisher // Create a Subscriber auto sub = Subscriber(dp); Subscriber [ISO C++ API]
  • 28. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS Anatomy of a DDS Application Domain Participant Data Writer Topics // Create a DataWriter auto writer = DataWriter<ShapeType>(pub, topic); auto dp = DomainParticipant(domainId); // Create a Publisher auto pub = Publisher(dp); // Create a Topic auto topic = Topic<ShapeType>(dp, “Circle”); Publisher // Create a Subscriber auto sub = Subscriber(dp); Subscriber Data Reader // Create a DataWriter auto reader = DataReader<ShapeType>(sub, topic); [ISO C++ API]
  • 29. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS Putting it all together 1 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { 2 try { 3 DomainParticipant dp(0); 4 Topic<ShapeType> topic(dp, "Circle"); 5 Publisher pub(dp); 6 DataWriter<ShapeType> dw(pub, topic); 7 10 for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { 11 ShapeType bc = {"RED", i, i, 60}; 12 ShapeType rc = {"BLUE", N-i, N-i, 60}; 13 dw.write(bc); 14 // You can also write with streaming operators! 15 dw << rc; 16 std::cout << "." << std::flush; 17 usleep(sleep_time); 18 } 19 20 } catch (const dds::core::Exception& e) { 21 std::cout << e.what() << std::endl; 22 } 23 return 0; 24 }
  • 30. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS Anatomy of a DDS Application Domain Participant Data Writer Topics // Create a DataWriter DataWriter<ShapeType> writer = pub.createDataWriter<ShapeType>(topic); DomainParticipant dp = dpf.createParticipant(domainId); // Create a Publisher Publisher pub = dp.createPublisher(); // Create a Topic Topic<ShapeType> topic = dp.createTopic(“Circle”,ShapeType.class); Publisher // Create a Subscriber Subscriber sub = dp.createSubscriber(); Subscriber Data Reader [Java 5 API] Bootstrap ServiceEnvironment env = ServiceEnvironment.createInstance(this.getClass.getClassLoader); DomainParticipantFactory dpf = DomainParticipantFactory.getInstance(env) // Create a DataWriter DataReader<ShapeType> reader = sub.createDataReader<ShapeType>(topic);
  • 31. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS Anatomy of a DDS Application Dependency Injection through Implicits Data Writer Topics // Create a DataWriter val writer = DataWriter[ShapeType](topic) [Scala API] import dds.config.DefaultEntities._ // Create a Topic val topic = Topic[ShapeType](“Circle”) Data Reader // Create a DataWriter val reader = DataReader[ShapeType](topic)
  • 33. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS Writing Data in DDS writer.write(SpapeType(“RED”, 10, 20, 30)); // -- or -- writer << SpapeType(“RED”, 10, 20, 30); [ISO C++ API]
  • 34. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS Writing Data in DDS [Java 5 API] writer.write(new SpapeType(“RED”, 10, 20, 30));
  • 35. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS Writing Data in DDS [Scala API] writer.write(new ShapeType(“RED”, 10, 20, 30)) // -- Or equivalently: writer write (new ShapeType(“RED”, 10, 20, 30))
  • 37. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS Reading Data // Read Data auto data =; // -- you can also read with streaming operators auto data = reader << read(); // Print the received data on the console std::for_each(,, demo::printShape) [ISO C++ API]
  • 38. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS Reading Data // You can read data on your favorite container using iterators auto samples = std::vector<Samples<ShapeType>>(MAX_SHAPES); // Read data into the provided container, MAX_SHAPES); // Print the received data on the console std::for_each(,, demo::printShape) [ISO C++ API]
  • 39. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS Reading Data      //  Read  Data      Sample.Iterator<ShapeType>  iterator  =;                                                        while  (iterator.hasNext())  {        //  Assuming  ShapeType  ovrrides  toString    out.println(;    } [Java API]
  • 40. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS Reading Data      //  Read  Data  foreach  {  s  =>  println(  }                                                   [Scala API]
