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Michel Pereira
Hybrid Architecture: Integrating your Data Center with AWS
Enterprise Solutions Architect
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Datacenters limitations
How much time to deliver a project?
Load Balancer
Hardware or VM
Capacity allocation
Ticket queuing
Capacity is a premium resource...
...and take time to have!
Project Two
Potential impact: HIGH
Potential cost: HIGH
Project One
Potential impact: LOW
Potential cost: HIGH
Project Three
Potential impact: LOW
Potential cost: LOW
Cost of infrastructure can inhibit innovation
And now comes an era of an Elastic Data Center
Flexible, on-demand facilities
Project Two
Potential impact: HIGH
Potential cost: HIGH
Project One
Potential impact: LOW
Potential cost: HIGH
Project Three
Potential impact: LOW
Potential cost: LOW
And now comes an era of an Elastic Data Center
Flexible, on-demand facilities
That you can integrate with your on-premises
No pain, only gain
US-WEST (Oregon)
EU-WEST (Ireland)
ASIA PAC (Tokyo)
US-WEST (N. California)
US-EAST (Virginia)
AWS GovCloud (US)
ASIA PAC (Sydney)
US-WEST (Oregon))
EU-WEST (Ireland)
ASIA PAC (Tokyo)
US-WEST (N. California)
US-EAST (Virginia)
AWS GovCloud (US)
ASIA PAC (Sydney)
Availability Zones
Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) enables you to
launch Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources into a virtual
network that you’ve defined.
1What is
Bridge your VPC and your
onsite IT infrastructure with an
encrypted VPN connection
Store data in S3 and set
permissions to allow access
only from within your VPC
Assign multiple IP address and
attach multiple ENIs and EIPs
to EC2 instances
Control Inbound and outbound
access to and from individual
Specify your own private IP
address range from any
ranges you choose
Divide your private IP address
range into one or more public
or private subnets.
What is VPC?
Bridge your VPC and your
onsite IT infrastructure with an
encrypted VPN connection
Store data in S3 and set
permissions to allow access
only from within your VPC
Assign multiple IP address and
attach multiple ENIs and EIPs
to EC2 instances
Control inbound and outbound
access to and from individual
Specify your own private IP
address range from any
ranges you choose
Divide your private IP address
range into one or more public
or private subnets.
Only cost is
optional hardware
What is VPC?
Overview of VPC
Public Subnet
Internet Customer Network
Web Server (EIP)
Web Server (EIP)
Web Server (EIP)
Private Subnet
DB Server
DB Server
DB Server
Amazon EC2
API endpoint
Amazon S3
API endpoint
Custom Route Table
Destination Target local Internet Gateway
Main Route Table
Destination Target local Virtual Private Gateway NAT Instance
With Amazon VPC, you can define a virtual network topology that
closely resembles a traditional network that you might operate in
your own data center.
and routes
• Select a region for your own network in the cloud.
Availability ZoneAvailability Zone Availability ZoneAvailability Zone
Insert network here.
• Select a region for your own network in the cloud.
• Create your own subnet (s).
Availability ZoneAvailability Zone Availability ZoneAvailability Zone
VPC Subnet 1 VPC Subnet 2 VPC Subnet n
• Select a region for your own network in the cloud.
• Create your own subnet (s).
• Configure custom routing rule(s).
Availability ZoneAvailability Zone Availability ZoneAvailability Zone
VPC Subnet 1 VPC Subnet n
• Availability zone boundary
• Routing table boundary
• Network access control boundary
Availability ZoneAvailability Zone Availability ZoneAvailability Zone
VPC Subnet 1
VPC Subnet 4
VPC Subnet 3
VPC Subnet 2
• Routing traffic
• Virtual Private Gateway
• Internet Gateway
Availability Zone
VPC Subnet 1
VPC Subnet 2
Corporate Data center
• Virtual Private Gateway (VGW)
Availability Zone
VPC Subnet 1
VPC Subnet 2
VPN GatewayRoute Table Route Table
Corporate Data center
• Virtual Private Gateway (VGW)
• AWS Direct Connection
Availability Zone
VPC Subnet 1
VPC Subnet 2
AWS Direct
VPN GatewayRoute Table
Route Table
Corporate Data center
• Internet Gateway (IGW)
Availability Zone
VPC Subnet 1
VPC Subnet 2
VPN GatewayRoute Table Route Table
Route Table Internet Gateway
Corporate Data center
• Virtual Private Gateway (VGW)
• Internet Gateway (IGW)
Availability Zone
VPC Subnet 1
VPC Subnet 2
VPN GatewayRoute Table Route Table
Route Table Internet Gateway
Corporate Data center
Good, got my VPC. And?
