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I love my OS 
He protects me (sometimes, in specific circumstances) 
Alex Moneger 
Security Engineer 
He protects me (sometimes, in specific circumstances)
Making exploit writers life harder 
 Refresher on standard buffer overflow: 
1. Requires a fixed address to jump to 
2. Requires execution on a data segment 
3. Requires capability of overwriting SEIP 
4. Alternatively, can require capability to overwrite a stack function pointer 
5. In case of string functions (strcpy, strcat, gets, …) a null byte cannot be 
present in the exploit string, otherwise it is considered as a string terminator. 
 That’s quite a few constraints 
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Address Space Layout 
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The fixed address problem 
 What about making the memory layout unpredictable? 
 Randomize the stack, heap, mmap, … 
 Enter Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) 
 Each run of a program presents a different memory layout 
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Test program ASLR 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ pygmentize -g aslr.c 
#define _GNU_SOURCE /* for RTLD_NEXT */ 
#include <dlfcn.h> 
#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <string.h> 
char *rodata = "ABCD"; 
char data[4+1] = "ABCD"; 
int main(int argc, char **argv) { 
printf("Stack base address: %pn", argv); 
char *heap = malloc(sizeof(int)); 
printf("Heap base address: %pn", heap); 
void (*memcpy_addr)(int) = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "memcpy"); 
printf("Memcpy libc address: %pn", memcpy_addr); 
unsigned int text; 
__asm__("call dummy;" 
"dummy: pop %%eax;" 
"mov %%eax, %0;":"=r"(text)); 
printf("Code section address: %pn", text); 
printf("Data section address: %pn", data); 
printf("RO data section address: %pn", rodata); 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ cc aslr.c -o aslr -ldl 
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 Addresses are predictable at each program run: 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ sudo sysctl -w kernel.randomize_va_space=0 
kernel.randomize_va_space = 0 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ ./aslr | head -n 3 
Stack base address: 0xbffff7b4 
Heap base address: 0x804a008 
Memcpy libc address: 0xb7f749a0 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ ./aslr | head -n 3 
Stack base address: 0xbffff7b4 
Heap base address: 0x804a008 
Memcpy libc address: 0xb7f749a0 
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A bit of ASLR 
 Stack and dyn libs are randomized 
 Heap is predictable: 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ sudo sysctl -w kernel.randomize_va_space=1 
kernel.randomize_va_space = 1 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ ./aslr | head -n 3 
Stack base address: 0xbf9c64c4 
Heap base address: 0x804a008 
Memcpy libc address: 0xb77039a0 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ ./aslr | head -n 3 
Stack base address: 0xbf97b804 
Heap base address: 0x804a008 
Memcpy libc address: 0xb77429a0 
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Full ASLR 
 Heap, stack and dynlibs addresses randomized 
 Default since 2.6.12 kernels (2005): 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ sudo sysctl -w kernel.randomize_va_space=2 
kernel.randomize_va_space = 2 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ ./aslr | head -n 3 
Stack base address: 0xbfca1924 
Heap base address: 0x8bea008 
Memcpy libc address: 0xb77489a0 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ ./aslr | head -n 3 
Stack base address: 0xbf9880c4 
Heap base address: 0x80c2008 
Memcpy libc address: 0xb776b9a0 
 Notice anything? 
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Is stack really random? 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ ./aslr | head -n 1 | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' | tr -d " n" | python -c "import sys; 
print bin(int(,16))" 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ ./aslr | head -n 1 | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' | tr -d " n" | python -c "import sys; 
print bin(int(,16))" 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ ./aslr | head -n 1 | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' | tr -d " n" | python -c "import sys; 
print bin(int(,16))" 
 19 bits, not bad. 
 2**19 = 524288 tries => difficult bruteforce 
 But… 
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 Memory alignments make this harder: 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ pygmentize -g linux_aslr.c 
unsigned long arch_align_stack(unsigned long sp) 
if (!(current->personality & ADDR_NO_RANDOMIZE) && randomize_va_space) 
sp -= get_random_int() % 8192; 
return sp & ~0xf; 
 So only 8192 possibilities (13 bits) 
 That’s not too bad. 
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Is mmap really random? 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ ./aslr | head -n 3 | tail -n 1 | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' | tr -d " n" | python -c 
"import sys; print bin(int(,16))" 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ ./aslr | head -n 3 | tail -n 1 | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' | tr -d " n" | python -c 
"import sys; print bin(int(,16))" 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ ./aslr | head -n 3 | tail -n 1 | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' | tr -d " n" | python -c 
"import sys; print bin(int(,16))" 
 Mmap = 9 bits of entropy 
 2**9 = 512, that’s not that many tries… Can we do less 
 From mmap.c: “* 8 bits of randomness in 32bit mmaps” = 256 tries 
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Better ASLR? 