  • 43. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS Cherry Picking in DDS ☐ DDS provides some very flexible mechanisms for selecting the data to be read: ☐ Data Content ☐ Data Status ☐ These mechanisms are composable
  • 45. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS Filters and Queries ☐ DDS Filters allow to control what gets into a DataReader cache ☐ DDS Queries allow to control what gets out of a DataReader cache ☐ Filters are defined by means of ContentFilteredTopics ☐ Queries operate in conjunction with read operations ☐ Filters and Queries are expressed as SQL where clauses DataReader Cache DataReader ... ... ... ... Filter Query Application
  • 46. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS Query struct VehicleDynamics { long vid; long x; long y; long dx; long dy;}; #pragma keylist VehicleStatus vid // Define the query and the parameters std::vector<std::string> p; p.push_back("100"); p.push_back("100"); dds::core::Query q("x < %0 AND y < %1", p.begin(), p.end()); auto data = reader .select() .content(q) .read(); [DDS C++ API 2010]
  • 47. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS Instances ☐ DDS provides a very efficient way of reading data belonging to a specific Topic Instance ☐ Obviously, one could use queries to match the key’s value, but this is not as efficient as the special purpose instance selector // C++ auto data = reader .select() .instance(handle) .read(); // Scala val data = reader read(handle)
  • 49. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS Sample, Instance, and View State ☐ The samples included in the DataReader cache have associated some meta-information which, among other things, describes the status of the sample and its associated stream/instance ☐ The Sample State (READ, NOT_READ) allows to distinguish between new samples and samples that have already been read ☐ The View State (NEW, NOT_NEW) allows to distinguish a new instance from an existing one ☐ The Intance State (ALIVE, NOT_ALIVE_DISPOSED, NOT_ALIVE_NO_WRITERS) allows to track the life-cycle transitions of the instance to which a sample belongs
  • 50. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS State Selector in Action // Read only new samples auto data = reader .select() .state(status::DataState::new_data()) .read() // Read any samples from live instances auto data = reader .select() .state(status::DataState::any_data()) .read() C++ // Read only new samples val data = reader read // Read any samples from live instances val data = reader read(SampleSelector.AnyData) Scala
  • 51. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS Putting all Together ☐ Selectors can be composed in a flexible and expressive manner C++ auto data = reader ! .select() .instance(handle) ! ! .state(status::DataState::new_data()) ! ! .content(q) .read();
  • 53. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS QoS Model ☐ QoS-Policies control local and end-to-end properties of DDS entities ☐ Local properties controlled by QoS are related resource usage ☐ End-to-end properties controlled by QoS are related to temporal and spatial aspects of data distribution ☐ Some QoS-Policies are matched based on a Request vs. Offered Model thus QoS-enforcement Publisher DataWriter Topic Type QoS Name writes QoS DataWriter Topic Typewrites Subscriber DataReaderreads DataReaderreads ... QoS Name QoS QoS QoS QoS matching ...... QoS QoS Type Matching DomainParticipant DomainParticipant QoS QoS
  • 54. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS QoS Policies QoS Policy Applicability RxO Modifiable USER_DATA TOPIC_DATA GROUP_DATA DURABILITY DURABILITY SERVICE HISTORY PRESENTATION RELIABILITY PARTITION DESTINATION ORDER LIFESPAN DP, DR, DW N Y ConfigurationT N Y Configuration P, S N Y Configuration T, DR, DW Y N Data Availability T, DW N N Data Availability T, DR, DW N N Data Availability P, S Y N Data Delivery T, DR, DW Y N Data Delivery P, S N Y Data Delivery T, DR, DW Y N Data Delivery T, DW N Y Data Delivery [T: Topic] [DR: DataReader] [DW: DataWriter] [P: Publisher] [S: Subscriber] [DP: Domain Participant]