Welcome to the cloud, I’ll be your guide
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
• Resizable compute capacity
• Complete control of your computing resources
• Reduces the time required to obtain and boot new server instances to minutes
• Scale capacity as your computing requirements change
• Pay only for capacity that you actually use
EC2 Instances
Family Use
Standard Have memory-to-CPUratios suitable for most general-purposeapplications.
Micro Provide a small amount of consistent CPU resourcesand enable you to burst CPU capacity when additional
cycles are available. They're well-suited for lower throughput applications and websites that consume
significant compute cycles periodically.
High Storage Provide very high storage density and high sequential read and write performanceper instance. They are well-
suited for data warehousing, Hadoop/MapReduce,and parallel file systems.
High Memory Have proportionally more memory resources.They're well suited for high-throughputapplications, such as
database and memory caching applications.
High Memory Cluster Have large amounts of memory coupled with high CPU and network performance.These instances are well
suited for in-memory analytics, graph analysis, and scientific computing applications.
High I/O Provide tens of thousandsof low-latency, random I/O operationsper second (IOPS) to an application. They're
well-suited for NoSQL databases, clustered databases, and OLTP (online transaction processing) systems.
High CPU Have proportionally more CPU resourcesthan memory (RAM). They'rewell-suited for compute-intensive
Cluster Compute Have a very large amount of CPU coupled with increased networking performance.They'rewell-suited for High
PerformanceCompute (HPC) applications and other demanding network-bound applications.
Cluster GPU Provide general-purposegraphicsprocessing units (GPUs), with proportionally high CPU and increased network
performancefor applications that benefit from highly parallelized processing. They'rewell-suited forHPC
applications as well as renderingand media processing applications.
Name Memory Compute
Virtual Cores Instance
Architecture I/O
Available for
API Name
M1 Extra Large 15 GiB 8 4 (with 2 ECUs
1680 GB (4 x
420 GiB)
64-bit High Yes m1.xlarge
M1 Large 7.5 GiB 4 2 (with 2 ECUs
840 GiB (2 x
420 GiB)
64-bit Moderate Yes m1.large
M1 Medium 3.75 GiB 2 1 400 GiB (1 x
400 GiB)
32-bit and 64-bit Moderate Yes m1.medium
M1 Small 1.7 GiB 1 1 150 GiB (1 x
150 GiB)
32-bit and 64-bit Moderate Yes m1.small
M3 Double Extra
30 GiB 26 8 (with 3.25 ECUs
EBS storage only 64-bit High Yes m3.2xlarge
M3 Extra Large 15 GiB 13 4 (with 3.25 ECUs
EBS storage only 64-bit Moderate Yes m3.xlarge
Micro and High CPU
Name Memory Compute
Virtual Cores Instance
Architecture I/O
Available for
API Name
Micro 615 MiB Up to 2 (for
1 None (use
Amazon EBS
volumes for
32-bit and
Low Yes t1.micro
Name Memory Compute
Virtual Cores Instance
Architecture I/O
Available for
API Name
Extra Large
7 GiB 20 8 (with 2.5
ECUs each)
1680 GiB (4
x 420 GiB)
64-bit High Yes c1.xlarge
1.7 GiB 5 2 (with 2.5
ECUs each)
340 GiB (1 x
340 GiB)
32-bit and
Moderate Yes c1.medium
High Storage and High I/O
Name Memory Compute
Virtual Cores Instance
Architecture I/O
Available for
API Name
Eight Extra
117 GiB 35 16 (8 cores
+ 8
48 TiB (24 x
2 TiB hard
disk drives)
64-bit Very high
(10 Gbps
No hs1.8xlarge
Name Memory Compute
Virtual Cores Instance
Architecture I/O
Available for
API Name
High I/O
60.5 GiB 35 8 (with 4.37
ECUs each)
2 TiB (2 x 1
64-bit Very high
(10 Gbps
No hi1.4xlarge
High Memory
Name Memory Compute
Virtual Cores Instance
Architecture I/O
Available for
API Name