 PaX (integrated in GRSec) provides better ASLR 
 Exec-shield on RHEL provides better ASLR 
 Preventing repeated “exec” of programs segfaulting is important. 
Requires GRSec 
 64 bits helps a lot, but is not perfect. More entropy to play with, but 
same page size alignment constraints 
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What is happening? 
 Damn, where is my shellcode in memory? 
 Shellcode address is changing all the time 
Shellcode Junk 
Too far 
Too far 
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Data Execution Prevention 
aka X^W 
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Code Vs Data again 
 Code never needs to write itself. Why is the code segment writable? 
 Data never needs to execute. Why are the data segments executable? 
 Idea is to have 2 sets of permissions for memory: RW and RE 
 Data is RW, code is RE 
 Let’s enforce this in hardware and software 
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DEP Support 
 Support for DEP introduced in kernel 2.6.8 (2004) 
 Enabled by default on PAE and 64 bit 
 Exec-shield adds software DEP on 32 bits 
 Enable it in BIOS and that’s it 
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Is my program DEP enabled? 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ readelf -l aslr | egrep "LOAD|STACK" 
LOAD 0x000000 0x08048000 0x08048000 0x00798 0x00798 R E 0x1000 
LOAD 0x000798 0x08049798 0x08049798 0x00140 0x00144 RW 0x1000 
GNU_STACK 0x000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000 0x00000 RW 0x4 
 What happens if I execute my shellcode on the stack? 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ cc ../ch3/ch3.c -fno-stack-protector -z execstack -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -o ch3 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ invoke 
$ exit 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ cc ../ch3/ch3.c -fno-stack-protector -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -o ch3 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ invoke 
Segmentation fault 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ dmesg | tail -n 1 
[709828.604691] ch3[30982]: segfault at bffffc8c ip bffffc8c sp bffffd00 error 15 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ pygmentize -g | grep ret | head -n 1 
ret_addr = 0xbffffc8c 
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What is happening? 
 When landing on your shellcode, OS checks memory permissions 
 No X bit set, kill execution 
Shellcode Junk 
X bit 
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I love birds. Can I have a 
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What’s a canary? 
 Buffer overflow takes control by overwriting SEIP 
 Let’s detect SEIP overwrites 
 What if we put some random data before SEIP and check it before 
 That’s a canary, a small random cookie placed in local storage and 
checked at function return time 
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Where’s the canary? 
 Canary is protecting the top of the stack 
 Canary is generally 24 bits of randomness + a 
null byte 
 If mismatch on function return, exit: 
80484b2: 8b 55 f4 mov edx,DWORD PTR [ebp-0xc] 
80484b5: 65 33 15 14 00 00 00 xor edx,DWORD PTR gs:0x14 
80484bc: 74 05 je 80484c3 <vuln+0x57> 
80484be: e8 7d fe ff ff call 8048340 <__stack_chk_fail@plt> 
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A naïve example implementation 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ pygmentize -g manual_canary.c | grep 'func' -A 18 
int func(char *arg) { 
struct locals { 
char buf[0x64]; 
int canary; 
struct locals vars; 
vars.canary = 0x12345678; 
strcpy(vars.buf, arg); 
if (vars.canary != 0x12345678) { 
printf("BoF detected!!! Exiting...n"); 
return 0x5; 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ ./manual_canary $(python -c 'print "A"*128') 
BoF detected!!! Exiting... 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ echo $? 
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Runtime time! 
 What does this look like in gdb? 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ gdb manual_canary 
Reading symbols from /home/cisco/src/seccon/ch4/manual_canary...(no debugging symbols found)...done. 
gdb$ break *0x8048499 
Breakpoint 1 at 0x8048499 
gdb$ r 
Breakpoint 1, 0x08048499 in func () 
gdb$ x/w $ebp + 0x4 
0xbffff6bc: 0x080484e0 
gdb$ x/12w $ebp -0x10 
0xbffff6a8: 0xbffff6d8 0x12345678 0x00000001 0xbffff784 
0xbffff6b8: 0xbffff6d8 0x080484e0 0x00000000 0xb7ff0590 
0xbffff6c8: 0x0804850b 0xb7fbeff4 0x08048500 0x00000000 
 We protect SEIP 
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What happens if I overwrite the canary? 