  • 55. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS QoS Policies QoS Policy Applicability RxO Modifiable DEADLINE LATENCY BUDGET TRANSPORT PRIORITY TIME BASED FILTER OWNERSHIP OWNERSHIP STRENGTH LIVELINESS T, DR, DW Y Y Temporal/ Importance Characteristics T, DR, DW Y Y Temporal/ Importance Characteristics T, DW N Y Temporal/ Importance Characteristics DR N Y Temporal/ Importance Characteristics T, DR, DW Y N ReplicationDW N Y Replication T, DR, DW Y N Fault-Detection [T: Topic] [DR: DataReader] [DW: DataWriter] [P: Publisher] [S: Subscriber] [DP: Domain Participant]
  • 56. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS Setting QoS Policies C++ // Setting Partition QoS-Policy on Publisher qos::PublisherQos pubQos; pubQos << policy::Partition("Partition"); Publisher pub(dp, pubQoS); // Setting various QoS-Policy on a Topic qos::TopicQos tqos; tqos << policy::Reliability::Reliable() << policy::Durability::Transient() << policy::History::KeepLast(5); Topic<VehicleDynamics> topic(dp,"Partition", tqos);
  • 57. OpenSpliceDDS Ipse Dixit For non latin speakers: "He, himself, said it"
  • 58. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS The “Ipse Dixit” Dejavu ☐ As an historical reference“Ipse Dixit” was used by the Holy Inquisition to push back any argument that would contrast with established knowledge ☐ A famous example was the argument around the Geo- Centric model of the Solar System ☐ What has this to do with Middleware... Let me show you!
  • 59. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS
  • 60. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS What’s Wrong with this Paper? ☐ When looking at DDS the Authors did not refer to the state of the art ☐ DDS is discarded as being too complicated (really?!?!) -- they did not check out the new APIs available since 2010 ☐ Beyond that, I think the authors where comparing a bit apples and oranges since DDS provides far more than ZeroMQ!
  • 61. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS DDS vs. 0MQ -- What’s Simpler? import  dds.config.DefaultEntities._ //  Create  a  Topic val  topic  =  Topic[ShapeType](“Circle”) //  Create  a  DataWriter val  writer  =  DataWriter[ShapeType](topic) //  Create  a  DataWriter writer  write  (new  ShapeType(“RED”,  1,2,3)) import zmq import time //  Create  a  Context context = zmq.Context() //  Create  a  Socket publisher = context.socket (zmq.PUB) //  Bind  the  socket  to  a  name publisher.bind ("ipc://nasdaq-feed") //  Send  Data publisher.send (message) Sending Data
  • 62. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS DDS vs. 0MQ -- What’s Simpler? import  zmq import  time //  Create  a  Context context  =  zmq.Context() //  Create  a  Socket subscriber  =  context.socket  (zmq.SUB) //  !!!  MANUALLY  CONNECT  IT  !!!  What  if  your   //  topology  changes?!? subscriber.connect  ("tcp://") subscriber.connect  ("tcp://") //  Define  subscrption subscriber.setsockopt  (zmq.SUBSCRIBE,  "NASDAQ") //  Receive  message message  =  subscriber.recv() //  ...  Now  decode  the  msg  and  do  something   //  with  it Receiving Data import  dds.config.DefaultEntities._ //  Create  a  Topic val  topic  =  Topic[ShapeType](“Circle”) //  Create  a  DataReader val  reader  =  DataReader[ShapeType](topic) //  Create  a  DataWriter  foreach(s  =>  println(
  • 63. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS Concluding Remarks ☐ DDS provides a powerful and feature-rich abstraction for building distributed systems ☐ This technology is widely used in mission and business critical systems and it being swiftly adopted in data-centric/big-data systems
  • 64. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS
  • 65. Copyright  2013,  PrismTech  –    All  Rights  Reserved. OpenSpliceDDS ¥@prismtech ¥@acorsaro ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ :: Connect with Us ::