Extra Large
34.2 GiB 13 4 (with 3.25
ECUs each)
840 GiB (1 x
840 GiB)
64-bit High Yes m2.2xlarge
Extra Large
17.1 GiB 6.5 2 (with 3.25
ECUs each)
410 GiB (1 x
410 GiB)
64-bit Moderate Yes m2.xlarge
Extra Large
68.4 GiB 26 8 (with 3.25
ECUs each)
1680 GiB (2
x 840 GiB)
64-bit High Yes m2.4xlarge
Name Memory Compute
Virtual Cores Instance Store
Architecture I/O Performance Available for
API Name
Compute Eight
Extra Large
60.5 GiB 88 16 (2 x Intel Xeon E5-
2670, eight-core with
3360 GiB (4 x
840 GiB)
64-bit Very high (10
Gbps Ethernet)
Yes cc2.8xlarge
Extra Large
22.5 GiB 33.5 8 (2 x Intel Xeon
X5570, quad-core with
1690 GiB (2 x
840 GiB)
64-bit Very high (10
Gbps Ethernet)
Yes cc1.4xlarge
High-Memory Cluster
Cluster Eight
Extra Large
244 GiB 88 16 (2 x Intel Xeon E5-
2670, eight-core)
240 GiB (2 x
120 GiB SSD)
64-bit Very high (10
Gbps Ethernet)
Yes cr1.8xlarge
Cluster GPU
Cluster GPU
Extra Large**
22.5 GiB (see
note after this
33.5 8 (2 x Intel Xeon
X5570, quad-core with
hyper thread), plus 2
NVIDIA Tesla M2050
1680 GiB (2 x
840 GiB)
64-bit Very high (10
Gbps Ethernet)
Yes cg1.4xlarge
1:Many Relationship Between AMIs and Instances
Machine Image
Server/Instance States
Traditional Hardware-Based Server States
Amazon EC2 Instance States
Physical Interface
A Physical Host Has Multiple VMs
Virtual Machines
Physical Host
Auto Scaling
• Scale your Amazon EC2 capacity automatically
• Well suited for applications that experience variability in usage
• Available at no additional charge
Auto Scaling
• Automatically Scale Server Farms
– Scale up and down
– (Re)Balance Across AZs
– Add/Remove from ELB if applicable
• Set a Thermostat
– Don’t manage the furnace burners
Types of scaling
• Manual
– Send an API call or use CLI to launch/terminate instances
– Only need to specify capacity change (+/-)
• By Schedule
– Scale up/down based on date and time
• By Policy
– Scale in response to changing conditions, based on user configured real-
time monitoring and alerts
• Automatic Rebalance
– Instances are automatically launched/terminated to ensure the application is
balanced across multiple AZs
Auto Scaling
sa-east-1a sa-east-1b
Auto Scaling
sa-east-1a sa-east-1b
Trigger: CPULoad
Measure (M) : Average CPUUtilization
Scale-out by 1 if M > 80% for 5 minutes
Scale-in by 1 if M < 40% for 20 minutes
Auto Scaling
sa-east-1a sa-east-1b
Trigger: CPULoad
Measure (M) : Average CPUUtilization
Scale-out by 1 if M > 80% for 5 minutes
Scale-in by 1 if M < 40% for 20 minutes
as-create-auto-scaling-group myASG –launch-configuration myLC –availability-zones sa-east-1a, sa-east-1b
–min-size 1 –max-size 10 –desired-capacity 3 –load-balancers myELB
In this case the auto scaling group
knowsabout the ELB myELB because it
was identified when the auto scaling
group was created so the new
instance is added to the ELB myELB
Anti-Pattern: Vertical
Vertical scaling (more CPU, memory, etc.) will eventually run out of room.
Auto Scaling Patterns
Anti-Pattern: Vertical
Vertical scaling (more CPU, memory, etc.) will eventually run out of room.
Auto Scaling Patterns
Pattern: Horizontal
Add and remove instances as needed
Auto Scaling Patterns
Pattern: Horizontal
Add and remove instances as needed
Auto Scaling Patterns
• O Magazine Luiza é uma das maiores
redes varejistas com foco em bens
duráveis e grande presença nas classes
populares do Brasil. Conta com uma base
de 30 milhões de clientes cadastrados,
sendo 30% deles ativos.
• Há 2 anos criamos o luizalabs - braço de
Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento do Magazine
Luiza. Com o objetivo de criar novos
produtos e servir de base de conhecimento
para novas tecnologias.