 Try our standard exploit: 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ cc ../ch3/ch3.c -fno-stack-protector -z execstack -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -o ch3 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ invoke 
$ exit 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ cc ../ch3/ch3.c -fstack-protector -z execstack -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -o ch3 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ invoke 
*** stack smashing detected ***: /home/cisco/src/seccon/ch4/ch3 terminated 
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What is happening? 
 The buffer overflow overwrites SEIP but also the canary 
 Canary check fails, execution stops 
Shellcode Junk 
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Fortify source 
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What it does 
 Replaces unsafe functions with safe ones, when size can be 
determined at compile time 
 String functions (strcpy,…) 
 Memory functions (memcpy,…) 
 Formatting functions (sprintf, …) 
 Works for static stack buffers, and malloced heap buffers 
 Comes from exec-shield project 
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How to enable it 
 Compile with the _FORTIFY SOURCE macro (see man 7 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ cc ../ch3/ch3.c -fno-stack-protector -z execstack -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -O1 -g -Wall 
-o ch3 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ invoke 
$ exit 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ cc ../ch3/ch3.c -fno-stack-protector -z execstack -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -O1 -g - 
Wall -o ch3 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ invoke 
*** buffer overflow detected ***: /home/dahtah/src/seccon/ch4/ch3 terminated 
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Under the hood 
 Compiler knows the size of the buffer. Changes the call to unsafe 
functions to equivalent safe ones 
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ objdump -d -j .text -M intel ch3 | grep -i 'vuln>:' -A 17 
0804843c <vuln>: 
804843c: 57 push edi 
804843d: 81 ec 88 00 00 00 sub esp,0x88 
8048443: 8d 7c 24 1c lea edi,[esp+0x1c] 
8048447: b9 19 00 00 00 mov ecx,0x19 
804844c: b8 00 00 00 00 mov eax,0x0 
8048451: f3 ab rep stos DWORD PTR es:[edi],eax 
8048453: c7 44 24 08 64 00 00 mov DWORD PTR [esp+0x8],0x64 
804845a: 00 
804845b: 8b 84 24 90 00 00 00 mov eax,DWORD PTR [esp+0x90] 
8048462: 89 44 24 04 mov DWORD PTR [esp+0x4],eax 
8048466: 8d 44 24 1c lea eax,[esp+0x1c] 
804846a: 89 04 24 mov DWORD PTR [esp],eax 
804846d: e8 ce fe ff ff call 8048340 <__strcpy_chk@plt> 
8048472: b8 01 00 00 00 mov eax,0x1 
8048477: 81 c4 88 00 00 00 add esp,0x88 
804847d: 5f pop edi 
804847e: c3 ret 
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Left overs 
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ASCII Armor 
 BoFs based on strings can’t have a null byte 
 Let’s map anything executable into the lower portion of memory 
 Addresses will have there MSB set to 0, providing the null byte 
 Only on RHEL/Centos/Fedora 
 Extremely effective on 64 bits OS 
$ /bin/ls /proc/self/maps 
00101000-00116000 r-xp 00000000 03:01 319365 /lib/ 
00116000-00117000 rw-p 00014000 03:01 319365 /lib/ 
00117000-0024a000 r-xp 00000000 03:01 319439 /lib/ 
0024a000-0024e000 rw-p 00132000 03:01 319439 /lib/ 
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Position independent code (PIE) 
 Loadable segments are also randomized (Full ASLR) 
 Combined with previous protections, renders attacks close to 
 More on this when we talk about ELF and introduce ROP 
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Take away 
© 2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 33
cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ cc ../ch3/ch3.c -fstack-protector -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wl,-z,relro,-z,now -fpie 
–pie -Wall -o ch3 
 Not all these options work depending on the dependancies 
 Know what it exposes to when you turn something off 
 You have no excuse to make an attackers life easier 
 Even with all protections enabled, exploitation is still possible 
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Exercise time 
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 Compile ch3 program with 
various options. Take time to 
understand the protections in 
 Try to exploit the example 
program in the canary section. 
What is wrong with it? 