“Plataforma mobile que suporta o dobro do volume de acessos,
gera quase 50% mais conversões - com apenas 15% do valor
gasto anteriormente”
“Escolhemos a AWS por
4 motivos:
Flexibilidade, Segurança
e Preço.”
- André Fatala
O Desafio
• Substituir a primeira versão do site mobile do
Magazine Luiza lançado em Dezembro de 2011 e
hospedado em uma parceira da produtora.
• Resolvemos desenvolver (in house) a segunda
versão do site mobile, objetivando uma aplicação
mais clean, facilidade de navegação e,
principalmente, uma navegação mais rápida
devido aos problemas de conexão que
enfrentamos com operadoras no Brasil.
• Escalabilidade - já que temos um canal que
cresceu em média 98% comparado ao mesmo
período do ano passado.
Sobre o Papel da AWS e Benefícios
• Reduzimos a despesa com hospedagem
em 85%
• Carregamento de páginas 3x mais rápida
que originou uma taxa de rejeição 53%
menor e um aumento na taxa de
conversão de 36%
• A infraestrutura da AWS com seus recursos
programáveis, permitiu que a nova
plataforma fosse desenvolvida e colocada
em produção em apenas 1 mês
Helping Enterprises with Hybrid IT Architectures
Most enterprises will run a hybrid IT architecture
Some workloads will run on-premises
Some workloads will run in the cloud
Goal is to make management & integration easy
Workloads can be migrated back and forth
Our “Hybrid” Focus: Tools to Support Hybrid IT
Private Connections
Workload Migrations
Access Control Integration
Work with Existing
Management Tools
On-Premises Apps
Your Data Centers
Cloud Apps
Active Directory
VMware Images
Network Configuration
Your Data
Your On-Premises Apps
Your Data Centers
Users & Access Rules
VM Import/Export
Your Private Network
Our Storage
Your Cloud Apps
Direct Connect
Storage Gateway
Our “Hybrid” Focus: Tools to Support Hybrid IT Architectures
Cloud benefits
Run cloud, run
Amazon RDS
RDS is a fully managed relational database service that is
simple to deploy, easy to scale, reliable and cost-effective
Ease of Deployment and Patching
Push Button Scalability
Choice of DB Engines and Application Compatibility
Automated Backups and Disaster Recovery
User Snapshots and Cloning
Monitoring and Automatic Host Replacement
Petabyte-Scale Data Warehousing
Feature Details
Optimized for Data
Redshift uses a variety of innovations to
obtain very high query performance on
datasets ranging in size from hundreds of
gigabytes to a petabyte or more.
Scalable Easily scale the number of nodes in your data
warehouse up or down as your performance
or capacity needs change
Fault tolerant Data replicated across Availability Zones.
Monitoring Integrated to CloudWatch.
Secure Encrypt data in transit and at rest. Can also
be run in VPC to isolate your data warehouse
S3 intergration Loads data in parallel to each node from S3.
Elastic MapReduce Integrates with ERM via Data Pipeline.
S Cloud
S Cloud
AWS Storage Gateway
Storage Volumes
OracleS ecure
Michel Pereira
Hybrid Architecture: Integrating your Data Center with AWS

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Arquitetura Hibrida - Integrando seu Data Center com a Nuvem da AWS

  • 1. Michel Pereira Hybrid Architecture: Integrating your Data Center with AWS Enterprise Solutions Architect
  • 2. Vários Tutoriais , treinamentos e mentoria em português Inscreva-se agora !!
  • 3. Datacenters limitations How much time to deliver a project?
  • 5. Agility Datacenter Requirement Server Load Balancer Firewall Storage Approvals Hardware or VM aquisition Capacity allocation Ticket queuing Provisioning Configuration Request Availability!!!
  • 6. Capacity is a premium resource...
  • 7. ...and take time to have!
  • 8. Cost Datacenter Project Two Potential impact: HIGH Potential cost: HIGH Project One Potential impact: LOW Potential cost: HIGH Project Three Potential impact: LOW Potential cost: LOW DENIED DENIED APPROVED
  • 9. Cost of infrastructure can inhibit innovation
  • 10. And now comes an era of an Elastic Data Center Flexible, on-demand facilities
  • 11. Cost AWS Project Two Potential impact: HIGH Potential cost: HIGH Project One Potential impact: LOW Potential cost: HIGH Project Three Potential impact: LOW Potential cost: LOW APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED COMPLETED COMPLETED COMPLETED
  • 12. And now comes an era of an Elastic Data Center Flexible, on-demand facilities
  • 13. That you can integrate with your on-premises No pain, only gain
  • 15. US-WEST (Oregon) EU-WEST (Ireland) ASIA PAC (Tokyo) ASIA PAC (Singapore) US-WEST (N. California) SOUTH AMERICA (Sao Paulo) US-EAST (Virginia) AWS GovCloud (US) ASIA PAC (Sydney) Regions
  • 16. US-WEST (Oregon)) EU-WEST (Ireland) ASIA PAC (Tokyo) ASIA PAC (Singapore) US-WEST (N. California) SOUTH AMERICA (Sao Paulo) US-EAST (Virginia) AWS GovCloud (US) ASIA PAC (Sydney) Availability Zones
  • 17. VPC
  • 18. Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) enables you to launch Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources into a virtual network that you’ve defined. 1What is Amazon VPC?
  • 19. Bridge your VPC and your onsite IT infrastructure with an encrypted VPN connection Store data in S3 and set permissions to allow access only from within your VPC Assign multiple IP address and attach multiple ENIs and EIPs to EC2 instances Control Inbound and outbound access to and from individual subnets Specify your own private IP address range from any ranges you choose Divide your private IP address range into one or more public or private subnets. What is VPC?
  • 20. Bridge your VPC and your onsite IT infrastructure with an encrypted VPN connection Store data in S3 and set permissions to allow access only from within your VPC Assign multiple IP address and attach multiple ENIs and EIPs to EC2 instances Control inbound and outbound access to and from individual subnets Specify your own private IP address range from any ranges you choose Divide your private IP address range into one or more public or private subnets. Only cost is optional hardware VPN What is VPC?
  • 21. Overview of VPC Public Subnet Internet Customer Network Web Server (EIP) Web Server (EIP) Web Server (EIP) NAT (EIP) Private Subnet DB Server DB Server DB Server Amazon EC2 API endpoint Amazon S3 API endpoint R VPC Custom Route Table Destination Target local Internet Gateway Main Route Table Destination Target local Virtual Private Gateway NAT Instance Internet Gateway VPN Gateway
  • 22. With Amazon VPC, you can define a virtual network topology that closely resembles a traditional network that you might operate in your own data center. 2Subnets, gateways, and routes
  • 23. • Select a region for your own network in the cloud. Availability ZoneAvailability Zone Availability ZoneAvailability Zone Insert network here.
  • 24. • Select a region for your own network in the cloud. • Create your own subnet (s). Availability ZoneAvailability Zone Availability ZoneAvailability Zone VPC Subnet 1 VPC Subnet 2 VPC Subnet n
  • 25. • Select a region for your own network in the cloud. • Create your own subnet (s). • Configure custom routing rule(s). Availability ZoneAvailability Zone Availability ZoneAvailability Zone VPC Subnet 1 VPC Subnet n
  • 26. • Availability zone boundary • Routing table boundary • Network access control boundary Availability ZoneAvailability Zone Availability ZoneAvailability Zone VPC Subnet 1 VPC Subnet 4 VPC Subnet 3 VPC Subnet 2
  • 27. • Routing traffic • Virtual Private Gateway • Internet Gateway Availability Zone VPC Subnet 1 VPC Subnet 2 Corporate Data center
  • 28. • Virtual Private Gateway (VGW) • IPSEC VPN Availability Zone VPC Subnet 1 VPC Subnet 2 VPN GatewayRoute Table Route Table Corporate Data center
  • 29. • Virtual Private Gateway (VGW) • IPSEC VPN • AWS Direct Connection Availability Zone VPC Subnet 1 VPC Subnet 2 AWS Direct Connect VPN GatewayRoute Table Route Table Corporate Data center