 Disable all protections except 
one. Can you find a way around 
 Enable Full ASLR. Can you find 
any non randomized memory 
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OS Protection Techniques

  • 1. I love my OS He protects me (sometimes, in specific circumstances) Alex Moneger Security Engineer He protects me (sometimes, in specific circumstances)
  • 2. Making exploit writers life harder  Refresher on standard buffer overflow: 1. Requires a fixed address to jump to 2. Requires execution on a data segment 3. Requires capability of overwriting SEIP 4. Alternatively, can require capability to overwrite a stack function pointer 5. In case of string functions (strcpy, strcat, gets, …) a null byte cannot be present in the exploit string, otherwise it is considered as a string terminator.  That’s quite a few constraints © 2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 2
  • 3. Address Space Layout Randomization © 2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 3
  • 4. The fixed address problem  What about making the memory layout unpredictable?  Randomize the stack, heap, mmap, …  Enter Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR)  Each run of a program presents a different memory layout © 2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 4
  • 5. Test program ASLR cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ pygmentize -g aslr.c #define _GNU_SOURCE /* for RTLD_NEXT */ #include <dlfcn.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> char *rodata = "ABCD"; char data[4+1] = "ABCD"; int main(int argc, char **argv) { printf("Stack base address: %pn", argv); char *heap = malloc(sizeof(int)); printf("Heap base address: %pn", heap); void (*memcpy_addr)(int) = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "memcpy"); printf("Memcpy libc address: %pn", memcpy_addr); unsigned int text; __asm__("call dummy;" "dummy: pop %%eax;" "mov %%eax, %0;":"=r"(text)); printf("Code section address: %pn", text); printf("Data section address: %pn", data); printf("RO data section address: %pn", rodata); free(heap); } cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ cc aslr.c -o aslr -ldl © 2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 5
  • 6. No ASLR  Addresses are predictable at each program run: cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ sudo sysctl -w kernel.randomize_va_space=0 kernel.randomize_va_space = 0 cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ ./aslr | head -n 3 Stack base address: 0xbffff7b4 Heap base address: 0x804a008 Memcpy libc address: 0xb7f749a0 cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ ./aslr | head -n 3 Stack base address: 0xbffff7b4 Heap base address: 0x804a008 Memcpy libc address: 0xb7f749a0 © 2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 6
  • 7. A bit of ASLR  Stack and dyn libs are randomized  Heap is predictable: cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ sudo sysctl -w kernel.randomize_va_space=1 kernel.randomize_va_space = 1 cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ ./aslr | head -n 3 Stack base address: 0xbf9c64c4 Heap base address: 0x804a008 Memcpy libc address: 0xb77039a0 cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ ./aslr | head -n 3 Stack base address: 0xbf97b804 Heap base address: 0x804a008 Memcpy libc address: 0xb77429a0 © 2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 7
  • 8. Full ASLR  Heap, stack and dynlibs addresses randomized  Default since 2.6.12 kernels (2005): cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ sudo sysctl -w kernel.randomize_va_space=2 kernel.randomize_va_space = 2 cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ ./aslr | head -n 3 Stack base address: 0xbfca1924 Heap base address: 0x8bea008 Memcpy libc address: 0xb77489a0 cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ ./aslr | head -n 3 Stack base address: 0xbf9880c4 Heap base address: 0x80c2008 Memcpy libc address: 0xb776b9a0  Notice anything? © 2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 8
  • 9. Is stack really random? cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ ./aslr | head -n 1 | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' | tr -d " n" | python -c "import sys; print bin(int(,16))" 0b10111111110000011101100101110100 cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ ./aslr | head -n 1 | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' | tr -d " n" | python -c "import sys; print bin(int(,16))" 0b10111111101000010111000101010100 cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ ./aslr | head -n 1 | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' | tr -d " n" | python -c "import sys; print bin(int(,16))" 0b10111111111011000111001101100100  19 bits, not bad.  2**19 = 524288 tries => difficult bruteforce  But… © 2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 9
  • 10. RandOOOOhhhhm  Memory alignments make this harder: cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ pygmentize -g linux_aslr.c unsigned long arch_align_stack(unsigned long sp) { if (!(current->personality & ADDR_NO_RANDOMIZE) && randomize_va_space) sp -= get_random_int() % 8192; return sp & ~0xf;  So only 8192 possibilities (13 bits)  That’s not too bad. } © 2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 10