  • 30. • Internet Gateway (IGW) • IPSEC VPN Availability Zone VPC Subnet 1 VPC Subnet 2 VPN GatewayRoute Table Route Table Route Table Internet Gateway Corporate Data center
  • 31. • Virtual Private Gateway (VGW) • Internet Gateway (IGW) Availability Zone VPC Subnet 1 VPC Subnet 2 VPN GatewayRoute Table Route Table Route Table Internet Gateway Corporate Data center
  • 32. Good, got my VPC. And? Welcome to the cloud, I’ll be your guide
  • 33. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) • Resizable compute capacity • Complete control of your computing resources • Reduces the time required to obtain and boot new server instances to minutes • Scale capacity as your computing requirements change • Pay only for capacity that you actually use
  • 34. EC2 Instances Family Use Standard Have memory-to-CPUratios suitable for most general-purposeapplications. Micro Provide a small amount of consistent CPU resourcesand enable you to burst CPU capacity when additional cycles are available. They're well-suited for lower throughput applications and websites that consume significant compute cycles periodically. High Storage Provide very high storage density and high sequential read and write performanceper instance. They are well- suited for data warehousing, Hadoop/MapReduce,and parallel file systems. High Memory Have proportionally more memory resources.They're well suited for high-throughputapplications, such as database and memory caching applications. High Memory Cluster Have large amounts of memory coupled with high CPU and network performance.These instances are well suited for in-memory analytics, graph analysis, and scientific computing applications. High I/O Provide tens of thousandsof low-latency, random I/O operationsper second (IOPS) to an application. They're well-suited for NoSQL databases, clustered databases, and OLTP (online transaction processing) systems. High CPU Have proportionally more CPU resourcesthan memory (RAM). They'rewell-suited for compute-intensive applications. Cluster Compute Have a very large amount of CPU coupled with increased networking performance.They'rewell-suited for High PerformanceCompute (HPC) applications and other demanding network-bound applications. Cluster GPU Provide general-purposegraphicsprocessing units (GPUs), with proportionally high CPU and increased network performancefor applications that benefit from highly parallelized processing. They'rewell-suited forHPC applications as well as renderingand media processing applications.
  • 35. Standard Name Memory Compute Units Virtual Cores Instance Store Volumes Architecture I/O Performance Available for Spot Instance API Name M1 Extra Large 15 GiB 8 4 (with 2 ECUs each) 1680 GB (4 x 420 GiB) 64-bit High Yes m1.xlarge M1 Large 7.5 GiB 4 2 (with 2 ECUs each) 840 GiB (2 x 420 GiB) 64-bit Moderate Yes m1.large M1 Medium 3.75 GiB 2 1 400 GiB (1 x 400 GiB) 32-bit and 64-bit Moderate Yes m1.medium M1 Small 1.7 GiB 1 1 150 GiB (1 x 150 GiB) 32-bit and 64-bit Moderate Yes m1.small M3 Double Extra Large 30 GiB 26 8 (with 3.25 ECUs each) EBS storage only 64-bit High Yes m3.2xlarge M3 Extra Large 15 GiB 13 4 (with 3.25 ECUs each) EBS storage only 64-bit Moderate Yes m3.xlarge
  • 36. Micro and High CPU Name Memory Compute Units Virtual Cores Instance Store Volumes Architecture I/O Performance Available for Spot Instance API Name Micro 615 MiB Up to 2 (for short periodic bursts) 1 None (use Amazon EBS volumes for storage) 32-bit and 64-bit Low Yes t1.micro Name Memory Compute Units Virtual Cores Instance Store Volumes Architecture I/O Performance Available for Spot Instance API Name High-CPU Extra Large 7 GiB 20 8 (with 2.5 ECUs each) 1680 GiB (4 x 420 GiB) 64-bit High Yes c1.xlarge High-CPU Medium 1.7 GiB 5 2 (with 2.5 ECUs each) 340 GiB (1 x 340 GiB) 32-bit and 64-bit Moderate Yes c1.medium