  • 11. Is mmap really random? cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ ./aslr | head -n 3 | tail -n 1 | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' | tr -d " n" | python -c "import sys; print bin(int(,16))" 0b10110111011010110010100110100000 cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ ./aslr | head -n 3 | tail -n 1 | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' | tr -d " n" | python -c "import sys; print bin(int(,16))" 0b10110111011100100011100110100000 cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ ./aslr | head -n 3 | tail -n 1 | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' | tr -d " n" | python -c "import sys; print bin(int(,16))" 0b10110111011010010000100110100000  Mmap = 9 bits of entropy  2**9 = 512, that’s not that many tries… Can we do less  From mmap.c: “* 8 bits of randomness in 32bit mmaps” = 256 tries © 2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 11
  • 12. Better ASLR?  PaX (integrated in GRSec) provides better ASLR  Exec-shield on RHEL provides better ASLR  Preventing repeated “exec” of programs segfaulting is important. Requires GRSec  64 bits helps a lot, but is not perfect. More entropy to play with, but same page size alignment constraints © 2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 12
  • 13. What is happening?  Damn, where is my shellcode in memory?  Shellcode address is changing all the time Too short Shellcode Junk SC Add ress Too far Too far back © 2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 13
  • 14. Data Execution Prevention aka X^W © 2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 14
  • 15. Code Vs Data again  Code never needs to write itself. Why is the code segment writable?  Data never needs to execute. Why are the data segments executable?  Idea is to have 2 sets of permissions for memory: RW and RE  Data is RW, code is RE  Let’s enforce this in hardware and software © 2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 15
  • 16. DEP Support  Support for DEP introduced in kernel 2.6.8 (2004)  Enabled by default on PAE and 64 bit  Exec-shield adds software DEP on 32 bits  Enable it in BIOS and that’s it © 2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 16
  • 17. Is my program DEP enabled? cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ readelf -l aslr | egrep "LOAD|STACK" LOAD 0x000000 0x08048000 0x08048000 0x00798 0x00798 R E 0x1000 LOAD 0x000798 0x08049798 0x08049798 0x00140 0x00144 RW 0x1000 GNU_STACK 0x000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000 0x00000 RW 0x4  What happens if I execute my shellcode on the stack? cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ cc ../ch3/ch3.c -fno-stack-protector -z execstack -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -o ch3 cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ invoke $ exit cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ cc ../ch3/ch3.c -fno-stack-protector -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -o ch3 cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ invoke Segmentation fault cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ dmesg | tail -n 1 [709828.604691] ch3[30982]: segfault at bffffc8c ip bffffc8c sp bffffd00 error 15 cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ pygmentize -g | grep ret | head -n 1 ret_addr = 0xbffffc8c © 2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 17
  • 18. What is happening?  When landing on your shellcode, OS checks memory permissions  No X bit set, kill execution Shellcode Junk SC Add ress X bit Set? © 2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 18
  • 19. I love birds. Can I have a canary? © 2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 19
  • 20. What’s a canary?  Buffer overflow takes control by overwriting SEIP  Let’s detect SEIP overwrites  What if we put some random data before SEIP and check it before returning?  That’s a canary, a small random cookie placed in local storage and checked at function return time © 2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 20
  • 21. Where’s the canary?  Canary is protecting the top of the stack  Canary is generally 24 bits of randomness + a null byte  If mismatch on function return, exit: SEIP SEBP Canary Buf 80484b2: 8b 55 f4 mov edx,DWORD PTR [ebp-0xc] 80484b5: 65 33 15 14 00 00 00 xor edx,DWORD PTR gs:0x14 80484bc: 74 05 je 80484c3 <vuln+0x57> 80484be: e8 7d fe ff ff call 8048340 <__stack_chk_fail@plt> © 2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 21
  • 22. A naïve example implementation cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ pygmentize -g manual_canary.c | grep 'func' -A 18 int func(char *arg) { struct locals { char buf[0x64]; int canary; }; struct locals vars; vars.canary = 0x12345678; strcpy(vars.buf, arg); if (vars.canary != 0x12345678) { printf("BoF detected!!! Exiting...n"); exit(1); } return 0x5; } cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ ./manual_canary $(python -c 'print "A"*128') BoF detected!!! Exiting... cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ echo $? 1 © 2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 22