  • 37. High Storage and High I/O Name Memory Compute Units Virtual Cores Instance Store Volumes Architecture I/O Performance Available for Spot Instance API Name High Storage Eight Extra Large 117 GiB 35 16 (8 cores + 8 hyperthread s) 48 TiB (24 x 2 TiB hard disk drives) 64-bit Very high (10 Gbps Ethernet) No hs1.8xlarge Name Memory Compute Units Virtual Cores Instance Store Volumes Architecture I/O Performance Available for Spot Instance API Name High I/O Quadruple Extra Large*** 60.5 GiB 35 8 (with 4.37 ECUs each) 2 TiB (2 x 1 TiB SSD) 64-bit Very high (10 Gbps Ethernet) No hi1.4xlarge
  • 38. High Memory Name Memory Compute Units Virtual Cores Instance Store Volumes Architecture I/O Performance Available for Spot Instance API Name High- Memory Double Extra Large 34.2 GiB 13 4 (with 3.25 ECUs each) 840 GiB (1 x 840 GiB) 64-bit High Yes m2.2xlarge High- Memory Extra Large 17.1 GiB 6.5 2 (with 3.25 ECUs each) 410 GiB (1 x 410 GiB) 64-bit Moderate Yes m2.xlarge High- Memory Quadruple Extra Large 68.4 GiB 26 8 (with 3.25 ECUs each) 1680 GiB (2 x 840 GiB) 64-bit High Yes m2.4xlarge
  • 39. Cluster Name Memory Compute Units Virtual Cores Instance Store Volumes Architecture I/O Performance Available for Spot Instance API Name Cluster Compute Eight Extra Large 60.5 GiB 88 16 (2 x Intel Xeon E5- 2670, eight-core with hyperthread) 3360 GiB (4 x 840 GiB) 64-bit Very high (10 Gbps Ethernet) Yes cc2.8xlarge Cluster Compute Quadruple Extra Large 22.5 GiB 33.5 8 (2 x Intel Xeon X5570, quad-core with hyperthread) 1690 GiB (2 x 840 GiB) 64-bit Very high (10 Gbps Ethernet) Yes cc1.4xlarge High-Memory Cluster High-Memory Cluster Eight Extra Large 244 GiB 88 16 (2 x Intel Xeon E5- 2670, eight-core) 240 GiB (2 x 120 GiB SSD) 64-bit Very high (10 Gbps Ethernet) Yes cr1.8xlarge Cluster GPU Cluster GPU Quadruple Extra Large** 22.5 GiB (see note after this table) 33.5 8 (2 x Intel Xeon X5570, quad-core with hyper thread), plus 2 NVIDIA Tesla M2050 GPUs 1680 GiB (2 x 840 GiB) 64-bit Very high (10 Gbps Ethernet) Yes cg1.4xlarge
  • 40. 1:Many Relationship Between AMIs and Instances Amazon Machine Image (AMI) Instance
  • 41. Server/Instance States Traditional Hardware-Based Server States Amazon EC2 AMI Amazon EC2 Instance States
  • 42. Physical Interface Firewall Hypervisor Small Large … Small A Physical Host Has Multiple VMs Virtual Machines Physical Host
  • 43. Auto Scaling • Scale your Amazon EC2 capacity automatically • Well suited for applications that experience variability in usage • Available at no additional charge
  • 44. Auto Scaling • Automatically Scale Server Farms – Scale up and down – (Re)Balance Across AZs – Add/Remove from ELB if applicable • Set a Thermostat – Don’t manage the furnace burners
  • 45. Types of scaling • Manual – Send an API call or use CLI to launch/terminate instances – Only need to specify capacity change (+/-) • By Schedule – Scale up/down based on date and time • By Policy – Scale in response to changing conditions, based on user configured real- time monitoring and alerts • Automatic Rebalance – Instances are automatically launched/terminated to ensure the application is balanced across multiple AZs
  • 47. Auto Scaling Launch Configuration ami-0535d66c sa-east-1a sa-east-1b myELB Trigger: CPULoad Measure (M) : Average CPUUtilization Scale-out by 1 if M > 80% for 5 minutes Scale-in by 1 if M < 40% for 20 minutes myASG myLC
  • 48. Auto Scaling Launch Configuration ami-0535d66c sa-east-1a sa-east-1b myELB Trigger: CPULoad Measure (M) : Average CPUUtilization Scale-out by 1 if M > 80% for 5 minutes Scale-in by 1 if M < 40% for 20 minutes myASG myLC as-create-auto-scaling-group myASG –launch-configuration myLC –availability-zones sa-east-1a, sa-east-1b –min-size 1 –max-size 10 –desired-capacity 3 –load-balancers myELB In this case the auto scaling group knowsabout the ELB myELB because it was identified when the auto scaling group was created so the new instance is added to the ELB myELB pool
  • 49. Anti-Pattern: Vertical Vertical scaling (more CPU, memory, etc.) will eventually run out of room. Auto Scaling Patterns
  • 50. Anti-Pattern: Vertical Vertical scaling (more CPU, memory, etc.) will eventually run out of room. Auto Scaling Patterns
  • 51. Pattern: Horizontal Add and remove instances as needed Auto Scaling Patterns
  • 52. Pattern: Horizontal Add and remove instances as needed Auto Scaling Patterns