  • 23. Runtime time!  What does this look like in gdb? cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ gdb manual_canary Reading symbols from /home/cisco/src/seccon/ch4/manual_canary...(no debugging symbols found)...done. gdb$ break *0x8048499 Breakpoint 1 at 0x8048499 gdb$ r Breakpoint 1, 0x08048499 in func () gdb$ x/w $ebp + 0x4 0xbffff6bc: 0x080484e0 gdb$ x/12w $ebp -0x10 0xbffff6a8: 0xbffff6d8 0x12345678 0x00000001 0xbffff784 0xbffff6b8: 0xbffff6d8 0x080484e0 0x00000000 0xb7ff0590 0xbffff6c8: 0x0804850b 0xb7fbeff4 0x08048500 0x00000000  We protect SEIP © 2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 23
  • 24. What happens if I overwrite the canary?  Try our standard exploit: cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ cc ../ch3/ch3.c -fno-stack-protector -z execstack -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -o ch3 cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ invoke $ exit cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ cc ../ch3/ch3.c -fstack-protector -z execstack -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -o ch3 cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ invoke *** stack smashing detected ***: /home/cisco/src/seccon/ch4/ch3 terminated © 2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 24
  • 25. What is happening?  The buffer overflow overwrites SEIP but also the canary  Canary check fails, execution stops Shellcode Junk SC Add ress Canary OK? STOP!!! can ary © 2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 25
  • 26. Fortify source © 2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 26
  • 27. What it does  Replaces unsafe functions with safe ones, when size can be determined at compile time  String functions (strcpy,…)  Memory functions (memcpy,…)  Formatting functions (sprintf, …)  Works for static stack buffers, and malloced heap buffers  Comes from exec-shield project © 2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 27
  • 28. How to enable it  Compile with the _FORTIFY SOURCE macro (see man 7 feature_test_macros) cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ cc ../ch3/ch3.c -fno-stack-protector -z execstack -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -O1 -g -Wall -o ch3 cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ invoke $ exit cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ cc ../ch3/ch3.c -fno-stack-protector -z execstack -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -O1 -g - Wall -o ch3 cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ invoke *** buffer overflow detected ***: /home/dahtah/src/seccon/ch4/ch3 terminated © 2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 28
  • 29. Under the hood  Compiler knows the size of the buffer. Changes the call to unsafe functions to equivalent safe ones cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ objdump -d -j .text -M intel ch3 | grep -i 'vuln>:' -A 17 0804843c <vuln>: 804843c: 57 push edi 804843d: 81 ec 88 00 00 00 sub esp,0x88 8048443: 8d 7c 24 1c lea edi,[esp+0x1c] 8048447: b9 19 00 00 00 mov ecx,0x19 804844c: b8 00 00 00 00 mov eax,0x0 8048451: f3 ab rep stos DWORD PTR es:[edi],eax 8048453: c7 44 24 08 64 00 00 mov DWORD PTR [esp+0x8],0x64 804845a: 00 804845b: 8b 84 24 90 00 00 00 mov eax,DWORD PTR [esp+0x90] 8048462: 89 44 24 04 mov DWORD PTR [esp+0x4],eax 8048466: 8d 44 24 1c lea eax,[esp+0x1c] 804846a: 89 04 24 mov DWORD PTR [esp],eax 804846d: e8 ce fe ff ff call 8048340 <__strcpy_chk@plt> 8048472: b8 01 00 00 00 mov eax,0x1 8048477: 81 c4 88 00 00 00 add esp,0x88 804847d: 5f pop edi 804847e: c3 ret © 2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 29
  • 30. Left overs © 2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 30
  • 31. ASCII Armor  BoFs based on strings can’t have a null byte  Let’s map anything executable into the lower portion of memory  Addresses will have there MSB set to 0, providing the null byte protection  Only on RHEL/Centos/Fedora  Extremely effective on 64 bits OS $ /bin/ls /proc/self/maps 00101000-00116000 r-xp 00000000 03:01 319365 /lib/ 00116000-00117000 rw-p 00014000 03:01 319365 /lib/ 00117000-0024a000 r-xp 00000000 03:01 319439 /lib/ 0024a000-0024e000 rw-p 00132000 03:01 319439 /lib/ © 2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 31
  • 32. Position independent code (PIE)  Loadable segments are also randomized (Full ASLR)  Combined with previous protections, renders attacks close to impossible  More on this when we talk about ELF and introduce ROP © 2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 32
  • 33. Take away © 2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 33
  • 34. Compilation cisco@kali:~/src/seccon/ch4$ cc ../ch3/ch3.c -fstack-protector -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wl,-z,relro,-z,now -fpie –pie -Wall -o ch3  Not all these options work depending on the dependancies  Know what it exposes to when you turn something off  You have no excuse to make an attackers life easier  Even with all protections enabled, exploitation is still possible © 2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 34
  • 35. Exercise time © 2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 35
  • 36. oo//o/  Compile ch3 program with various options. Take time to understand the protections in place  Try to exploit the example program in the canary section. What is wrong with it?  Disable all protections except one. Can you find a way around it?  Enable Full ASLR. Can you find any non randomized memory zones? © 2013-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 36