  • 53. • O Magazine Luiza é uma das maiores redes varejistas com foco em bens duráveis e grande presença nas classes populares do Brasil. Conta com uma base de 30 milhões de clientes cadastrados, sendo 30% deles ativos. • Há 2 anos criamos o luizalabs - braço de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento do Magazine Luiza. Com o objetivo de criar novos produtos e servir de base de conhecimento para novas tecnologias. “Plataforma mobile que suporta o dobro do volume de acessos, gera quase 50% mais conversões - com apenas 15% do valor gasto anteriormente” “Escolhemos a AWS por 4 motivos: Performance, Flexibilidade, Segurança e Preço.” - André Fatala
  • 54. O Desafio • Substituir a primeira versão do site mobile do Magazine Luiza lançado em Dezembro de 2011 e hospedado em uma parceira da produtora. • Resolvemos desenvolver (in house) a segunda versão do site mobile, objetivando uma aplicação mais clean, facilidade de navegação e, principalmente, uma navegação mais rápida devido aos problemas de conexão que enfrentamos com operadoras no Brasil. • Escalabilidade - já que temos um canal que cresceu em média 98% comparado ao mesmo período do ano passado.
  • 55. Sobre o Papel da AWS e Benefícios alcançados • Reduzimos a despesa com hospedagem em 85% • Carregamento de páginas 3x mais rápida que originou uma taxa de rejeição 53% menor e um aumento na taxa de conversão de 36% • A infraestrutura da AWS com seus recursos programáveis, permitiu que a nova plataforma fosse desenvolvida e colocada em produção em apenas 1 mês
  • 56. Helping Enterprises with Hybrid IT Architectures Most enterprises will run a hybrid IT architecture Some workloads will run on-premises Some workloads will run in the cloud Goal is to make management & integration easy Workloads can be migrated back and forth
  • 57. Our “Hybrid” Focus: Tools to Support Hybrid IT Architectures Private Connections Workload Migrations Access Control Integration Work with Existing Management Tools On-Premises Apps Your Data Centers Cloud Apps
  • 58. Active Directory VMware Images Network Configuration Your Data Your On-Premises Apps Your Data Centers Users & Access Rules VM Import/Export Your Private Network Our Storage Your Cloud Apps Direct Connect VPC IAM Storage Gateway Our “Hybrid” Focus: Tools to Support Hybrid IT Architectures
  • 60. Amazon RDS RDS is a fully managed relational database service that is simple to deploy, easy to scale, reliable and cost-effective Ease of Deployment and Patching Push Button Scalability Choice of DB Engines and Application Compatibility Automated Backups and Disaster Recovery User Snapshots and Cloning Monitoring and Automatic Host Replacement
  • 61. Petabyte-Scale Data Warehousing Feature Details Optimized for Data Warehousing Redshift uses a variety of innovations to obtain very high query performance on datasets ranging in size from hundreds of gigabytes to a petabyte or more. Scalable Easily scale the number of nodes in your data warehouse up or down as your performance or capacity needs change Fault tolerant Data replicated across Availability Zones. Monitoring Integrated to CloudWatch. Secure Encrypt data in transit and at rest. Can also be run in VPC to isolate your data warehouse cluster. S3 intergration Loads data in parallel to each node from S3. Elastic MapReduce Integrates with ERM via Data Pipeline.
  • 62. On-prem ises On-prem ises AW S Cloud AW S Cloud DISASTER RECOVERY FOR LOCAL APPLICATIONS Amazon EC2 Amazon VPC Amazon S3 AWS Storage Gateway AW S Reference Architectures Amazon EBS Amazon S3 Amazon VPC AW S Storage Gateway VPC GatewayVPC Gateway Corporate User Database Server (Recovery)Database Server (Recovery) Application Server (Recovery)Application Server (Recovery) 4 3 Internet Gateway Snapshots AMIs Files Storage Volumes Secure Connection Secure Connection Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 2 1 5 OracleS ecure Backups Secure Connection Secure Connection Application Server (Production)Application Server (Production) Database Server (Production)Database Server (Production) Corporate DataCenter DataRestoration Amazon EBS Amazon EBS 5 6
  • 63. Michel Pereira Hybrid Architecture: Integrating your Data Center with AWS